Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 214 Wearing a Flower Crown

After the couple got a satisfactory result, Zhen Aiguo heard that Yan Hui had two daughters, so he was curious about the other one. He looked at their little daughter quietly.

Will the other be very skinny.

In fact, what the leader doesn't know is that both of them are very skinny, but children are very sensitive and can vaguely detect it. There is no place to cry, and they can't play when they cry.

Of course, children will not be so well-behaved.

At the meeting of the team committee, the two little ones cried and quarreled there, and Mu Yuan hugged and coaxed him while talking about his plan, which can be said to be without delay.

It is to exercise the listening ability of those subordinates.

There is no other way, the family is busy, there are three children, grandparents are going to the field, Mu Simo takes Mu Changjun, Yan Hui takes Mu Tianhu, Mu Siyan can't get out of bed yet...

That's right.

Since being beaten.

It's been a month.

Mu Siyan was still lying on the bed, and he couldn't figure it out on the bed: Why did the former eldest brother seem to be beaten very badly every time, and why he was alive and kicking the next day?

Is it really the eldest brother's thick skin?

In fact, Mu Yuan couldn't figure it out even more. Why did he lie on the bed for so long after being beaten up?

It's too hypocritical.

The two brothers do not understand each other.

But Mu Siyan was lying on the bed for so long, and it was Grandma Mu who was the most shocked. She once found out that Mu Yuan was buying and selling, not to mention his back was bruised, and his legs were almost limping.

But what should he do the next day.

Considering that Mu Siyan was beaten for the first time, Grandma Mu didn't want to really beat the child to death.

It's just skin and flesh...

But why did you rest for a month?

Think about how a labor force loses money if it does not work for a month! !
Pushing open the door of the shepherd's small courtyard, Zhen Aiguo saw that the dean was in order, and nodded: "Your courtyard is very good."

Simple and lively.

The two children were amused there.

Mu Simo looked at Mu Changjun and Mu Tianhu, the two siblings were playing hide and seek, quacking happily.

"Yeah ah-"

Mu Tiancheng, who was ignored, said that he wanted to play too, so the three of them played together in the thatch pile. The thatch was rammed firmly by Grandpa Mu, and it was covered with a piece of cloth. It was quite a big place for children to play. It doesn't hurt when you fall, and it's still a little elastic.

Mu Tiancheng, who had returned to the team, kicked his calf happily, and Mu Tianhu responded that his sister also kicked her legs. The two Xiaotuanzi, who looked very similar, couldn't help but smile.

Shepherd Changjun just looked at this, then at that, scratched his head, and laughed too.

"Hahaha, these kids are fun." Zhen Aiguo looked interesting, he also has grandchildren, but his son and daughter-in-law are not here, so the grandchildren are naturally not by his side, so now he is only accompanied by his wife.

But this is luckier than many old brothers.

At least he is alive.

After shopping around Muyuan's house, it was time for dinner. Zhen Aiguo suggested eating in the cafeteria, determined not to take advantage of the common people.

The meals in the cafeteria are very simple.

Basically, it is the staple food of Wowotou and white rice, and the current vegetables. Fortunately, the most admirable thing is that the vegetables can see a little oily water, which should be fried with lard, and put a lot of them, so that everyone can enjoy If you eat a little oil, and there are oil residues fried in it, it is really delicious.

Zhen Aiguo praised: "If you can always have this kind of food, then it's not bad."

"It's a bit difficult at the moment. The pigs in the brigade are all rationed. I heard that there are now scientific pig raising, and there are technical personnel who are dedicated to instructing pig raising. Afterwards, let's see if the economy can improve. If it can, apply for a few books. The personnel will come to guide the raising of pigs, so that the supply of lard can be maintained all the time.”

"I heard that the technicians who raise pigs are very good. After their guidance, Zhu became fatter and can live more pigs to prevent pigs from getting swine fever." Zhen Aiguo agreed with him very much.

Pork is now a scarce resource.

"There is a pig farm in the county, and the brigade can purchase it directly from there as an application."

Zhen Aiguo provided a channel.

"Thank you, leader." The share of pigs raised by each brigade is limited, and Muyuan wants to supply them for a long time, so the need for pigs is inevitable.

And Zhen Aiguo provided this channel.

It means you can buy it directly.

When Zhen Aiguo finished his meal, it was actually still early, and it was the end of July, the weather was very hot, and it was getting dark late, so when Mu Yuan returned home, no one had eaten.

Yan Hui arranged the three children there.

"Don't move, I'll take a picture."

As soon as the words fell, Mu Tianhu was about to show off her turning skills, and when she looked up, she saw her father, and immediately smiled brightly at him.

Mu Yuan stepped forward and squatted down to pinch her cheek: "Your mother told you not to move."


Mu Tianhu babbled in her own language, but Mu Yuan didn't understand. The two sisters spoke earlier than others, but the back and forth was just those few syllables.

Yan Hui straightened Mu Tianhu again.

Mu Tianhu kicked her mother, and Yan Hui put her feet away speechlessly. Mu Yuan couldn't help laughing, "She doesn't stay still for 24 hours except sleeping and eating."

"I want to take a picture, look at the flower crown that Simo and I made, how beautiful it is." Yan Hui devoted himself to creating a beautiful little princess.

But the two sisters don't like Corolla.

It's fine to shake your head there, and move around.

They just like to show off their newly learned turning skills wherever they want, rolling around like a competition, and giggling when they hit their heads.

"I'm too lazy to care about you. When you grow up, just look at how ugly the photos were!"

Yan Hui, who straightened their poses to the point where they were in bad shape, directly turned on the photo mode, took a few pictures and then called it a day.

Tired, don't want to move.

Mu Yuan squeezed her shoulders amusedly, "Tell me, you're usually so tired, and it's hard for you to take a break, and you still toss so much."

"Isn't that a souvenir?"

Yan Hui was enjoying Muyuan's massage, and when he heard his daughter calling, he went to hold the child. Muyuan looked at the abandoned corolla, picked it up, remodeled it, and put it on to play with the two children. On Yan Hui's head.

"Daughter-in-law, look at this."

Mu Yuan suddenly made a sound.

Yan Hui looked over subconsciously.

With a click, Yan Hui sat on the haystack of old cloth in the shop, and beside her were two fat and white children with wanton and cheerful smiles. She was wearing a flower crown, side braids, and an elegant floral dress. It looks like a princess.

"What are you doing, why are you still filming me? The film is very expensive." Yan Hui said with disgust, his eyes were full of sweetness.

"Not lacking in that."

Mu Yuan put the camera away, watched her take off the flower crown carefully, and said with a smile: "I like it, I will often make it for you in the future, there are still a lot of small flowers on the roadside."

"Don't bother, that's enough."

some things.

Once is good enough.

Yan Hui put the corolla in the house.

Know it will wither, but still feel very happy and happy.

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