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Chapter 331 Feed My Sister

Just when everyone was caught off guard, the child seemed to be pushed down by the old man in the proud eyes of the old man, and then made a loud noise, the child was stunned for three seconds, and cried loudly, which was earth-shattering and attracted the attention of many people .

"You touch porcelain!"

The two old people hurriedly said, "The two of us didn't bully you, little boy, don't cry here."

"Wooooow, bullying children..."

Mu Tiancheng cried and shouted.

Many people came to watch.

Mu Tianhu, who was like a small firecracker, stared fiercely at the two old men, raised his hands behind his back, arched his body, and rushed directly in front of the two as if sprinting for a hundred meters, and then stretched out his arms, directly knocking them down .

But because the little girl is so young, no one will believe that just a two or three-year-old girl can easily knock down two 60-year-old old people.

Mu Tianhu was also stunned for two seconds.

Then cheered and applauded happily: "Look, Mom and Dad, I'm so good."

The conductor hurriedly helped the parents up, and the two shook off their daughters and scolded: "You are really two losers. It seems that people like you can only give birth to losers!" Yan Hui burst out with anger from the ground, and kept rushing to the sky.


Where the family of three stood, the luggage fell down, Yan Hui looked at a certain comrade who did evil, and Mu Yuan stared at the family of three coldly.

The two old men opened their heads directly.

Blood slid down the crooked cheeks, it was really shockingly ugly, vaguely scary.

The onlookers stepped aside one after another.

The two old people wanted to put this matter on Yan Hui's head and ask her to pay for the medical expenses.

But Yan Hui kept a distance from them, it was impossible, and no one knew why those luggage suddenly fell down, so he could only suffer from being dumb.

"It's right for you to bully my sister, you two big villains, lose money, look at my sister's arms are all black, it's you, you are a big villain, hurry up and lose money, I will tell the police uncle, you are big Scoundrel, I’m going to find the conductor of the train, and I’m going to tell him that you are big villains, lose money quickly, and apologize quickly!” Mu Tianhu’s voice is famously loud.

Constantly yelling in front of Kai Piao and the two elderly people made their minds chaotic, and they felt the dense pain like needles piercing their brains.

The conductor wanted to kick Mu Tianhu away, "Which little girl would be as disobedient as you, making a lot of noise and having no family education at all."

"You don't have any tutoring at all, your home is not home at all, your home is a rat's nest!" Mu Tianhu snorted, not forgetting the theme: "Hurry up and lose money, hurry up and apologize, hurry up and lose money, hurry up and apologize... ..."

Seeing her yelling constantly, the conductor really couldn't help kicking her.

Mu Tianhu has learned kung fu.

And he has been strong since he was a child. When the conductor is about to move his legs, everyone can see clearly, and there is another howl: "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow , someone is hitting a child, someone is hitting a child. He's a big villain, he bullies children no matter what, even kicks me..."

"I really can't stand it anymore. You don't need to go too far. When someone's mother went to fetch water, you jumped in the line abruptly and almost pushed him down. I want you to apologize. You used the old to sell the old and bullied two children. Could it be too much, the little girl's arm is already black, you won't lose money, I just want to ask how there is such a conductor!"

"That's right!"

"Apologize quickly, lose money quickly..."

Everyone shouted the slogan of Mu Tianhu.

The conductor's face was as dark as water, "We didn't do anything, and as a young man, shouldn't it be right for the old man?"

Everyone scoffed at this statement.

There is no way, the people here are basically young people, and their persuasive power is not strong at all.


Mu Tianhu cried loudly.

With her naturally loud voice, she quickly attracted the conductors of other carriages, and after learning the whole story, she hurriedly told the police.

The policeman came, seeing the admirable clothes, Mu Tianhu knew who it was, and cheered, "Uncle policeman, they bullied my mother first and then my sister, and now they are bullying me!"

She is not good at wronging Baba.

But it's really quick to complain.

The marshals asked the ins and outs clearly and asked them to apologize to Yan Hui and compensate Mu Tiancheng and Mu Tianhu. The amount of compensation was not high, only 1 yuan.

But look at the pained expressions of those two old men.

It's so refreshing to see.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……

Mu Tianhu and Mu Tiancheng looked at each other, smiling with crooked eyebrows, like the little fox with its tail cocked triumphantly, Yan Hui asked Mu Yuan to block the sight of others looking at him, and looked at Mu Tiancheng's arm: "You You made such a big move just now, are you really okay?"

Mu Tiancheng shook his head: "It's okay, Dad said that the movement was just loud, but it didn't actually hurt."

Anyway, Dad said it.

Mom can't be bullied by others.


That was her Mu Tiancheng's mother.

Mu Tiancheng watched her mother check her body, and kissed her on the face, "Mom, I'm fine, don't worry~"

"Okay, okay, goodbye next time."

She didn't scare anyone.

It frightened her, a mother, enough.

"Know it!"

Mu Tiancheng agreed against his will.

Definitely will next time.

Hee hee hee hee hee hee……

It’s time for dinner, the day that Mu Tianhu is looking forward to the most, the train crew has changed, and someone is pushing a small trolley and shouting what food to buy, so Mu Tianhu raised his head and asked obediently: “Sister, do you have braised pork? ?”

The train conductor was elated, and was overwhelmed by her cute and cute appearance, especially since she was already a mother, she could brag about being called sister by a three-year-old child for the rest of her life!

He leaned down and said to her: "Yes, no ticket, one yuan and two copies."

"Father, meat, money!!!"

Mu Tianhu called Mu Yuan.

Mu Yuan was in charge of giving the money. The reason why the money was on him was simple and rude, and it was not easy to be stolen. He looked like he was not easy to mess with. The reason why he didn't do much just now was because he wanted to train the two daughters.

They will definitely criticize a lot in the future.

The two sisters have to work together.

No matter what others say, as long as they have a tacit understanding between them, Mu Yuan actually doesn't expect the child to be perfect, but he very much hopes that his child will be brave.

Dare to say no, dare to refute.

Dare to live out what you want most.

This requires confidence.

It also needs to be honed slowly.

Mu Tianhu, who was full of greasy food, didn't even think about it so much, eating and drinking, it was really a happy day, hehehe.

Play to the end.

Mu Tiancheng didn't eat by himself.

It was fed by my sister.

Mu Tiancheng was a little desperate, feeling that this was definitely the most uncomfortable time for her to eat, because she had to open her mouth very wide in order to eat the food given by her sister.

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