Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 215 Formal Examination

At eight o'clock in the morning the next day, the grain drying field.

In the early morning when the sun was a little glaring, the place was already very lively. There were more than 600 educated youths in the commune, including [-] who had already married.

Of course, 90.00% did not get a marriage certificate.

Basically it's all wine.

But this does not prevent everyone from knowing for the first time that there are so many educated youths in the commune. Since the movement of the 60s, educated youths have come here one after another.

But each brigade sees at most a dozen or so, and now it feels amazing to gather the educated youths together.

Especially old educated youth.

I have been through so much, and I have become integrated into the present.

Just like ordinary farmers.

The commune also has about 1000 junior and senior high school students.

That is the sum of the entire commune, or the result of years of accumulation, Zhen Aiguo frowned, no wonder Yan Hui wants to run a high school, look at the total number of high school students is less than one hundred!

Fortunately, looking at the mental outlook is okay.

Not particularly grumpy.

As the leader of the County Revolutionary Committee, Zhen Aiguo delivered his impassioned speech on a simple stage, which made everyone's blood boil, wishing to shed their blood for the motherland.

When entering the examination room.

All with passion.

And Wu Meili, the oldest unmarried educated youth in the shepherd brigade, also took the exam, and she also wanted a salary. If she had such benefits early, why would she have to bear the ravages of men.

Even if the principal is Yan Hui.

She endured it too!

Wu Meili felt humiliated.

The others felt rejoiced and praised Yan Hui's actions one after another. They were also very happy to meet the leader of the County Revolutionary Committee.

Yan Hui and his former primary and junior high school teachers sorted out the test papers early on. The test papers were hand-copied, and it took a long time just to copy the test papers.

Fortunately, there are only two test papers.

They are all comprehensive volumes.

Yan Hui also checked to see if the educated youths had lost their knowledge. I believe that after getting the news, they made up for the knowledge in elementary and junior high schools.

In fact, not all educated youths have high school education.

Junior high schools make up the majority.

Therefore, the educated youth are divided into batches.

One for junior high school and one for high school.

Separate exams.

All of a sudden, everyone can understand Yan Hui's intentions. Of course, you can become a teacher if you do well in the junior high school entrance examination, but if there are high school students, high school students must be given priority in admission.

"There will be an interview after passing the interview. The interview will be three days later, and the results will be issued three days later."

after notification.

Everyone felt even more anxious.


What is the interview, the specific content is not clear, and I don’t know what to prepare.


The teaching ruler was photographed, and the teacher on the podium had a serious face: "I believe you have also seen that we have three patrolling people. This time everyone will compete for 25 places. The places are limited. We will select suitable talents instead of Opportunists, you should do the questions well and don't make small moves to avoid embarrassment."

The educated youth who were originally cautious looked at the sturdy man next to the teacher on the podium, and they were persuaded first, not to mention there were three more!
The teacher distributed the test papers: "The standard answers will be announced in three days. If you finish the questions, you can record your answers and see if you did it right. Then you can get the answers right."

Everyone responded.

Look at the test paper and unify your thoughts.


Why are the test papers so difficult.

There are many questions that many people have never seen before. In fact, Yan Hui has already lowered the standard. As a teacher, at least get [-]% of her test paper, right?

That's not too much, is it?

But the educated youth felt that it was too much. They hadn't studied for a long time, and this month was completely cramming.

Many people wrote with sweat.

There is no way, many people regard this exam as the greatest hope for the countryside. If they pass the exam, they will not only gain a good reputation in the countryside, but also look good when they go home to visit relatives.

We must know that many people in the city are unemployed, and it is an honor to get a job in the countryside where others look down on them.

But the topic is too difficult.

Many even feel empty-headed.

The feeling that the more you want, the more flustered you become, and the more flustered you are, the more you can't solve the problem, especially the impression that you have the answer, but you can't even do it!
While Yan Hui was making his inspection, there was a loud bang, and the examinee fell to the ground.

Yan Hui: "..."

Can't help swallowing saliva.

No way?
Is that an exaggeration?
That is to say, a question was randomly asked, and the students usually take the exam in this way. Are these completely stumped?
"Come and help, help him up and send him to the clinic."

She didn't want to kill people on the spot.

How exaggerated it is.

When the candidates at the scene saw someone being carried out, they were so frightened that they broke out in cold sweat and became even more nervous. Yan Hui raised his forehead and knew: "If you have to do the questions, do it well. Now the opportunity is in front of you. It's no wonder you didn't take it well." I, it's better to faint a few more, so that your enemies will have fewer competitors, and I will save trouble."

Yan Hui's words.

Like waking up a dreamer.

That's right, what are they worried about? The examinee fainted, but lost a competitor, so he hurriedly filled out the test paper again.

The exam is three hours long.

You can go to the toilet during the period, but there are people who follow you. This is a very, very, very strict exam environment, but many people like it very much.

Because I didn't copy it.

It means that no one else copied it.

Exam time is always torturous, and Zhen Aiguo is not too idle to panic. After inspecting the herding brigade, he went to the grassroots to inspect other brigades, and finally returned to the county revolutionary committee.

After he left, people were relieved, but they began to feel nervous again, because——

Results announced.

The night before, Wu Meili couldn't sleep because she tossed and turned. She just wanted to check her grades. If she could pass the exam, she wouldn't need to serve men in the future. Those unreliable things treated her like a woman in a brothel deal with.

Although, she feels the same way now.

As long as you have money, you can go.

Like rags, so dirty that people don't even bother to pick them up.

She really, really wanted the job.

At the moment of unveiling the list, Yan Hui and Mu Yuan stood together, with a child in their arms who kept patting them, but such a funny scene did not prevent everyone from being nervous at all.

Gu Linran read the names one by one.

Qingmei knew that he was the one responsible for reading the name, so she came to beg him early, "Brother Lin Ran, I am already in such a miserable situation, please help me, let me become a teacher, okay, I will really work hard No trouble."

"I have no right to change."

"You have! You just don't want to help me, why don't you want to help me, obviously we are suffering from the same disease, obviously we should be grasshoppers on a rope, think about how good I was to you in the past, everyone hates your ex-wife For the child born, I am the only one who is close to you, gives you food, clings to you, and makes people notice you, but how do you repay me, since we severed ties with the family, you actually took refuge in Muyuan!"

Qin Xiaoyue roared hoarsely.

His eyes were full of hatred for the betrayer.

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