Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 72 Departure to the provincial capital

Yan Gongan came to the house again and informed Han Xiaoxiao, grandson and grandson of Han Jianjun and his wife that the verdicts had been officially handed down. It can be regarded as a fatal blow, especially Han Jianjun, who has a serious utilitarianism and wants to climb up. There are already many people who dislike him in his work unit. When he was arrested, Sun Chenggong, the bureau chief who was covering him, also went in. Not to mention he was fired from the unit, and even the room allocated by the unit was taken back.

After Han Jianjun entered, he blamed his wife Jiang Wenlan for all his crimes. If the husband and wife had a good relationship before, Jiang Wenlan might still have this family for her husband's future. Before, she had just caught her husband cheating, and the relationship between the couple had broken down. It would be a fool to bear the crime alone. She even tried to push the crime on each other like her husband. After coming out of prison, it is estimated that they will not be able to be husband and wife again.

Han Xiaoxiao didn't respond to the ending of these two people. Although grandma was still a little bit embarrassed, she was mentally prepared, and it wouldn't be too uncomfortable. When Han Xiaofeng just left his parents, he still missed them. Now he has stayed with grandma and sister for a long time. I have already developed some feelings, and I don't miss my parents as much as before.

Han Xiaoxiao finally received her admission letter, and the time has already entered mid-August. High school will start soon. After all, she still has no time to go to Beijing. She still has some regrets in her heart. A lot of things in the house burned down. After moving to live with the landlord’s aunt, they bought bicycles and radios, and didn’t buy many other things. It's not easy to carry too many things with you, only the clothes, and pack the rest for the time being and put them with the landlord aunt. After they are settled in the provincial capital, all these things will be transported there.

Suddenly leaving to live in the provincial capital, in addition to Han Xiaoxiao's high school admission letter, he also had to bring some other certificates. These days, if he wants to travel far, these things are indispensable. When the certificates and letters of introduction are ready, their grandparents and grandchildren Sancai got on the train to the provincial capital.

The landlord aunt also took her son and grandson to the station to see them off. Even Liu Jing, after knowing that Han Xiaoxiao and the others were leaving, came to the train station to see them off.

The train started slowly, looking at the people outside the train getting smaller and smaller, grandma felt a little sad. She didn't expect that she was so old and would move away from her hometown. After leaving, she didn't know when she would come back.

The train to the provincial capital will take a long time. They set off in the morning, and it will be afternoon when they arrive at the provincial capital. Han Xiaoxiao was afraid of grandma's hard work, so she wanted to find someone to see if she could get a few sleeper tickets, but grandma insisted No, you don't need to spend this unjustly money, and finally bought a hard seat.

Han Xiaofeng took the train for the first time, not to mention how novel it was, if it wasn't suppressed by her sister Han Xiaoxiao, she would have wanted to run and have fun on the train. I have seen trains before, but people are fine, but once again I feel the role of science and technology. If Dayin can carry so many people and goods at one time, and can run fast, then the whole country will surely welcome it. Come make a difference.

Sitting there, touching the jade pendant hanging around her neck, she thought of her former hometown, and the old monk Duqing. The jade pendant passed in front of grandma after she and Li Wei went out for a trip back home last time. Ming Lu, but she said that she just saw it by accident and thought it was a good buy. Grandma didn't doubt her, and even praised the jade pendant for its beauty. Before leaving, she deliberately found a chance to add a few drops to the water that the landlord aunt's family ate. Lingquan water can be regarded as a thank you to the landlord's aunt's family. As for what kind of effect it can have on their family, she doesn't know. It won't do any harm.

Grandma just got on the train and looked around for a while, and then leaned on the seat and squinted to rest.Han Xiaoxiao is not tired. Seeing her younger brother always wanting to move, she took out a notebook and a pen from her bag, and gave him a one-page addition and subtraction problem to do. Frightened by her sister's power, Han Xiaofeng could only sit there and do it obediently. Han Xiaoxiao and his grandma will teach his younger brother when he is free. Although Han Xiaofeng has not yet entered elementary school, he has already recognized more than 100 Chinese characters and can do simple addition and subtraction calculations within ten.

Quietly worked on the problem for a while, Han Xiaofeng wanted to go to the bathroom, Han Xiaoxiao told her grandma, and took her younger brother to the bathroom. When they arrived, the bathroom was being used, so the two had to wait outside.

"It's too expensive."

"As far as the quality is concerned, elder sister, take a look. You can guarantee that you won't lose money if you buy it. This is the product I brought over from the south. Take a closer look."

Someone was talking at the intersection of the carriages on the side. Han Xiaoxiao looked over curiously, and saw a man in his twenties holding a piece of clothing and making various gestures to a middle-aged woman.

Xu Shi noticed Han Xiaoxiao's gaze. The man looked over and saw that it was a little girl. He smiled and continued to recommend it to others.

The clothes in the man's hands are long skirts, and the style is indeed much better than the ones I saw in the supply and marketing cooperatives. Everyone has a love for beauty. Han Xiaoxiao has eaten well for the past two months, and he is a good person. Pay attention to exercise, and was reborn by Lingquan Water, and her height has also increased a lot. Although she is only fifteen now, she is 1.6 meters [-] tall. Among girls of the same age, she is already considered tall. Everyone has a love of beauty, so she spent a little longer looking at that skirt.

Xu Shi still thought the price was expensive, the middle-aged woman waved her hand and left, the young man was a little frustrated, Han Xiaoxiao suddenly walked a few steps over. "How do you sell this dress?"

As soon as he heard the asking price, the young guy got excited, "35, girl, look at the quality and style. The price is really not expensive at all. You can't be fooled or lose money if you buy it. You can try it."

She actually touched it with her hands, and found that the material is really good. The price is indeed at least twice as expensive as that sold in the supply and marketing cooperative, but she thinks it is worth the money.

At this moment, the person in the toilet came out, and Han Xiaoxiao hurriedly pushed his brother in.

The young guy thought that Han Xiaoxiao thought it was too expensive and didn't plan to buy it, so he said anxiously: "Thirty, just thirty, girl, it really can't be less."

Before Han Xiaoxiao could speak, the middle-aged woman who had just left over there came over with a train staff member with a red armband on her arm.

"it's him."

Seeing this, the man put on his bag and ran away.

Han Xiaoxiao looked at the skirt still in her hand, dumbfounded.

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