I spent two days bored in the living quarters.

In the past two days, no matter whether I was eating or sleeping, I was under the surveillance of those two armed men, and I enjoyed higher treatment than the prisoners in the prison.

It just flattered me a little.

Finally, on the second night, I was abruptly dragged out of bed by two armed men, and escorted to the room where the experiments on human transformation were carried out.

After escorting me in, the two armed men withdrew.

In this way, my eyes skipped over the non-woman and Vijay in the room.


When I saw Vijay, I couldn't help being a little shocked.

Isn't he dead?

I watched helplessly as his heart rate dropped to zero, and after he became a corpse, he was put into a body bag and carried out by two personnel in chemical protective suits.


Being stared at by me, Vijay scratched his head in embarrassment, "Do you think I'm dead?"

Think?It's a fact that you're dead, right?

I didn't answer him, but raised my eyebrows, waiting for his next words.

"I thought I was going to die at first, but it was as if I fell asleep, and I woke up not long after, and it shocked everyone around me."

When Vijay talked about this, he just smirked, as if he had completely forgotten the pain he had suffered.

"It's your turn."

Before I could speak, the doctor waved at the woman.

Immediately afterwards, this fair-skinned and beautiful blonde grabbed my shoulder without any explanation.

Her hands were like a powerful pliers, clasping my shoulders, pinching my shoulders, then lifting me up, pushing open the door and throwing me into the room behind the glass .

While rubbing my shoulders, I stood up straight and looked around.

Nothing but two giant robotic arms.

Are you going to use me as an experiment?
It was very similar to the scene two days ago, Vijay and I looked at each other through a wall of glass, but this time the person outside the glass was him.

"Since I can survive, then you must be fine!"

Vijay said to me seriously.

Although the glass is thick, it is not soundproof, so speaking can still be heard.

I nodded, ready to start acting.

I watched the doctor quietly, and watched his slender index finger press the purple button on the console, and immediately saw clouds of mist rising around him.

Inhaled into the lungs, apart from a little choking, there is no other feeling.

But when I thought about Vijay's performance after inhaling these gases yesterday, I knew I couldn't be too normal.

Immediately, I pretended to be suffocated and started rolling around on the ground.

"He, is he okay?"

Just as I was rolling, I heard Vijay's voice coming from outside the glass.

"It's normal, you came here like this yesterday."

The doctor explained flatly, "Besides, all his physical indicators are normal, and there will be no problem."


After that, Vijay didn't speak any more, and stood outside the glass with the doctor and that woman as if watching a play, watching me quietly.

And I was forced to pretend to be in pain and grab the ground with my head.

If there are people who don't know what's going on here, seeing me like this, they will definitely think that I'm crazy.


Ten minutes later, I saw the doctor press the button again.

I realized that it was time to test my acting skills.

The concentration of the green mist in front of me gradually increased, enveloping my whole body. Whenever I inhaled these green mist, I felt my lungs dry and painful like dehydration.

After roaring loudly for a while with a hoarse voice, I held my breath and curled up on the ground.

"Heart rate drops!"

Only a few seconds later, I heard a woman's voice, "But why is his behavior different from what we have encountered before?"

I was shocked. Sure enough, there was a gap between the forced reaction and the actual effect.

"Everyone's physique is different, and the reaction after being stimulated is of course also different. Just wait and see the final result."

Fortunately, the doctor's words made me feel relieved.

Vijay, who was watching me from the side, was sweating profusely from nervousness. Although I haven't known this guy for a long time, he really suits my taste.

And he was able to survive the experiment of transforming people, which was really unexpected to me.

Half an hour later, the green mist in the room slowly dissipated, and the air gradually became fresher.

But in order to pretend to be more similar, I lay quietly on the ground.

The woman noticed something was wrong with me, she asked in a cold voice, "His physical indicators are all normal, doctor, do you want me to go in and have a look?"

"Go, be careful."


After taking the order, the woman pushed open the door and walked in towards me.

This made me dispel the idea of ​​lying here motionless. I can't hide from this woman when I reorganize my unconscious state here.

However, if I don't pretend, it means that I am already a successfully transformed person.

I definitely can't show my self-healing ability. After all, apart from me, the person who knows my own ability the most is this crazy doctor in front of me. If he sees it, he will definitely recognize it at a glance.

But fortunately, I still have superhuman strength and speed, which is also a trump card, and should be able to barely confuse my identity.

The woman strode up to me in high heels, cast a cold glance at my face, then whipped her leg fiercely towards my head.

The speed was so fast that there was a sonic boom!
You must know that this kind of sound will only be produced after the speed exceeds the speed of sound waves!
If I was kicked in the head, I would probably die suddenly on the spot!

Sure enough, the more beautiful a woman is, the more ruthless she is!
Seeing the whip kick getting closer and closer to me, I knew I couldn't pretend anymore, so I turned over immediately, avoided the moment of the whip kick, bent my body, and using my knee as a fulcrum, punched the woman's abdomen hard Smashed it.


The woman was a little surprised, but she calmly allowed my punch to hit her,


We thought that my punch would at least make her vomit blood, but what we didn't expect was that when she faced my punch, it was as painless as hitting cotton.

"I knew you were pretending to be unconscious. Do you think that your little trick can hide it from me?"

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