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Chapter 469 Yan He Was Kissed

Although Yue Xin is Yan He's senior sister, she is the same age as Yan He, and the two work in the same company, and she is still his superior.

The two chatted happily.

Yang Heqin was led home by Chengcheng and saw the girl chatting with Yan He, and Yan He never looked this way from the beginning to the end.

Do not know why.

She was a little panicked.

Obviously she doesn't like Yan He either.

Why be unhappy.

"Uncle, who is this aunt?" Mu Tiancheng asked, and smiled at Yue Xin. When I was eating with your uncle in the cafeteria, I heard him say that you are a very cute child, and now I see that you are really cute."

"Thank you, auntie, you are beautiful too."

"Haha, I'm not pretty anymore, the young lady behind you is very pretty." Yue Xin smiled at Yang Heqin.

That graceful appearance is obviously a very cheerful and elegant temperament beauty.

Yang Heqin smiled at her, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, just now I saw that you had something to do with Yan He, do you still have something to do now, I'm leaving just now, you guys talk slowly, goodbye."

Yue Xin waved to them and left, Yan He followed her to leave, the two of them didn't know what to say, they just left, after a long time, Yan He didn't come back until Hu Hu went home to cook.

After Yang Heqin had a meal, Yan's mother followed her to chat with Yang's mother and go shopping.

Yang Heqin was a little absent-minded, and Yang's mother asked her what's wrong, "We went shopping well, and I saw that you were unhappy there, which really affected our shopping, why don't you go back."

Yang Heqin: "..."

"Then I'll go back first, you go shopping."

Seeing that she really left, Mother Yang didn't understand what was wrong with her, so she complained to Mother Yan: "She is like a child, she said she is 25 years old, but she is not enlightened now, it is difficult for me to introduce a blind date to her." Not easy to introduce."

"The one at my house is too."

Mother Yan knew that her son liked Yang Heqin.

She thinks that liking is a very beautiful thing. No matter what the final result is, it is a relationship worth remembering in the memory of youth. However, due to the pressure put on them by all parties, she can only persuade her son to think about life when he likes it until he is 30 years old. Big deal.

The two mothers walked around for a long time.

We also talked about many things, and we feel that we can keep in touch with each other more in the future, even if we don't meet each other, we can still send letters and make phone calls.

Early the next morning, the Yang family left.

When Yang Heqin called Yan Hui again, she heard Yan Hui say, "My brother is in love."

Yang Heqin held the phone tightly and smiled hard: "Yeah, that's pretty good."

"Yes, you can also consider boys, even if you don't get married, it's not bad to have a sneaky chat." Yan Hui feels that her age is directly proportional to her face.

Feel like a high school student.

"I know, Huihui, I have to work overtime today, so I won't chat with you, we'll talk next time."

"Ah good."

Yang Heqin and Yan Hui hung up the phone, walked forward in a daze, and came to a small park, sat on a park chair, stared blankly at the grass in front of them for a long time.

Finally exhale.

So be it.

She has her way, and so does Yan He.

The two finally stopped entanglement.

There is really no one named Yan He in her world anymore, I hope he is happy.

Yang Heqin went back to her own room, turned on the TV, ate some snacks, and laughed happily. She chose the life style she likes, so there should always be something to lose.

One cannot want everything.

She just likes to live freely.

Not to be constrained by the elders who are not close to you, nor to live up to their expectations, and you don't need to bear the burden of life.

No one knew that Yang Heqin once watched a pregnant woman give birth, and seeing her die immediately, her fear was deeply buried in her heart, and she resisted all boys' liking.

Sensitive, she can actually detect who likes her.

In order to avoid death, the mind will automatically convert the other person's likes into dislikes. The more a boy likes herself, the more she hates her.

She has been avoiding Yan He all these years.

I just hope he gives up sooner.

Now that he has given up, she finally doesn't hate him anymore, and Hinoki doesn't have to make things difficult in the future, which is great.

Yang Heqin smiled, looked at the mosaic in the TV, and shed a tear.

The person Yan He talks about, the happiest one is Grandma Mu, she feels that it is time for her family to hold a wedding, hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

"Grandma, it's not that fast."

Ever since they lived together, Grandma Mu also asked Yan He to call her grandma, which made her closer, Yan He readily agreed, so now she calls her grandma.

"It's coming soon, you guys talk first, I'll make preparations with your mother first, it's about the same." In Grandma Mu's thinking, talking about someone is equivalent to getting married.

Yan He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Then you do your work first, I'll go to work first."

"go Go."

Grandma Mu is excited to discuss with Yan's mother where to hold a wedding for Yan He.

When Yan He came to the research institute, he found Yue Xin was waiting for her, so he walked over, "Why are you here, why don't you go in?"

"I want to take care of the private matter first. After my parents know that I'm talking to you, they hope that the parents of both parties can meet and settle the marriage quickly. What's your family's reaction?"

Both of them are quite old.

Especially Yue Xin, she is a girl, and her family's urging of marriage will only be more serious than that of boys, and she is urging her to marry all the time.

"My family is fine."

Yan He felt that the progress of the two was too fast.

From realizing that he was in love to getting married, it felt like an instant, and he didn't even have a real feeling.

The love he had longed for was not like this.

With Yue Xin, it's convenient for the two of them to talk about work, and he appreciates her talent, but they haven't been in a relationship until now.

The reason they were together was also because when everyone was drinking together that day, Yue Xin accidentally kissed him, and many people saw him, so he needs to be responsible.

"Then let's meet this weekend."


Yan He nodded and went to work. Compared with getting along with her as a partner, he felt that the relationship with Yue Xin was more suitable as a colleague. The two agreed on many points of view.

Including the future development of computers.

The opinions of the two are almost the same.

And every time when talking about business affairs, the other party can always understand the inspiration that bursts out.

He felt that he had brotherly feelings for Yue Xin.

It is a brotherhood that can go to the battlefield together, but cannot share the bed together.

But the two kissed in full view.

Then you have to be responsible.

Before Mu Yuan asked him, was he being tricked?

Yan He shook her head, feeling that it was impossible, she was a very open and generous person, and it was really a series of accidents that day that led to that kiss.

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