Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 233 One Person One Slap

The days of purgatory on earth have made girls sensitive and vulnerable, and they don't even want to resist.

She longed for Yan Hui to save her before, but now she hopes that Yan Hui will stay as far away from her as possible. If she is killed, she will be free.

Listening to the noise outside the door, Lin Lili stared blankly at the front, but it was her nominal son and daughter who went out to talk.

She could also hear what Yan Hui was talking to them, and not long after, she felt as if Yan Hui was about to come in.

How can this be! ! !

Lin Lili immediately crawled under the bed and hid, desperately not wanting anyone to find her. Now she is covered in injuries all over her body, and she can't see anyone at all.

And the moment Yan Hui pushed open the door, following the light, he saw the girl lying under the bed, but didn't see the face, only the withered yellow hair stained with blood, and the skinny ankle.

The dust appeared in the sunlight, and the girl's skinny body could be seen at a glance. Yan Hui held the doorknob tightly, tears streaming from his eyes, walked in slowly, and knelt down, "Lili, I'm here, can we talk when we come out?"

Lin Lili shook her head under the bed, not afraid of the pain caused by the bed board. Yan Hui took a deep breath and told herself not to panic now, Lin Jiajia had already left, and she was determined not to let Lin Lili die too! !
Absolutely not.

"Shuanzi, drag her out for me."

Shuanzi was stunned for a moment. To be honest, pulling Lin Lili out was not a problem, but he really didn't know where to start. It wasn't a matter of intimacy between men and women, but because she was covered in injuries, and he was afraid of hurting Lin Lili.

Yan Hui looked at it, and said cruelly: "Pull it out from her ankle, don't worry about the rest."

Lin Lili subconsciously retracted her ankles, and Shuanzi pulled her out as he was about to grab her. Lin Lili whimpered like a small animal, so miserable that Yan Hui pinched her palms tightly, trying to tell herself that if you don't be cruel now, Lin Lili will be finished.

The feeling of being dragged out is really bad, and when Yan Hui saw Lin Lili's appearance, he was already chilled all over, the girl's face was beyond recognition, and her eyes were swollen, Yan Hui couldn't restrain the monstrous anger at all, even more so. I regret that I didn't know about Lin Lili earlier, and I didn't come to help in time.

After coming, I still have a little luck about being a beast.

She was wrong.

How can animals be human.

Yan Hui hugged Lin Lili, who was covering her face, and said softly, "Let's go to the Women's Federation!"

She couldn't believe it.

Lin Lili was beaten so badly, and no one cares about it. Is there any reason for this?

"Where are you taking her?" Lin Houzi heard that his little daughter-in-law was going to be taken away when he was working in the field, so that he could not treat her well.

Lin Houzi sneered.

He originally wanted to treat her well, but at first he treated her like a little wife, and let her take care of him and take care of the child.

But how does she do it.

She dared to run, causing him to be laughed at by the team, saying that his two daughters-in-law would be gone, and he would spend his whole life working hard to earn hard money and save it as a bride price.

He was so angry that he beat Lin Lili hard on the spot. After the beating, he felt much better, at least he would be obedient, so he got out of hand.

Sure enough, women are in need of cleaning up!
But now, Yan Hui actually wanted to take Lin Lili away. Surrounded by so many villagers, she put him in the upper place. Lin Houzi sarcastically said: "No matter how powerful you are, you can't take her back from my house. We are a family." Man, what's wrong with the family fighting casually? Go to the Women's Federation. A man who beat a woman to death is just scolded. I'm still raising her well. I have never treated her badly, and I have no slaves. She, no one from all over the world will say that I am a good man, but she just doesn't know people."

Yan Hui's lips trembled, and a powerless mournful cry from the soul welled up in his heart. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he could speak with such confidence.

No one has accused him yet.

The incident itself is sad.

Not only that, but some people began to point fingers at Yan Hui, thinking that she was meddling, Lin Houzi also said: "Ask her, is she going with you? Don't meddle in other people's business all day long."

Yan Hui looked at Lin Lili.

Lin Lili flinched, and under Yan Hui's unbelievable eyes, she moved towards Lin Houzi. For the first time, Yan Hui realized what it means to be unstable.

My heart is sad.

"You see, don't be so affectionate there, she doesn't even want to leave." Lin Houzi was a little proud.

Yan Hui's red lips were tightly pursed, and a storm was brewing in his eyes, "Lin Lili, if you dare to move again, I will dare to send Chief Shepherd Jun back to your mother's house. Don't forget, he is your mother's grandson."

The woman's cold tone.

Lin Lili was stunned.

Long average...

her nephew.

The person she misses the most.

"No, you can't send him back to my house."

Lin Lili opened her mouth eagerly, her face turned pale immediately, her eyes looked at her in horror, the big eyes were full of fear and fear, and her lips were even more bloodless.

If she was sent back to her home, her mother would definitely make the Shepherd Changjun live a bad life, and even raise her as a slave, no, definitely not.

Seeing her like this, Yan Hui felt as if her heart had been hit by a boulder. She pretended to be indifferent and said: "Then you just listen to me obediently."


"Don't you want to?"

The woman leaned over slightly, staring at her sharply, "You still think I can't do it, huh?"

Those peach-blossom eyes were shining brightly, and a storm was brewing in the eyes, and the slightest touch would be involved in it.

The thin girl lying on the ground stared at her, followed by a man who scolded angrily: "What did you say to her, why don't you get up and go home, why are you throwing someone here? Do you still feel ashamed of me?" Not enough."

From the instinct of the body, he lowered his head.

Lin Lili was about to go home.

Yan Hui also said directly: "Since you have made a choice, you can't blame me when the chief shepherd grows up in the future. Whoever made him have a cowardly aunt who would rather be beaten to death than resist, go away to save me have a finger in the pie."



At the same time as he opened his mouth, there was an oncoming slap, and Yan Hui couldn't control his anger any longer, "Shuanzi, hit me, if you kill me, I'll be fined, if anyone else dares to move, the quota for the entire brigade to participate in the work will be cancelled." !"

正打算帮忙的队员纷纷停下动作,倒是栓子控制不住就是一拳头猛揍林猴子,“你TM就是畜生,小姑娘才多小,你都敢取娶,还虐待,最没本事的男人It's the nest, you bastard!"

Shuan Zi directly fought with Lin Houzi.

The furniture rattled and fell all over the floor.

Lin Houzi's son and daughter beat Lin Lili, "You are a scourge, you let others bully my father, unlucky, ugly, go to hell!"

Lin Lili silently endured their beatings.

Yan Hui suppressed the urge to slap the two children twice, and said to Lin Lili, "Slap each of me, or you will bear the consequences."

Lin Lili trembled.

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