Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 365 Marriage?

"Well, abroad."

The more he gets in touch with Hong Kong City, the more Mu Yuan realizes the gap between domestic and foreign countries. He needs to have a solid foundation in Hong Kong City and become famous abroad, so that he can really make money.

no way.

The money of the Chinese people cannot be earned.

Then try your best to squeeze the wool of foreigners.

"Then you asked him to promote the stars of our entertainment company?" Gu Linran couldn't figure it out. Mu Ming did a good job in this area. Although he doesn't understand English, it doesn't prevent him from being able to command people.

"The entertainment company Muminglai can handle it, and Lin Zhishu will develop other tracks. I didn't expect it at the moment, but I can spend 10,000+ to send him to Hong Kong City University for further study, or he can go abroad directly after studying for a year or two. Wait for him After you can adapt to the habits of foreigners, you should be able to think of it."

Mu Yuan's words directly shocked Gu Linran.

Will it cost him a little too much?

Although Zhishu Lin looked good, but only in this small place, he didn't find any talent in Zhishu Lin in other respects.



Mu Yuan has always been willing to spend money on things that should be done.

"Is it a little too much..."

He felt that Brother Yuan didn't spend so much money on treating his younger siblings.

Besides, 10,000+ is not a small number.

Few people in the country can spend so much money now. He spent so much on education for Lin Zhishu, can he really get back his money?
"Fortunately, he won't let me down."

Mu Yuan is not doing charity either. He is more accurate in judging people. Lin Zhishu is a person who can withstand big storms. You can see from his behavior in the past two days. make a choice.

Even if it is very difficult.

But he didn't need reassurance.

Heal alone.

And this matter will be deeply buried in his heart, and will never be revealed again.

Seeing that Mu Yuan had made up his mind, Gu Linran didn't say anything else. He had to say that his brother Yuan was really kind to his brother, but...

"Should we ask him what he thinks, who else will send him to Hong Kong City?"

Mu Minglai took the two children to Hong Kong City.

All by a lone courage.

Is it the same for Mu Yuan?

Mu Yuan looked at him with self-evident eyes, otherwise?

Who can send him? ? ?

Gu Linran was silent, and prayed for Lin Zhishu. After a little preparation, he pushed open the trembling door of the cabin, walked to the Lin family brigade with Mu Yuan, and knocked on the door of Lin Zhishu's study.

Lin Zhishu didn't sleep.

But now it must be at least 2 o'clock in the morning. It is inevitable that he will bring some panic to his heart when he is knocked suddenly, and he lives in a relatively remote place. Will there be some drunkards and gamblers who come to make trouble? Scythe, cleared his throat, raised his voice and asked, "Who!"

That pretended to be strong.

Mu Yuan and Gu Linran couldn't help laughing.


Mu Yuan spoke.

Lin Zhishu immediately recognized that it was Mu Yuan, immediately put down his guard, threw the sickle under the bed, opened the door and saw him and Gu Linran, and looked at them in surprise: "Brother Yuan, Brother Gu, why are you so late at night?" Come to me?"

"It's free, come and sit here."

Mu Yuan went straight into his room, it was snowing outside, and he was warming up in the room, he would be foolish not to come in.

Gu Linran also got in.

Smiling at Lin Zhishu, he raised the white wine in his hand: "Let's chat casually, do you want a drink?"

"No, I can't drink."

He hates his dad's drinking very much.

So never want to drink again.

"That's right, you're still a minor." Gu Linran shook his head and sighed, but without any sense of regret, he sat down with Mu Yuan and poured wine into his and Mu Yuan's glasses.

Lin Zhishu didn't understand the purpose of their visit. He looked around his house and found that all the places where he could sit were occupied, so he could only stand obediently and ask like a student, "Brother Yuan, Brother Gu, are you here?" What's the matter with me?"

He couldn't believe that the two of them were boring.

It's fine if it's Gu Linran, he's lonely and bored, he can go around.

Ke Muyuan...

Forget it, as far as his clinging to the teacher is concerned, if life didn't force him to do something, he would definitely be able to stay with the teacher all the time and never be separated from him.

Now at night, instead of staying with the teacher, he came to visit him. Thinking about it a little bit, it felt outrageous.

"It's not a big deal, just ask what you plan to do in the future, whether to be a team leader in the factory, then promoted to supervisor, or become a teacher."

With Lin Zhishu's qualifications, he was admitted to Qing University.

There is nothing wrong with being a teacher.

"I should go to the factory."

The factory makes a lot of money, so he wants to get promoted quickly.

Hurry up and make a little more money and get yourself a home.

"The factory is also very good. The salary of the factory manager is more than 80. It's a pity that you are from the Lin Family Brigade. Otherwise, you will earn more if you are promoted as a cadre in the Mujia Brigade."

Mu Yuan said with emotion.

"Brother Yuan, do you want me to join the shepherd's brigade?"

Lin Zhishu's words made Mu Yuan, who was about to drink, glad that he slowed down just now, otherwise he would definitely choke to death now.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Didn't you say that I earn more as a member of the herdsman brigade? The only way I can think of to become a herdsman is to become a husband."

If he is admitted to Tsinghua University, he can consider becoming a married woman.

But now he has nothing, so don't delay the girl he likes.

See him asking serious questions.

Gu Linran couldn't help laughing until his stomach ached.

Why didn't he find Lin Zhishu so funny before.

The corner of Mu Yuan's mouth twitched, "I don't mean that, but if you like girls from our brigade, you can consider it."

"let it go."

Lin Zhishu vetoed it very quickly.

He has no interest in being someone else's son.

But he was very puzzled, what exactly was Mu Yuan looking for him for, maybe it was to comfort himself specially, because he had lost the chance to go to college.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhishu was very moved, and said to Mu Yuan: "Brother Yuan, I can't go to college. To be honest, I am quite desperate. Really, I feel that fate is very unfair, but I am also not that fragile. what happened."

Of course he was desperate.

But now he is much better than before.

Especially in the days when his father was drinking and gambling, he needed to learn to work, and he had to be beaten and scolded.

Now he is alone, although occasionally loneliness will surround him, but he is also chic and at ease.

And, now he still has a job.

very good already.

Life is always accompanied by troubles.

I can only be content with myself.

Otherwise, how would he live.

"Not to comfort you..."

Mu Yuan didn't understand Lin Zhishu.

Does he seem like a thoughtful person to you?

I will also come to comfort him.

Is he going crazy because he has nothing to do? His wife is waiting for him. It's winter. Wouldn't it be nice to share the bed with his wife?

"There's something I want to talk to you about."

"Oh oh, so, okay."

Lin Zhishu felt relieved.

He just said, Brother Yuan doesn't look like a person who can comfort others.

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