Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 360 I have too many men

Mu Simo nodded with a smile.

Step up and walk out the door.

In fact, she really wanted to tell her sister-in-law that now she no longer needs other people's praise.

She likes the recognition of herself from the bottom of her heart.

Admitted to the university.

She feels great.

That's what she learned from Chen Zeying, that's the appreciation of self.

Chen Zeying is a very independent girl, but she is not rigid. She has her own self, but she does not block the world. Such a posture is really enviable.

She gradually got to know Chen Zeying.

I also admire her more and more.

And as they got along for more than two years, they gradually made each other best friends.

She gradually knew the story that happened to Chen Zeying.

Far worse than her.

He was labeled as a child and abandoned by his father.

Maybe she can go to her father to live a good life, but Chen Zeying has her own pride, she disdains it!
But helplessly, her grandfather is not bad.

I am often pulled by the red armband to criticize—1—fight.

She also encountered a lot of bad things.

For example, small is excluded.

The big ones were beaten for no reason.

Not just kids, but adults too.

Chen Zeying seems to be a tool to vent his anger.

She was much more miserable than herself, but the two approached completely opposite. She was more tolerant, but Chen Zeying only wanted to kill the other party.

She is the kind, if you treat me well, I will remember you forever.But if you want to bully me, even if I try my best, I will deal with you, regardless of whether your eighteen generations of ancestors were born as the most glorious poor peasants, or whether I am the granddaughter of the most despised capitalist.

She just needs to tell you.

In her world, you are weak!

Infected by her, Mu Simo will pay more and more attention to her own feelings, and at the same time pay attention to the feelings of her family members.

at the same time.

Those people will gradually be forgotten.

Because her family is the one who spends the longest time with her and treats her best!
Among them, nothing has influenced her more than her sister-in-law.

I just answered the reporter's question. The reason why I answered that I want to help the girl is because of her.

Once her world was dark, but a ray of light fell.

Really beautiful.

Even with goodness.

But she didn't actually have a female friend in the brigade from the beginning to the end, and she didn't know whether it was resistance or disgust?

Maybe it doesn't feel right?
The idea is strange, but there are traces.

When I was a child, girls liked to jump rubber bands. She was either forgotten by everyone, or she had to be a wooden stake.

Been bullied all the time at school.

All kinds of past made it impossible for her not to dislike the people in the brigade.

In fact, after the sister-in-law appeared, many people wanted to be friends with her.

Because her food and clothing are the best in the brigade.

Many girls would ask her to borrow clothes, without exception, Mu Simo refused them all.

She didn't mean to look down on people.

But everyone who has bullied you and looked down on you will tell you when your life gets better: You and I are the best in the world.

Really ridiculous! !


She was really, really happy to be admitted to university and to leave this place.

Mu Simo calmed down.

Raise a smile and go to help distribute things.

Now there are several teams at the gate, just waiting for the distribution of candies and biscuits.

Children can also play tricks. In order to eat more delicious food, they have to queue for several rounds.

Today is a day of great joy.

The shepherds did not intend to care about it.

The bustle and bustle at the door is regarded as adding popularity.

Seeing her smiling, Chen Zeying leaned over and bumped her arm: "How is it?"

"Very good, the question asked is relatively simple."

"I mean, doesn't that guy look good?" Chen Zeying whispered in her ear, "I see you are smiling like a spring breeze."

Mu Simo, who was holding the basin, almost couldn't hold back and dropped the basin, did she think she was a pervert? !

Come on, she only likes the people on the poster.

Not real people!
As for the boys in real life, she would be ashamed to look at any boy who caught her eyes a little bit...

Very timid.

But Mu Simo would still fight back when she was teased by her good sister, so she said blankly: "You will take a closer look later, if it is suitable, you can leave her home address earlier, so that when you go to the capital, you can Contact him."

"Tsk, what about you?"

What interest could she have in that man?

"Why are you talking about me? There are already many men in my room."

Mu Simo's words just happened to be heard by Gu Linran, who walked around behind her to pick up candy and biscuits, paused his hands slightly, and looked at her in shock.

There was a turbulent wave in his heart, and his facial expressions were completely uncontrollable.

He was directly caught by the two of them.

Mu Simo was extremely embarrassed.

Blame Chen Zeying!

Hum ╭(╯^╰)╮

Chen Zeying looked at Gu Linran indifferently: "Why, it's very busy, the people in your team are still waiting for you, hurry up and do some work."

The things are all from the shepherds, and they must have taken advantage of them.

After all, both of them are outsiders.

But no matter what, there is always something wrong with being active.

Gu Linran looked at her frankly, as if what Mu Simo just said was normal, and couldn't help but start to wonder if there was something wrong with his own thinking, which made him feel that Mu Simo was so abnormal

When he was slowly going to distribute things, he couldn't help but glance at Mu Simo.

Mu Simo immediately avoided his gaze.

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! !

Really embarrassing.

Gu Linran is her brother's good brother. In her eyes, she is no different from her elders. She really doesn't know how to explain it. She really doesn't want others to know that she likes to hide posters of male stars.

The girl's face was quickly stained with a blush, as cute as ever.

The corners of Gu Linran's mouth raised unconsciously.

Chen Zeying blocked his sight, and looked at him with unkind eyes, as if to say: If you dare to look at the fuck again, I will smash your head!
Gu Linran naturally looked away.

It was not the first time that Chen Zeying looked at her like that, just get used to it.

He had seen how reckless she was when they went to the Great Northern Wilderness together before.

See someone being bullied.

When the road is uneven, draw your sword to help, one against seven! !
Those are seven strong men.

She was unarmed, and rushed forward without hesitation at all, nor did she discuss it with him...

And win.

Well, he's being self-indulgent.

And this kind of plot of heroes saving the beauty was staged three times in just the days of the Great Northern Wilderness.

From the shock at the beginning, it gradually became numb, and finally appreciated directly.

There is no one else in the mental journey.

Chen Zeying can beat others, but it's okay to beat him, he is so weak, he would die from a little fight.

Should say or not.

He felt that Chen Zeying had a strong aura.

"Gu Linran, it's time for you to be interviewed." Yan Hui came to the door: "Give me your things."

Gu Linran was taken aback: "You and Brother Yuan have already been interviewed?"

"No, he's entertaining guests. He doesn't have time. Zeying and I also have something to talk about, so you go and talk first."

"Oh oh oh, good."

Gu Linran gave the things to his sister-in-law and went in.

Chen Zeying looked at Yan Hui suspiciously, and Yan Hui whispered: "I will ask your grandfather about it later, try to be perfunctory, otherwise I will get stuck in the political trial again."

Her grandfather is the most hated capitalist by everyone nowadays.

In the eyes of many people, capitalists exploit farmers.

How can the capitalist's granddaughter go to college.

Certainly not!

Just now, the teacher of Tsinghua University also revealed a little bit of that meaning. The reason why Chen Zeying passed the political review had a lot to do with her willingness to take the initiative to rescue the disaster and play a major role.

Otherwise, going to college is tantamount to dreaming!
There may not even be exam qualifications.

Chen Zeying clenched her fists for an instant, her teeth creaked, and her cold eyes sparkled, making the child who received her candy tremble all over.

This sister is so scary! ! !
After getting the things, leave quickly.

Quickly change to another team and continue to line up.

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