Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 470 Yan He Gets Married

Then Mu Yuan didn't say anything.

After all, the girls of this family are in good condition. No matter in terms of education, family background or appearance, the two are very well matched, but they have no feelings for each other.

No feelings……

Mu Yuan felt that he could not accept it.

However, not everyone is as lucky as him, and the person he likes falls in love with him at first sight~
The parents of Yan He and Yue Xin meet.

They are very satisfied with each other, and they are already in the engagement period. Considering that Yan He's most important sister only has time for summer vacation, they set a good date for summer vacation.

But there is still more than half a month left before the summer vacation, and only one month away from their good days.

Time is very fast.

Even Yan He was caught off guard, "Isn't it a little too soon for us to get married? Will there be a good day during the winter vacation? After the winter vacation..."

"Xiaohe, uncle is here to tell you a word of conscience, our Xiaoxin is also the same age as you, and he is focusing on his studies and career.

Now I see that she finally has a date with a boy, I am very excited, you are really old enough to enter into marriage, and you are in a relationship independently, and you are colleagues, you have a relationship foundation, summer vacation It's not too soon to get married. "

Indeed, according to the general situation of blind marriage and dumb marriage, the two are indeed not fast.

But Yan He felt it was too fast.

Yue Xin glanced at him, a little embarrassed.

Yan He didn't say anything else, drank wine with her father, and listened to him tell the gossip and heartache that his daughter suffered because she was not married in a long time.

He didn't even ask for a bride price.

He just hoped that Yan He would treat his daughter well. Although he wished that his daughter would get married immediately, he hoped that his daughter would be treated well by the person he liked.

"Xiaohe, you are the first man my daughter fell in love with, you have to treat her well in the future."


Yan He was out of breath.

It always felt like things were out of his control.

The wedding date is set here, waiting for Yan Hui's return.

Yan Hui was shocked when he learned that his eldest brother got married so soon, "Brother, why did you get married so early? Do you really like her? Will you regret being together?"

"Hinoki, I have already agreed to come down."

Yan He sighed in despair.


Yan Hui didn't know what to say, he agreed to get married, and he really couldn't go back on his word, otherwise he would be very bad to the woman and his reputation would be ruined because of him, but the way the eldest brother looks like now, it really doesn't look like he likes her.

"Brother, do you still have feelings for Xiaoqin?"


Yan He was suddenly questioned, he was with Yue Xin, and he didn't even dare to recall the scenes when he liked Yang Heqin. If that happened, it would be like betraying Yue Xin.

Although this relationship is not autonomous.

But already together, he should assume the responsibility of being a man.

Now being asked, Yan He sighed deeply: "Hinoki, if we could be together, we would have been together a long time ago. I know that she actually hates me. If I get married, there will be one less annoying person in her life. That's fine too."


Yan Hui still felt sorry.

She had been secretly poking and poking with the two of them, but unfortunately they were unsuccessful.

After so many years, it can only be a memory.

"Hinoki, you have to come back when the time comes."

"Okay, I will prepare a big red envelope for you!!!"

"Hahahaha, okay, take good care of yourself over there, don't wrong yourself too much."

"I know, I'm fine."

Yan He hasn't seen her family for half a year. Muyuan proposed to come before, but once there was a landslide here, which frightened her to death and forbade him to come, once because she was too busy, and once because the child had a fever.

Anyway, we haven't seen each other for the last six months.

She also wanted to go home to see her child and Muyuan.

"Then I'll hang up first, bye."


After hanging up with his eldest brother, Yan Hui called Yang Heqin and asked how she was doing now.
Yang Heqin was puzzled: "I'm fine, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, do you want to come to the capital during the summer vacation?"

"Summer vacation, the capital? I heard that your brother is getting married."

"Ah? How do you know?" Yan Hui knew her well, and when he encountered her brother, he wanted to close his ears.

"my mother--

Ever since she got in touch with her aunt, she often called her and found out that Yan He was married, and then she kept nagging in my ears all day long. I really slept because Yan He was married, and I was speechless. "

Yang Heqin's tone was extremely disgusting.

Yan Hui laughed out loud: "Hahaha, if that's the case, then you are really miserable."

"Yeah, I'm bored, so I said, I won't see you in the early summer vacation, and I'll see you again after your brother gets married." Yang Heqin said.

"Okay, then you can come back when the time comes."

"Well, Hinoki, I finally watched the movie with the kiss scene today, hahahahahahaha, I didn't dare to watch it before, it was so embarrassing, and today is also embarrassing, because this is not a rerun, there are very few girls, Most of them are boys, I stare at people kissing, those men just stare at me, it makes me mad!!!”

Yang Heqin thought of that movie.

It was really embarrassing and irritating and angry.

All in all, a lot of emotion.

"Is that too much? Let's book a show!" Yan Hui said boldly.

"Hahahaha, you think my salary is a lot, and now it's only more than 60 yuan. I heard that Muyuan sells cars for hundreds of thousands." Yang Heqin was so envious and jealous.

"Haha, he is very powerful."

When Yan Hui called him, Mu Yuan said that he is currently buying and selling, but he has already recruited a team to study how to produce the car. The current money is basically invested in research. If it can be developed, that is Really make money.

Moreover, Yan Hui has heard that the money that Mu Yuan gave to the research team, the ceiling of the domestic ceiling, is super large.

Because Muyuan feels that talents are very important.

It's not just vans that he's targeting, either.

"When I go to the capital, you have to ask Mu Yuan to treat me!!!" Salted fish like Yang Heqin also envied Mu Yuan's money.


Yan Hui chatted with her for a long time, and felt that she really didn't have feelings for her elder brother. It was a bit regretful, but it was also very good.

However, when Yang Heqin hung up the phone, she squatted down, hugged her knees, and looked ahead in pain. She could feel that she had missed something very important.

But now she can't keep it.

You can't keep it either.

She can't afford to be together.

Yang Heqin breathed out, today her mother cooked hairy crabs for her, she likes it, she likes it, don't be sad, having her mother is more important than anything else.

When she got home, Mother Yang gave her hairy crabs, and Aunt Yang rolled her eyes: "At the beginning, I said to introduce my sister to Yan He, but you still said that, now it's all over, all the good people belong to someone else."

"To shut up!!!"

Papa Yang patted the table, "If you don't want to stay at home, get out, my daughter is fine, I don't need you to be weird."

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