Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 330 Let's Play~

When he got the opportunity to ask for leave, Yan Hui started to arrange the teacher's affairs. After all, he had a task and couldn't play casually. The two had to go to Lishi first.

Yan Hui needs to see his former teacher.

Ask her if she is willing to come to a small village to support education, and also walk with Mu Yuan along the road she may not have traveled for a long time.

"I also need to go!!!"

Mu Tiancheng sensed that his parents were going to leave, so he kept pestering them, his big black and white eyes full of accusations.

How can they play.

Don't bring yourself!

Huh, big badass.

She also wants to play, okay?

Yan Hui squatted down and said softly: "Mom and Dad are not going out this time just for fun, but also to do something, so I can't take you there, but next time I have a chance, I will definitely take you with me, okay?"

Mu Tiancheng shook his head firmly.

I don't know when the next time will be.

She doesn't believe it!

Hmph, don't bully her little one.

A kid doesn't mean stupid.

Yan Hui has nothing to do with her. If Mu Tianhu is crying, he can find other things to seduce her, but the little girl's troubles have never been so easy to settle, so I can only explain the facts, "Then you don't have a proof, there is no way to go .”

"Who said that, I have it!"

That was prepared for her by her little uncle and aunt early, and she can go to many places.

Slightly slightly.

Yan Hui's gaze turned to Mu Yuan.

Mu Yuan was in a hurry.

He just wants to travel in a two-person world, so it's easy for him.

Seeing his loveless appearance, Yan Hui couldn't help laughing out loud, then turned to look at the two cheering children: "Okay, then I'll take you with me, but there are three chapters in the agreement, you are not allowed to play around outside, and you are not allowed to run around." , don’t talk to strangers.”

The two children nodded repeatedly.

I don't know if I heard it.

Now that human traffickers are rampant, Yan Hui is also very worried, and Grandma Mu is even more worried, and keeps telling the two of them: "When you go out, you must take care of your children. You can only go to the toilet by yourself on the train, and you can take turns watching your children at night. No matter how you play, you can't let go of the child's hand, do you hear me?"

Ever since Yan Hui promised the two children to go on a trip, Grandma Mu said it [-] times a day. Anyway, as long as she saw the two of them, she would keep talking about it, and she was very afraid of something unexpected happening to her good-looking great-grandson.

"What, lost the child!"

Grandma Mu was shocked, "Who did you hear that from?"

Grandma Mu looked at the old sister.

Hearing her explain how an educated youth brought a child back to her mother's house and the child was lost, her heart fell to the bottom, and she kept coaxing Mu Tianhu and Mu Tiancheng to stop playing.

"Grandma, you can't, you can draw our attention, but you can't stop it." Mu Tiancheng looked at Grandma Mu seriously, then hugged her again, and patted her on the back lightly, "Don't worry, Mom and Dad will take good care of us, and we will also pay attention, grandma, don't worry."

The general comfort of children and adults.

Grandma Mu let out a deep sigh.

She was really mean to her grandson.

But there is no resistance to the two great-grandchildren.

I can only remind the two couples N times, "You must take care of my great-grandson, or you will never come back."

"Roger that!"

The two answered in unison.

On the first day of December, a group of people set foot on the way to Lishi. The train to Lishi is much shorter than going to the capital, and Mu Yuan would keep running this way when he was a member of the transportation team before.

The seats in the train waiting hall are still the long wooden benches, the paint on the benches has been worn off a lot, some are mottled and old, but sitting on them, I don’t know why there is a special feeling.

It was full of expectations.

Especially Mu Tianhu and Mu Tiancheng.

That's the first time they've traveled far~
He is full of curiosity about everything, looks around with similar eyes, and jumps for joy when he sees the bustling crowd.

They are going to play too!
About to enter the station for ticket inspection, Yan Hui checked what the two children were carrying, so as not to keep turning over their bags on the train. Basically, after packing everything they needed, the family of four went to check the tickets. The ticket inspector held them like a vise With such a tool, if you "click" on the ticket and check the proof again, it will be considered as a pass.

The train is a typical green leather car, with a black locomotive and white smoke rising continuously.People came and went, and a family of four was squeezed onto the train.

After putting away his luggage, Mu Yuan sat on the bottom bed and looked at his daughter who was lying on the small window looking at the outside world.

The two kept looking around, and Mu Tianhu was dying of curiosity, "Dad, why do I see so many things passing by? Is this the train? How long is the train?"

"The speed of the train is 200 kilometers per hour. If the eyes can't keep up with the speed of the picture, things will feel like things are passing by very quickly. Our train is more than 300 meters long, about [-] meters." Mu Yuan said.

Mu Tianhu didn't understand at all.

But it does not hinder her happiness and joy after the question is answered.

"There's a kettle here!"

Yan Hui was pleasantly surprised to find the kettle, and felt that the train had been upgraded.

"Sleeper only." Mu Yuan said.

Yan Hui: All right.Bullying her always fails to get a sleeper ticket.

But having hot water is really much more convenient.

When I got up to pour some hot water,

Immediately, someone rushed ahead of her. There were many people in front of her. Although there was hot water in the sleeping berth, the portion was not much. When arriving early, Yan Hui was hit for no reason, and was speechless. !"

"Why are you so rude, woman? I didn't see that we are all old. What's wrong with joining a team? I don't understand respecting the old and caring for the young. This is a traditional Chinese virtue. What's wrong with young people now? It's really not as good as a generation generation!"

The old lady was not ashamed of him for this kind of thing, but she was proud of it, and she could bite back, but this kind of face made Yan Hui, who had not been angry for a long time, get angry, "I will repeat it to you again and apologize to me. Otherwise, call the train staff to come over and ask if you can jump in the queue casually, and bite back!"

"You little brat, you can't do it. Why are you still arguing with the old man? We come first to the retailer in this carriage, and then you have to queue behind us. If you don't believe me, just ask other people in the car. Basically, it's just you. And let us apologize!"

The old man is not to be outdone.

He raised his head and looked at Yan Hui who was taller than him.

Mu Yuan looked at the child, unable to help, Yan Hui also stopped him, and called for someone to deal with it. Unexpectedly, when they saw the conductor, the two laughed because this was their daughter.

"Comrade, please respect the elderly. It's not easy for them to go out, so please let it go. You look pretty, but your heart is not very beautiful."

"Thank you for your affirmation of my appearance, but I don't want to let it go! Apologize to me, or you can wait for me to complain." Yan Hui was not to be outdone.

Mu Tiancheng ran over.

He stared fiercely at the family of three.

Still want to bully her mother, dreaming!

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