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Chapter 366 Agreed?

"Brother Yuan, if there is anything that needs my help, I am obliged."

The person he is most grateful to in this world is Yan Hui, so he is willing to do whatever Mu Yuan needs him to do, even if he goes up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire.

"It's not that serious, but it's not too bad." Mu Yuan pondered for a moment and asked him, "Do you know Hong Kong City?"

"I know, Little Paradise."

Lin Zhishu didn't have any sense of expectation for such a place, he just felt it was a vain place, because he knew that they couldn't touch it without touching it.

"Then do you want to go and see?"


Lin Zhishu was at a loss.

What can he do in Hong Kong?

"If I say I need you to go to Hong Kong City and do me a favor, do you have any ideas?" Mu Yuan asked tentatively.


Lin Zhishu answered without hesitation.

It seems that every second is disrespect to oneself.

Mu Yuan glanced at Gu Linran, and Gu Linran told him about the current situation in Hong Kong City, Lin Zhishu's three views have been refreshed: "Then other people are so extravagant? Wouldn't it be that many people want to go to Hong Kong City? "

Gu Linran nodded slightly, "It's quite extravagant, but the slums are also known to be dirty and messy, and they will be more dangerous than ours, regardless of the ability to be fair."

Last time his poor nature had an outburst.

Just living in the building known as the dark heart of Hong Kong City, he was almost scared to death. He promised that he would never dare to live alone in it next time.

Unless Brother Yuan accompanied him.

Otherwise he feels insecure.

"So... what can I do?"

After listening to Gu Linran's words, he thought that he didn't have the ability to go to Hong Kong City to make a fortune, or he couldn't do anything in Hong Kong City just because of his background. He must belong to the bottom class of people.

"Now you definitely can't do anything, but if you want, we are willing to pay to train you so that you can do something for us in the future."

Gu Linran's words.

Lin Zhishu was still a little confused.

Spend money to train him? ? ?
"How much will it cost? Will it be expensive? What if I can't do it in the future?"

It's not that he's not confident, but the current situation is really realistic, and if his reward in the future is lower than what they paid, he will have trouble getting through that test in his heart.

"It doesn't need too much, it's only about 10." Gu Linran said lightly, seeing Lin Zhishu's shocked expression on his chin, he was in a happy mood.

He just said, normal people would be shocked to death when they heard about a hundred thousand, unlike Brother Yuan, it seems that a hundred thousand is just a few numbers.

Although it is true.

But born inland.

He still couldn't face 10 people calmly.

"No... no, where did you get so much money?" Although he knew that Brother Yuan must have a lot of money when he was the captain of the team, the factory manager, and a member of the transportation team before, but at most his savings would be Just a thousand dollars.

How could there be so much money?

Capitalists don't have that much money.

You must know that he has worked so hard for so long, and the money he has saved is only 120, three yuan and seventy-eight cents.

Spend [-] yuan to train him.

He would rather that those hundreds of thousands never met him.

Even if he cut himself up, he wouldn't be able to make more than 10 yuan if he sold a piece of meat to others.

"You don't have to worry about the source of the money, and you don't need to worry about it so much. You just need to use the platform I provide you to the extreme, and there should be a price for you to obtain these." Mu Yuan said.


"Fake death, change name."


Lin Zhishu's head was stuck, "Does that mean that I have to say goodbye to my little friends?"


Mu Yuan nodded.

The man slowly drank the wine in the glass, and looked at Lin Zhishu with his narrow and deep black eyes: "The reason why I chose you is because your family background and personality meet my standards, and I am not only Only will choose you.

You have to be clear, no one will be nice to a person for no reason, I must have something in mind, you are grateful to me now, but after four years, you have learned something, and the value you create will exceed the money I invested , at that time, you will want to overthrow me.

And then... you're going to fall badly.

Think about it carefully, think about whether you have the ability to resist the temptation of the outside world, and then think about whether you dare to fight and go to Hong Kong City instead of living here and becoming the person who lost the chance to go to college.

You know it better than anyone.

It's not a good feeling to be pitied. "

After saying that, Mu Yuan put down his wine glass, patted Lin Zhishu on the shoulder, "Think about it, if you feel good, come to me at noon tomorrow."

"Wait, can I ask what you guys want to train me for and what do you want me to do?"

"Train your ability to communicate with foreigners in foreign languages, and learn to analyze international trends, and then make my brand famous all over the world, that's it."

"Become a capitalist???"

Lin Zhishu is very resistant to capitalists.

He feels that the capitalists are constantly squeezing them, which makes them so poor.

"Almost, but you have to understand that every group has good and bad. You can squander your money and do some shady things, but you can also use it for charity to help many people. One How do you do things? Look at your heart, not the labels you have been given."

Officials have corrupt officials.

Capitalists are not good.

It's just that Mu Yuan doesn't want to talk too much, because saying this kind of thing is never as good as doing it.

He can donate almost half of his property to the flood in his hometown, and he can also use human nature to make money.

That doesn't mean he's particularly good or particularly good.

It can only be said that everyone's choice is different.

As long as you don't commit crimes.

Don't do those outrageous things.

In Muyuan, everything is fine.

Mu Yuan left Zhishu Lin's room.

Lin Zhishu is still thinking about what he said just now, will the capitalists be good?
He didn't know and never met.

But if Mu Yuan is the capitalist, he believes it is good.

The young man fell into confusion again. He didn't know how to choose the road ahead, and what he would face. With his identity and experience, an ordinary person in a small village went to a bustling metropolis , Is it really alright, like Brother Yuan just said, can he resist the temptation?If he was given 100 million to leave Brother Yuan and frame him, would he accept it?

Even if he is still young.

I also know that for some people, loyalty is the most important thing. Can he be loyal to Muyuan?

Lin Zhishu thought for a long time.

As long as Mu Yuan is loyal to Yan Hui.

he can.

But what about your own abilities?
Does he have the ability to promote the Muyuan brand to the world?

Of course there is no such thing.

He was very afraid that his ability was not worthy of the 10 yuan.

That would disappoint Mu Yuan's expectations.

But apart from accepting Muyuan's kindness, he can only live in this small place...

The sky gradually brightened.

Through the halo projected in, Lin Zhishu saw the unreturned lunch box on the table.

It was given to him by Mu Simo.

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