Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 359 Interviewed

The advance notices from the county have basically been delivered except those from the capital, but now everyone from the capital has come.

His acceptance letter hasn't arrived yet!
Lin Zhishu looked at Mu Simo being wrapped up enviously by everyone, and Gu Linran beside her was also imposing, and he was a little envious in his heart. How could anyone not be proud of getting the admission letter from the capital.

It is a university that is well known to all people across the country.

best school.

I can meet masters in many fields, be taught by them, and gallop in the ocean of learning.

His dream school.

It is also Tsinghua University!

For that, he really went out of his way.

Then why is there no admission letter yet.

Yan Hui looked at him standing there in a daze, called him over and asked him, and frowned when he heard that he hadn't received the admission notice, especially thinking about the experience in her previous life, it also made her a little panicked: "You go first The commune will ask what is going on with your situation, and whether you can investigate the results."

Lin Zhishu nodded, and walked to the commune.

When I went out, I happened to meet a smiling girl. Even though Mu Simo felt depressed that she was not No. 1, she was really satisfied with the No. 2 result, so she was all smiles.

"Lin Zhishu, where are you going?"

"I'll go to the commune to congratulate you on getting such a good grade."

"It's okay, how are you doing now..."

She also knew that Lin Zhishu had not received the admission notice.

I heard that it is very likely to be lost, but the school that was admitted should not be Tsinghua University.

Because all the teachers from Tsinghua University came, and he sent the admission notice.

But no matter what school, as long as you can go to college, it is very good.

"I'm fine, I guess I lost it, I'll go to the post office and ask, don't worry about me, celebrate yourself." Zhishu Lin comforted, his heart sank.

Because he couldn't make sure that the admission letter was lost.

It's okay to lose it, just show the political review materials and make another copy.

But if you fail the exam, or if you don't get in...

Lin Zhishu didn't dare to think any more, and left quickly.

The teacher of Tsinghua University and the secretary of the county management committee watched Lin Zhishu leave, and asked who he was, and Yan Hui introduced him to them. He was his student, a very serious and hardworking child.

He is the only one at home.

The two looked at each other with admiration in their eyes.

Such children are their favourite.

Work hard, don't rush.

I don't dislike my origin, I just want to go up.

They were chatting in the living room, and Mu Yuan was commanded by his grandfather to set off firecrackers, and Mu Yuan paid for the firecrackers himself.

Yan Hui asked to buy it.

Grandparents have little money, and firecrackers are too expensive.

In particular, there are too many people admitted.

There must be a lot of firecrackers.

The children were so happy, because the firecrackers have squibs, but the Mu family has the little overlord Mu Tianhu.

She forbids others to pick it up.

Otherwise get angry.

Because she wants to play too.

At this moment, she stood obediently at the door and watched the firecrackers, because she wanted to guard them to prevent someone from stealing her firecrackers while they were setting off the firecrackers.

This behavior is fine.

Yan Hui is very supportive, because she is also afraid that some children will play and break into the area where the firecrackers are set off. This kind of thing happens from time to time, and Yan Hui is very upset. With the little bully Mu Tianhu around, she doesn't need to worry about it .

Mu Tianhu was aggressive.

Everyone couldn't help laughing, envious that their whole family could be admitted to a good university, and after a certain level of envy, it would turn into admiration.

You will admire this family very much.

I can't help but wonder, how can I get admitted to Tsinghua University? Looking at their situation, Tsinghua University is like a Chinese cabbage, and they can be admitted casually.

Even Mu Siyan, he didn't go to Qing University.

The secretary of the commune said that Mu Siyan's grades were good at Tsinghua University, but he was unlucky and didn't predict good grades, which led to the need for the South. Fortunately, it is also a good school.

Otherwise, they would not be reconciled to Mu Siyan.

Crackling firecrackers are endless.

The candies and biscuits didn't stop, they were all brought back by Muyuan directly, there were two big boxes, and they were distributed casually.

Whether it is firecrackers or biscuits and candies, they all represent the joy of the family.

Grandpa Mu was complimented by everyone, and he couldn't stop smiling. In his life, he never felt that his waist could be so straight!
It was the child who won glory for him.

I decided directly from the bottom of my heart that I will go up the mountain to worship the ancestors tomorrow!
Such a good thing, how can I not tell my ancestors, and the parents of three children, the children are so promising, thanks to their blessings, they see the children so well in heaven, and they should be able to rest in peace.

Grandparents were tired of distributing biscuits and candies, so they let Chen Zeying and Mu Simo take over, and Mu Simo was being questioned there.

Reporter questioning! ! !
Mu Simo swallowed, and tugged at the corner of her clothes nervously. The reporter's camera flashed there, and Mu Simo's heart was beating wildly. The reporter asked her how she studied and why she was so motivated to study. Sister-in-law, what do you think of one first and one third.

"Learning is concentration. Don't think that it is difficult to do it. You must devote yourself to it. I have been like this since I was a child. I have nothing special to share.

In terms of motivation... Before I was studying, my grandparents would be happy to be admitted to the first place. In the future, I want to be useful to the country, especially to help our women.

As for my sister-in-law who is third, she said that she is already very satisfied, even beyond expectations. I am happy for her. As for my brother... To be honest, I am a little envious, but when I think about it, it is understandable that my elder brother won the first place .

He has a very good psychological quality. After setting a goal, he must go to accomplish it. He is very hardworking, and since I was young, I have no idea what he wants to do or not. "

From the words, the reporter can clearly see that the little girl admires her elder brother very much. After a short period of observation, she can also find that the siblings have a good relationship.

But... Mu Simo's learning method is more or less the envy of the reporter.

Focus, easy to say.

But it is difficult to do it.

I heard that she has rarely been the second since she was a child.

Little · Especially after high school.

This is the first time! ! !
Perhaps only when the academic performance is good to a certain extent, will you be unhappy because your grades are the second in the province.

These are unusual, because he has never dabbled in the world of a top student, but Mu Simo's dream made him very interested, "Why is the motivation to help women? The college entrance examination has not resumed at that time."

"Because I want to prove that girls are not worse than boys in their studies. During the summer vacation when I was in junior high school, I followed my sister-in-law to visit many junior high school classmates. Their parents said that girls' studies are useless, so it is better to go early. I want to marry someone, and how can girls get better grades than boys, I just want to tell everyone, I am number one, I am a girl!"

Mu Simo put aside her usual soft-spoken tone, and became sonorous and forceful.

The reporter was a little moved, but also very ruthless: "But you got second in the exam this time."

"Yes, I'm sorry."

Mu Simo didn't have the ability to hide his emotions, and he was honest with reporters: "Actually, I didn't expect to be number one. There are so many talents in the province. How could it be me? But when I heard that I was number two, I I'm not reconciled, if I work harder and be more careful, I will be number one."

The girl's eyes are clear and pure.

Stained with some tears.

But without waiting for the reporter to comfort him, he smiled again: "But the first three, there are two girls!"

The reporter also couldn't hold back the corners of his mouth: "Yes, there are two girls in the top three, there are eight students in Tsinghua University, and girls account for five."

"So, it's not just my battle alone."

Mu Simo smiled at the reporter.A girl with bright eyes and bright teeth, her smile is like a ray of breeze, piercing into people's hearts.

Even a reporter from the capital couldn't help but feel the pure beauty of her soul: "Then I wish you success, and use your knowledge to help more girls."

"I will!"

Mu Simo's eyes were firm.

He went out happily and called his sister-in-law to come in.

Yan Hui asked her why she was so happy.

Mu Simo said: "That reporter friend wished me to help many girls."

"That's a really nice blessing."

Yan Hui rubbed Mu Simo's hair with a smile: "I went to help Zeying distribute biscuits and candies, and I was praised by everyone. Our family, Simo, is a super good girl."

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