It was late when Xiaoxiao came back, Ji Yu only said hello to grandma, and then drove away in the car.

Under the cover of night, grandma didn't see any abnormalities on her granddaughter's face. Xiaoxiao said she was tired, so she went back to her room to rest.

When Ji Yu was studying, he couldn't live at home. Although there were breaks during the study, they lived in the place arranged by the army. It's just that compared with college students living in four or six people's rooms, Ji Yu and the others who come to study have much better conditions for military officers who live in two rooms.

In the next few days of vacation, Ji Yu went out with Xiaoxiao every day, shopping and watching movies.

When Ji Yu left for the National Defense University, Xiaoxiao could only send him to the school gate, watched him go in and then left.

The National Defense University is different from other universities. It is not easy for outsiders to get in. Xiaoxiao didn’t want to bother, so she didn’t bother. Compared with the past half a year, when Ji Yu only saw each other once a year, the two of them could see each other when Ji Yu was resting on weekends. It was already much better. .

When Ji Yu started to study, there were not many days left until Xiaoxiao's and Zhang Zixi's birthdays. The Zhang family is going to make a big deal this year, so they had to start notifying relatives and friends earlier.

Generally, every child’s birthday, except for the full moon, is when the first birthday is still 12 years old. Xiaoxiao and Zhang Zixi are going to celebrate their 20th birthday. The people who were notified are naturally very strange, and the Zhang family did not hide it. When people asked about it, they said that they had recognized their own daughter, and everyone was shocked. The daughter the Zhang family had raised for [-] years was not their own.

Zhang Zixi had the cheek to move back home again, but as the Zhang family notified more and more people, the news that she was not the Zhang family's birth spread throughout the compound, and when she went out again, she encountered a lot of strange things eyes, and some people even asked her what was going on.

What Zhang Zixi taboos the most is her own background, how can she have a good face when others ask her, every time she leaves in a hurry and leaves a bad reputation.

Han Xiaoxiao is not unknown in the compound. After all, she first became the granddaughter of Mr. Ji and then Ji Yu's fiancée, and Qiu Anhong is always proud that she has a good daughter-in-law. People in the compound know her Quite a lot, now knowing that she is actually the biological daughter of the Zhang family, I don't know how many people are emotionally destined.

Of course, many people are curious about how the Zhang family now has two daughters, one is Zhang Zixi who has been raised for many years, and the other is the biological daughter Han Xiaoxiao, how these two daughters should behave in the Zhang family now.

Don't think that the people in the compound don't gossip. Except for their higher positions and better family backgrounds, they are no different from ordinary people. Now everyone is curious about the birthday party Zhang's family organized for their two daughters.

Even those who didn't plan to go at the beginning, now want to go to see the excitement.

Being scrutinized and questioned all day long, Zhang Zixi almost couldn't bear to move back to the unit's dormitory. However, she still couldn't talk about these anguish and troubles with her family, so she could only hold them in her heart, and only vented in the middle of the night in her room. .

In the past few days, Xiaoxiao’s phone calls at home have been very busy. After a while, Qiu Anhong called to discuss some matters about the marriage, and after a while Zhou Fangfei called to tell her about the arrangements for the birthday party, or to ask her about the size of her clothes and shoes. Sit in front of the phone with the book, and save yourself the trouble of running around all the time.

Ji Yu went to study and was not at home. Zhou Fangfei wanted Xiaoxiao to stay at Zhang's house for a few days before she got married, but when Xiaoxiao thought that Zhang Zixi was also at home, she felt that she didn't want to go. Zhou Fangfei had no choice but to lower her request to Xiaoxiao's. Xiao stayed at home for two days the day before her birthday and the day of her birthday.

Having already rejected the previous request, Xiaoxiao was too embarrassed to refuse the latter one, so she agreed.

After Zhou Fangfei asked for Xiaoxiao's clothes size and shoe size, she asked someone to help Xiaoxiao order clothes for the birthday party, thinking that Xiaoxiao had never taken care of her as a mother in the past 20 years, except for the birthday party The clothes to wear, and bought a lot of things for Xiaoxiao in one go.

Although Zhou Fangfei didn't forget about Zhang Zixi's daughter when she was shopping, but the big head must be bought for Xiaoxiao, Zhang Zixi said that she didn't care about it, but she was very angry again.

She felt that if this continued, her status in the family would only get lower and lower until she was completely occupied by Han Xiaoxiao. Thinking of this, she became more and more dissatisfied and resentful towards the Zhang family.

She was admitted back to Zhang's house and had to hold a big birthday party, so Xiaoxiao had to tell a few roommates, except for the two who went home, she went to Yindi and the others one by one.

Xiaoxiao was not born of the Han family, but a child of the Zhang family in the compound. Yindi and the others were naturally more surprised when they heard about it, but seeing Xiaoxiao's calm face, they could only silently send it to her. Blessings, they all agreed to go to Xiaoxiao's birthday party.

Xiaoxiao's birthday, Ji Yu, who is still studying, is naturally thinking about it. Their training class has more than [-] people from various military regions. Among them, Ji Yu can be regarded as young and promising. Naturally, there are some military and political families in it. Some of my disciples even know Ji Yu.

Ji Yu didn't intend to publicize his family background at first, but with those few people who greeted him, he couldn't hide it even if he wanted to. Among the people who came to study, he became a sweet potato worth making friends with.

Before Ji Yu didn't know if he could be in the capital on Xiaoxiao's birthday, so he brought up the birthday gift he had prepared when Xiaoxiao left, but now that he is back, Xiaoxiao's birthday has to be organized, He planned to prepare another copy, and for this reason, he asked for leave from the person in charge of their studies.

In fact, they don't have to attend classes from morning till night, everyone is free at night, but they were not allowed to enter and leave the school at will before, and now Ji Yu is going to ask for leave, and the person in charge who knows his background can't stop him.

In order to prepare a suitable gift for Xiaoxiao, Ji Yu still owed someone a favor, but fortunately, he got the things smoothly.

Finally, on August [-]th, after Xiaoxiao had lunch at home, she was taken away by her brother Zhang Xinjie who came to pick her up.

In fact, the Zhang family also invited grandma and Xiaofeng to stay there for the night, but grandma refused, saying that she and her grandson would go directly to the restaurant where they held their birthday party tomorrow.

In fact, it was grandma who didn't want to cause trouble for her granddaughter, and only wanted the Zhang family to pay more attention to Xiaoxiao. When she was gone in the future, Xiaoxiao would still have a family she could rely on, so she was heartbroken for Xiaoxiao.

Zhou Fangfei was extremely happy that Xiaoxiao could come and live at home, and Zhang Minsheng also returned home after work early.

When the family of six sat together for lunch, except for Zhang Zixi, who forced a smile on her face, everyone present was happier than the other. Of course, Xiaoxiao had a good time eating, and was more thinking about seeing Ji again tomorrow. Yu was happy.

When going to bed at night, Zhou Fangfei was afraid that Xiaoxiao would not get used to it, so she came over to look at it several times, until her husband Zhang Minsheng stopped her and said that Xiaoxiao would not have to sleep if she continued to watch like this, Zhou Fangfei finally extinguished her motherly love .

How could Zhang Zixi in the room not hear her walking back and forth like this, and the poor villain also endured more torture.

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