Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 71 Battalion Commander Has a Date?

Picking up the phone, Ji Yu glanced at the correspondent, and the correspondent left wisely.

"Hi, I'm Ji Yu."

"Ji Yu, it's me." Han Xiaoxiao waited for a long time before waiting for a voice from the other side, and hurriedly answered.

"Xiaoxiao? What's the matter?" His heart tightened. According to his understanding, the girl wouldn't call him if she hadn't really had something to do.

"No, don't worry, I just got my senior high school entrance examination results, and I'll let you know."

Hearing this, Ji Yu breathed a sigh of relief. "How was the exam?" Knowing that nothing happened, his tone became more relaxed.

"Very good." Han Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

"How good is it?"

"Let's be number one in the city." She pretended to be flat.

On the other side of the phone, Ji Yu gasped, he did so well in the exam, he didn't see it, his little fiancée is still a good student, no wonder he dared to charge money for tutoring, he was happy for her after being surprised.

"It's really good. By the way, where do you plan to go to high school?" In fact, if possible, he really hopes that she can go to a place far away from now to go to high school, not only because there are many troubles in her hometown, but also Educational resources are not as good as in big cities. Since his fiancée has the talent to learn this area, he also hopes that the other party will get the best education. If not, how about persuading her to take grandma to the capital?After all, in the capital city, under the cover of the Ji family, no one would dare to bully their grandparents.

Just thinking about Han Xiaoxiao's answer. "Provincial capital?" He was slightly surprised.

"Yes, I still want to go with my grandma. I just want to tell you that after my grandma and I have settled our affairs here, we will move to the provincial capital."

"Since you're planning to move, do you want to consider the capital? Although you can't apply for a high school in the capital, if you want to go to school in the capital, it's not a problem." He still has this confidence.

Beijing?I really haven't thought about it, but after thinking about it for a while, Han Xiaoxiao understands Ji Yu's intentions, and she appreciates her kindness, but she has no plans to move to the capital for the time being. Whether it is consumption or other things, it must be higher or more complicated than other places. Anyway, as long as I and my grandma are far away from the county, the provincial capital is enough. As for the capital, when she has enough capital in the future, she will go for it. Just broke through.

"Thank you. My grandma and I have discussed it. It would be good to go to the provincial capital."

Hearing the answer, Ji Yu felt a little regretful, but he also respected the other party's opinion. "Well, when you move, I probably won't have time to go back. Then you can ask Uncle Liu for help. Also, if you need help in the provincial capital, feel free to call me. I also know people in the provincial capital.

"Got it, thank you."

"Xiaoxiao, I know we're not really a married couple, but you don't have to be so polite to me. Also, congratulations, you got a good grade in the exam." After speaking, he showed an extremely gentle look.

The correspondent who was waiting at the door saw through the window and almost thought that he was dazzled. Commander Ji still has such a tough and tender side. If those guys know, they will probably be scared to death. Is this girl Commander Ji? Who is it?The correspondents began to frantically make up their minds.

When Ji Yu returned from the phone call, he practiced hard on the soldiers who had just winked, which made the group of guys complain endlessly, but still did not squeeze out the gossip enthusiasm of these hot-blooded guys.

When it was time to eat, they began to secretly discuss who the girl who called their battalion commander was.

"Last time, I asked the battalion commander how long he planned to get married, but our battalion commander ignored me." Zhang Bin complained.

"You said, this girl is not the target of our battalion commander?" Wang Dakun whispered.

"Don't say it, it's possible." Another person echoed.

"That's right, think about it, let's get to know each other, when did you ever see a girl call him?"

It was passed around like this, and when Ji Yu was called by the political commissar, he received a question head-on. "You boy, don't tell me when you have a partner, and when will you make a marriage report."

A string of question marks appeared on Ji Yu's head? ? ?When did he have an object.

Oh, he does have a nominal fiancée, but how did the political commissar know?It must be those brats, he gritted his molars, and will deal with them later when he goes back!

After a good explanation with the political commissar, Ji Yu convinced the political commissar that he was still dating and had no plans to get married in a few years, which made the political commissar regretful and concerned about his solution to his personal problems.It's not that he doesn't want to mention Han Xiaoxiao, it's just that Han Xiaoxiao is underage and a student. In a place like the army, it's not good for people to know.

After getting away from the political commissar, Ji Yu gritted his teeth and went to settle accounts with his group of bastards. It seems that the drill was not hard enough, and these guys still have the intention to gossip about him.

Poor Zhang Bin, Wang Dakun and the others didn't have a chance to sleep that night, and for the next half a month, they were all living in dire straits...

After that, they never dared to discuss the personal affairs of their battalion commander lightly.

Han Xiaoxiao didn't know that so many soldiers were implicated by her phone call. She was busy selling the house with her grandma.

These days, every family living in the city has a house to live in. Even if the family has a large population, they would rather squeeze together than buy a house. They are all waiting for the unit to distribute the house. You want to have your own house Naturally, unit allocation will not be a priority, so everyone feels that buying a house is a particularly uneconomical thing.

There are not many people who are willing to buy a house, so Han Xiaoxiao and grandma have released the news of buying a house for several days. They have not met a few people who really want to see the house. Even if they were willing to see the house, they all shook their heads and left .Finally, I met someone who was willing to make an offer, but the person said that the house had been burnt down like this, and he was only willing to pay 100 yuan, and he said that I was willing to buy it because I was doing a good deed. Han Xiaoxiao immediately drove the person away. He and grandma didn't plan to sell the old house for a big price, but they didn't want to be so cheap. They still wanted to find someone who really cherished the old house.

The landlord's aunt's family knew about their sale of the old house, and they helped a lot. In the end, it was Han Xiaoxiao, the top student in the high school entrance examination, who played a role. The situation gave money, but there was a request for all of Han Xiaoxiao's textbooks and study materials.

In fact, many of the parents who came to Han Xiaoxiao's house before wanted the textbooks and materials she used, but she wanted to keep them for herself as a souvenir, so she refused. Now, in order to sell the old house smoothly, she finally nodded .

The old house was finally sold, and both parties were very happy. Grandma took her grandchildren to take a good look at the old house for the last time before leaving.

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