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Chapter 234 Counterattack!

"You have to understand that my temper is not so good, don't let me say a word two or three times."

Yan Hui stared at her coldly.

The tenderness and distress in his eyes were gone when he first started, but full of indifference.

Lin Lili's heart kept dropping.

The person was also pushed down, and the child stepped on her with one foot and one foot. Some people couldn't stand it and told the child not to go too far.

On the contrary, Yan Hui did not persuade.

He folded his arms at the side, watching indifferently, watching Lin Lili being abused, watching the lively girl become decadent and fall into the abyss.

There was a tingling pain in the palm of the hand.

Can't bear the regret in my heart.


The man was kicked in his private parts and howled.

Yan Hui gave Shuanzi a thumbs up, and the upward curve of the corner of his mouth became real.

And the man reacted a little bit, and was about to grab the leg of the table at hand and smash Lin Lili's head. Yan Hui's pupils shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously blocked Lin Lili. The trembling made her take out the scissors hidden in her underwear, and stabbed Lin Houzi's chest hard.

that moment--

The whole world is quiet.

Only seeing the blood spurting from Lin Houzi's chest, followed by the child's screams, and the clamor of the crowd, Lin Lili's world also changed from black and white to colorful.

Lin Lili was pushed away violently.

She didn't feel any pain at all, and the comfort filled her whole cell. Seeing the man's ferocious expression, Lin Lili lowered her head and smiled shortly.

man, huh.

Either she dies or he dies.

Isn't domestic violence innocent? Then use violence to control violence. Her private parts were trampled and her body was torn up. It was just for him to taste the pain.

The girl was thrown in the corner, and the blood of the scissors in her hand soaked into the ground, gradually smearing bright red flowers.

The police/doctor is here.

Lin Lili, Yan Hui and Shuanzi were arrested.

Lin Lili looked at them blankly: "I killed him, domestic violence, not guilty."

The police didn't know what to say about this little girl, Lin Lili smiled lightly: "Why, don't we pay attention to equality between men and women now? I killed him, innocent, just like a husband killing his wife, innocent, understand! "

The girl is thin.

The eyes are highly swollen.

The words that can be said are unforgettable.

"We respect every human life."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

Lin Lili looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

The interrogators felt that she was going crazy. Lin Lili's hair was disheveled and her face was covered with bruises. It was really frightening. Now she was even laughing wildly, feeling horrified.

"Respect everyone's life, right? Are there any? Aren't women slaves? During the day they work hard to earn money to support the whole family, and at night they have to serve that disgusting lower body. Not only that, beating and scolding is considered a good man, because he At least I didn't kill me, I have to be grateful to Dade, right?"

Lin Lili smiled.

With a smile in his eyes.

Laugh ironically.

How dirty this society is.

"I kill you and you judge at will, but if you don't allow men to convict, I will never let you go, even if I die!"

Close the interrogation room door.

The police asked Yan Hui why she was nosy, if she hadn't gone today, Lin Houzi would be fine.

Yan Hui's wrists were not shackled, and he couldn't help laughing and applauding, "I am really late, comrades, I believe you know better than me why, I don't want me to explain to you the status of our women in society How humble, I just want to tell you that according to the law, it is for everyone."

The police were silent for a moment.

Ask her the ins and outs.

After Yan Hui said one by one, he sat there quietly, calmer than the police.

"The other party is currently undergoing treatment. As for whether he is dead or not, I cannot comment..."

"It's better to die, so as not to cause harm."

But the scourge often remains for thousands of years.

Lin Houzi is not dead.

Yan Hui was very disappointed.

The same goes for Lin Lili, she didn't even have the strength to argue, she didn't kill anyone, so what's there to be happy about.

Yan Hui came out that day.

Because her motives were correct, but it was Lin Lili's actions that made everyone very scared, because the image she showed at the beginning was a timid little girl.

When asked why the contrast was so great, Lin Lili only said: "I never regarded myself as a beast, that's all."

She has been lying to herself.

To endure, to really be afraid of this man.

Live to the best of your ability.

Kill him regardless of the cost.

If she tricked herself into believing it, she would be able to fool everyone, and she might even be beaten all the time, but the moment Yan Hui left, Lin Lili knew that it was time for her to wake up.

She is not a beast.

She wants to live dignifiedly.

She does not grovel.

Before she died, her grandmother told her: "Our girls are born with a hard life, but my grandmother only hopes that my granddaughter's life will be smooth in the future.

Grandma is leaving.

Finally going.

Just to tell you a word, in the future, you have to treat yourself as a human being, you know? "

She didn't know it before.

Know it now.

"You men have superior strength, but don't forget that the real reproductive rights are in the hands of women. We have never been inferior. One day, women will control their own reproductive rights, and they will even be inferior to animals. The man said go away!"

She longed for that day to come.

Her attitude is aggressive.

It should also be radical.

Yan Hui directly called the Women's Federation and told them the whole story, "I hope the existence of the Women's Federation is meaningful. We are not to be slaughtered. I hope that our girls can unite and stand up."

"...Comrade, we have received the incident you described, and we will definitely arrange it as soon as possible."


Yan Hui hung up the phone.

Steps from town to home.

After walking for four full hours, I lay on the bed exhausted after returning home, and the tears finally fell from the corners of my eyes.

It's normal for a girl to be exhausted for her family.

It's normal for a wife to be beaten up by her husband.

It is normal for a woman to have a miscarriage.

These are so normal, so what is abnormal, Yan Hui chuckled, maybe her mind is not normal, thinking about some major human problems.

But if she still sits idly by now.

Will it be her daughter who gets hurt in the future?
Yan Hui didn't know.

It is even more unimaginable.

The sky should always be bright, right?
When will the shackles that have been pressed on women for thousands of years be loosened.

Yan Hui covered his face.

Deeply tired.

The sun came out, Yan Hui squinted his eyes, woke up too, and sat on the bed for a while, it was grandma who knocked on the door: "Hi Hui, are you awake, didn't you say yesterday that you stayed in the guest house in the town for one night?" , Why did you come back again? You came back at night, how dangerous you are as a girl. "

"Grandma, I'm fine."

"It's fine this time, but what about from now on, you are not allowed to walk alone at night, you know?"

Grandma earnestly urged.

Yan Hui answered yes.

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