In the family courtyard, Xiaoxiao’s house was not equipped with a telephone, but now that Xiaoxiao is pregnant, the elders in the family are very concerned. Installing a phone makes it easy to communicate at home, and it is easy for Xiaoxiao to find someone for anything.

As soon as the couple came back, Ji Yu sent his servant to apply for installing a telephone in their house. The servant Xiao Niu finally had a role to play, so excited.

The efficiency of what to do in the army is still very fast. They apply on the first day, and someone comes to install the phone for them the next day.

The installation fee of the phone is still very expensive. Who doesn’t want to install the phone, but because of the high installation fee, many talents are deterred. Ji Yu and the others can install it cheaper, but the money is still quite good in the eyes of others. There are many, so except for cadres above the regiment level in the army, the army has a phone number for face-installation at home, and the rest have to pay for it themselves if they want to install it. There are not many companies with phones.

Fortunately, now that Xiaoxiao's conditions are in place, there are tens of thousands of small cars, and it's nothing to install a phone. Everyone is envious, but I don't think Xiaoxiao and the others are showing off.

As soon as the phone was installed, Xiaoxiao immediately called her relatives and friends and told her her phone number.

From then on, Xiaoxiao received phone calls from the compound and the courtyard almost every day, asking her if she was eating well, how she was sleeping, and if she felt any discomfort.

Maybe it's because of her good physique, Xiaoxiao really didn't feel any difference between being pregnant and before, maybe she just ate too much.

In fact, she would go back every weekend, but the elders cared too much about her.

Because of her pregnancy, Wang Hui and Sun Yan also asked her to rest and pay attention to her body, and not to worry about company affairs.

It's still in the first trimester, and Xiaoxiao doesn't want to stop working. She still visits the company once or twice a week. When she's at home, she also reads books or draws pictures to make clothes.

In order to facilitate her work in the family courtyard, she also bought another sewing machine for the house of the family courtyard.

Every household can use sewing machines, but there are not many at home. Xiaoxiao will often borrow this sewing machine. Akatsuki is easy to talk to, anyway, the sewing machine is idle when she is not using it.

Ji Yu, on the other hand, was worried that there would always be outsiders at home, which would affect her. Xiaoxiao said that it would be boring to be at home all the time by herself, and she didn’t feel bored when people came to talk occasionally, Ji Yu That's it.

A few days later, Ji Yu accompanied Xiaoxiao to the hospital for regular checkups. This time, instead of going to the hospital that Xiaoxiao went to before, he went to the military hospital where Ji Yu’s little friend worked. To check whether there is any problem with his body, it didn't take long before he accompanied his wife to the pregnancy test, and his little friend was also quite surprised.

Thinking of the experience last time, Ji Yu felt a little proud of seeing his friends again this time, especially after they checked out.

Looking at Xiaoxiao's stomach, Ji Yu still felt like a dream. "The doctor said, there are two babies here!"

Xiaoxiao nodded, she didn't expect that maybe the child was too young during the last checkup, or it might have been blocked, last time she only knew that she was pregnant, and only saw one baby, she didn't expect to come here this time After the examination, the doctor actually told them that there were actually two babies in her stomach.

This is not coming, one come and two, at the moment when the family planning is strictly enforced, it is simply a surprise.

Regardless of whether the two babies in the womb are boys or girls, they are both very happy.

After the examination from the hospital, the two went straight back to the compound.

The members of Zhangjiaji's family knew that Xiaoxiao was pregnant with two babies, and they were happier than the other, and they paid more attention to Xiaoxiao's belly.

Qiu Anhong persuaded Xiaoxiao again, it's better to live at home, or live in the courtyard, or in the family courtyard, Ji Yu is at work during the day, and no one helps to take care of her.

After knowing that there were two babies in her belly, Xiaoxiao became more cautious, and only said that she would stay in the family home for a while, and she would come back when her belly became pregnant and it was not so convenient to move around.

Seeing that she had compromised, Qiu Anhong didn't say any more.

Everyone in the family is looking forward to the birth of the child in Xiaoxiao's belly.

Because there are two babies, Qiu Anhong, Zhou Fangfei, and grandma, the things they prepared for the little baby began to double.

Knowing that Xiaoxiao is pregnant with two, Qiao Jiu is very envious, but his wife Yindi is still a graduate student and is not suitable for having children. They have to wait until Yindi graduates to prepare for a baby. Fortunately, he is older than Ji Yu Still young, even envy is not so anxious.

Perhaps because she is pregnant, Xiaoxiao's maternal brilliance is getting stronger and stronger. The closest child is Jiang Wenlan's daughter. The little girl is the cutest and most playful time. Every time she sees the little girl, Xiaoxiao feels Like it so much.

The weather is getting warmer day by day, and everyone is wearing less and less clothes. In May, Xiaoxiao's stomach can finally be seen, and the discussion in the family courtyard that had disappeared because of Xiaoxiao's previous explanation was revived. She was about to get up, but when she saw Xiaoxiao's bulging stomach, who would dare to talk nonsense, she was slapped in the face brightly.

There are also many enthusiastic military wives in the family courtyard. Seeing that Xiaoxiao is pregnant, whenever she has the opportunity, she will teach her various precautions and tricks during pregnancy, and Xiaoxiao also picks up useful ones and writes them down.

Between the end of the Chinese New Year and the start of her pregnancy, Qiao Jiu and Zhang Luo’s factory was finally built, and they began to purchase machines and recruit more workers. Because the cost of building a factory and purchasing machines was relatively high, Qiao Jiu and Xiaoxiao It's not easy to put all my net worth into it, so I can only get a loan from the bank. Fortunately, there are a lot of real estate in the shop under their name, and the monthly turnover of the shop is also considerable, and the loan is also very smooth.

Many state-owned factories have already gone bankrupt due to the gradual rise of private enterprises and the elimination of the market, and workers have been laid off in batches, which has also facilitated their recruitment.

Otherwise, in the eyes of everyone, the iron rice bowl of the public company is more prosperous, and if you can go to the public company, you will not easily consider private private companies.

This also allowed Qiao Jiuxiaoxiao and the others to recruit many experienced workers.

Although many people who worked in state-owned factories in the past lived a life of three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, during work, talking about mountains, knitting sweaters, and dawdling can be found everywhere, but there are always those who are skilled, hardworking and down-to-earth Workers who are willing to work, they will be able to recruit employees who are suitable for them.

Xiaoxiao couldn't manage the newly built factory, and Qiao Jiu was not professional enough in this area, so she directly recruited the deputy director of a large garment factory that was on the verge of bankruptcy with a high salary.

The deputy factory director is actually very capable, and he saw the crisis in the factory early and wanted to change, but the factory director and other leaders are all conservative diehards, and his ideas cannot be implemented. Ninth, they have discerning eyes and knowledge, entrusted them with great responsibilities, and they have found a platform for them to display their talents.

Everything in the factory is ready, just waiting for the official opening in early June.

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