Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 401 The Care of the Elders

When Xiaoxiao was pregnant, Ji Yu didn't let her drive as soon as the two of them went home. They would come back here every weekend, and once they got home, Qiu Anhong had already cooked the meal.

It was the critical time for Ji Ze to prepare for the college entrance examination. He studied too hard at ordinary times, so he could sleep hard on weekends and holidays. When Qiu Anhong sent Ji Yu to call him out, the young man was still sleepy.

After the family sat together and finished eating, Xiaoxiao subconsciously helped her mother-in-law to pack things, and Ji Yu immediately stopped Xiaoxiao. "Just sit down, I'll come."

It's not that the daughter-in-law didn't help her with work before, but what happened today, Qiu Anhong was full of doubts.

After Ji Yu finished speaking, he looked at his mother. "Mom, Xiaoxiao is pregnant, so I won't let her work."

"Xiaoxiao is pregnant!" Qiu Anhong was pleasantly surprised.

For a while, the old man who was sitting on the sofa about to watch TV and Ji Hongqi all looked over.

"Yes, I have been checked in the hospital." Ji Yu continued.

"That's why you can't move around, Xiaoxiao, sit down and rest, ouch, ouch, this is really great." Qiu Anhong couldn't help but be happy.

The old man and Ji Hongqi are not happy, but as male elders, it is not good for them to ask Xiaoxiao too much about pregnancy, but the joy on their faces cannot be suppressed.

Since my family only knew about it, the old man must not know about it. The old man immediately got up to go for a walk, and his guards quickly followed.

The old man walked around in front of Zhang's house, stopped, and then walked around again, walking back and forth several times in a row.

It's hard for the Zhang family not to notice that Mr. Ji is like this. Zhou Fangfei saw it from the window and couldn't help but said, "I see that Uncle Ji has been wandering around outside our house. Does he have something to do with my dad?"

Zhang Minsheng, who was sitting on the sofa and reading a newspaper, raised his head, "Really, then I'll tell Dad."

Mr. Zhang was listening to the radio shaking his head when he saw his son walking over.

"Dad, my Uncle Ji has been wandering around outside our house, did he want to find you?"

Mr. Zhang stopped when he heard it, and then became complacent. "This old man, if you want to see me, just come here directly, and you are reserved, there is really nothing you can do about him."

Zhang Minsheng almost choked, turned around and left.

Mr. Zhang got up and walked out slowly. As expected, as soon as he left the house, he saw Mr. Ji in front of his house.

"Why, are you thinking of playing chess with me again?" He became a little arrogant.

"Why don't you play chess? I have a happy event, and I want to share it with you."

"What happy event?" Mr. Zhang was stunned.

Mr. Ji laughed. "My family is going to have a fourth generation."

"Tch, how many years has Ji Qiang had a child in your family." After speaking, Mr. Zhang suddenly realized, "Wait, what do you mean?"

"That's what you think." Mr. Ji winked.

This time old man Zhang was startled, turned around and ran into the house.

"Hey, why are you running?" Old Man Ji shouted, but he hadn't finished showing off yet.

Seeing Mr. Zhang rushing into the house, he shouted at his son and daughter-in-law. "Xiaoxiao is pregnant, and I will be Grandpa Zeng."

"What!" Zhang Minsheng immediately dropped the newspaper and stood up.

Zhou Fangfei also ran out from the kitchen.

"Dad, who did you listen to?" She asked quickly.

"Uncle Ji, I know why he has been hanging around outside our house." Mr. Zhang said tut-tsk.

Now, the members of Zhang's family went to Ji's house immediately.

Xiaoxiao was surrounded in the middle like a key protected animal, everyone said what you said, and I said what you said.

Zhou Fangfei first worried that her daughter would live in a family home without anyone to take care of her, and life would be inconvenient.

In fact, after knowing that Xiaoxiao was pregnant, Qiu Anhong also thought about whether to let her daughter-in-law come back to live, so that she could also make delicious supplements for her daughter-in-law from time to time.

Xiaoxiao accepted all the elders' kindness, but she didn't plan to come back to live immediately. She just said that she is still young, and her actions will not be affected. It's convenient to come back to live again.

Seeing her persistence, Qiu Anhong and Zhou Fangfei had no choice.

Xiaoxiao has always had her own ideas, and it's not easy for them as elders to force her.

After Zhou Fangfei came out of Ji's house, she immediately called her son and told her the good news. Knowing that she was going to be an uncle, Zhang Xinjie was also quite happy.

Now only grandma was left and they didn't know. After resting at home for a while, Ji Yu and Xiaoxiao took some things and drove to the courtyard.

As long as she lived in the family courtyard, she would come back to the courtyard on weekends. Grandma didn't think it was strange, but her eyes were red when she found out that her granddaughter was pregnant. The granddaughter got married and now she is pregnant again. There are fewer and fewer things to worry about, and now only her grandson Xiaofeng is left. If she can see her grandson enter the university, get married and have children, she can rest in peace even if she dies immediately. It is not false at all.

Grandma inevitably told her some precautions during pregnancy, and Xiaoxiao wrote them down one by one.

Xiaofeng is about to take the high school entrance examination in a few months, and his daily state is similar to that of Ji Ze who is preparing for the high school entrance examination. This kid has started to grow rapidly this year. He was not as tall as Xiaoxiao before, but now he has surpassed Xiaoxiao's sister , He was also very happy to learn that his sister had a child.

Although Xiaoxiao still wants to go home to live in the family home, when she goes back, the trunk of the car is full. There are things from her grandmother, and things from her mother Zhou Fangfei and mother-in-law Qiu Anhong. When she came to take care of her, she wished she could bring all the good things with her.

In addition to taking things, the elders did not forget to tell Ji Yu to take good care of Xiaoxiao, especially Qiu Anhong, who even pulled his son aside and told Xiaoxiao that this is a special time, even if he can't help it, he has to endure it. You can't let your temper mess around.

When my mother told herself this kind of thing, even though Ji Yu was a man, his face would turn red, and he would just run away when he knew about it.

Wherever Qiu Anhong had seen this side of her eldest son, she couldn't help laughing, and when she talked about it with her husband before going to bed at night, both of them couldn't help laughing.

They have returned to the family home now, and they carry the big and small bags at home. Naturally, someone asked curiously. Xiaoxiao only said that there were too many things at home during the New Year, and her mother-in-law and natal mother asked her to bring more. Everyone envied her at the same time. , I feel that the conditions of her natal family and her husband's family are not bad.

It is also thanks to the fact that there is also a refrigerator in the house of Xiaoxiao and their family's courtyard. There is a place to put the big bags and those things that are not easy to store.

There are too many things, Xiaoxiao is afraid that she won’t be able to finish them, so she even gave some to the neighbors she knows well. In fact, this is the case in every household. If the neighbors with good relationship, whoever cooks delicious food, they will give it to the side Give a little to the few stores on the Internet, and almost everyone will come back empty-handed.

The things Xiaoxiao sent out were not cheap, and she gained a wave of goodwill from her neighbors.

If you don’t know, the neighbors don’t dare to accept food that is too expensive. Doesn’t everyone know that Xiaoxiao’s family is in good condition, and she gave it sincerely, so they dare to accept it, although most of them are pickled at home. Xiaoxiao is also very happy to receive the small dishes or other specialties.

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