Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 342 Big Uncle's Warning

In the army, before Ji Yu left, he first returned his own house. Most of the furniture in the house was rented from the army, and then returned. The remaining items, except for a few Ji Yu packed and sent After leaving, all the rest were distributed to comrades in arms with close relations, among which the family of the neighbor Sister Yuan got the most.

Ji Yu is not a talkative and sensational person, but at the moment of leaving, looking at the comrades who came to see him off, his eyes still turned a little red.

"You boy, you don't know where you're going to be promoted after finishing your advanced studies. Don't forget us old friends."

"Don't worry, no matter where I go, if Niman comes to see me, I will treat you to dinner and drinks."

"Everyone heard, this is what Ji Yu said."

When Ji Yu saw the head of the political commissar, he saluted.

The captain patted him on the shoulder. "Ji Yu, study hard. In the future, you will be promising, and our group will also have a bright face. No matter who mentions it, you will go out from us."

The political commissar also smiled and asked a few words.

Arriving at the train station by car, after the train started, looking at the passing scenery outside, Ji Yu was also filled with emotion. He had stayed here for many years, and suddenly left like this. It is impossible to say that he is not willing to part with it. , even if he is not here in the future, he still has to find a chance to come back and have a look.

Ji Yu didn't bring many things, just a military luggage bag with the words Bayi printed on it. When he got into the car in this military uniform, everyone who saw him couldn't help but glance at him, and he and Those in the same compartment as him felt safer on the road when they saw him in military uniform.

Before Ji Yu left, he called his family, so both Ji's family and Xiaoxiao knew the train number and date of his return.

Qiu Anhong took Zhou Fangfei to discuss Xiaoxiao's marriage all day long, and the Zhang family naturally knew that Ji Yu was coming back, and also got the good news that Ji Yu would return to the capital for further studies.

Before, the Zhang family, as Xiaoxiao’s newlyweds, was worried that the couple would be separated after they got married. Xiaoxiao was going to school, even if she was qualified to join the army according to Ji Yu’s level, she couldn’t leave her studies and leave. , I didn't say anything, I was worrying in my heart, I didn't expect the most worrying thing to be solved.

The two children were about to get married, and Mr. Ji naturally did not hide their plans from the Zhang family. After Ji Yu completed his studies, he would stay in the capital military region, and the two children could still be together after they got married.

Knowing that Ji Yu is coming back, Zhang Zixi looks forward to it and hates Xiaoxiao even more.

The train rattled for a long time, and finally arrived in the capital. Ji Yu went out with his bag, and saw Xiao Ma and Xiaoxiao waiting for him, put down his bag, and rushed over to hug Xiaoxiao.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm back."

Obviously, the two met not long ago, but the longing after separation tortured him like a bone-eating poison all day long. Fortunately, the two of them finally didn't have to be separated for a long time in the future, which was also the happiest thing for him.

When she got in the car, Xiaoxiao didn't mention the matter of getting married, and Xiao Ma had been instructed a long time ago, let alone talk about it.

But Xiaoxiao said that the Zhang family planned to hold a birthday party for her to introduce her to everyone.

After weighing the pros and cons, Ji Yu also knew that this would benefit Xiaoxiao more, and he was quite satisfied with the Zhang family in his heart. He was afraid that after admitting relatives, the Zhang family would wrong Xiaoxiao because of Zhang Zixi, the daughter who had been raised for many years. It seems that the situation is not bad now, but thinking about it, their family Xiaoxiao is so good, anyone can only be proud and happy to have such a girl.

Picking up Ji Yu, the car went straight back to the compound. Knowing that her son came back to stay for a few days before further studies, Qiu Anhong also put away all the things she had prepared for the wedding, thinking that it was just a few days to rest, and continued to hide from her son. Surprise your son later.

Xiaoxiao accompanied Ji Yu to have a meal at Ji's house, then at the urging of Qiu Anhong, she took some things and went to Zhang's house.

In the past, when Ji Yu came to the Zhang family, he was basically looking for his good friend Zhang Xinjie, and because of the relationship between the two families, he came as soon as he came, and he would not take anything at all, but now, this is his first official visit as the son-in-law of the Zhang family. Come to the door, don't be formal.

Knowing that he came back today, Zhang's family was also present.

As soon as Ji Yu entered the room, Zhang Zixi secretly looked at him, the greed in his eyes couldn't be stopped.

After Xiaoxiao's identity was confirmed by the Zhang family, Zhang Zixi became more and more determined to get Ji Yu.

Although Zhang Zixi had tried to cover it up, both Ji Yu and Xiaoxiao, who had keen senses, were aware of it. Ji Yu's face turned cold, and Xiaoxiao also sneered.

In front of her, he dared to covet her man, Zhang Zixi really deserved it.

However, the Zhang family watched the two of them enter the house, and did not notice Zhang Zixi's change.

"Uncle Zhang, hello, Auntie." Ji Yu sent something and called for someone. Although he hated Zhang Zixi's gaze, he didn't forget the business of coming here.

Zhang Xinjie quickly took the things Ji Yu brought, and sent them to the kitchen for storage.

As soon as Ji Yu sat down, Zhang Minsheng asked him about some things about his studies.

The Zhang family also remembered what Xiaoxiao wanted to surprise Ji Yu, and they didn't mention their marriage.

After chatting with Zhang Minsheng, the future father-in-law, Ji Yu was dragged away by Zhang Xinjie.

"Didn't expect that I could still be your big brother-in-law." Although he didn't really want his sister who had just come back to marry immediately, but Zhang Xinjie also knew that this matter would not change because of his own will. So I can only accept it, but facing Ji Yu, there are always some necessary procedures, such as warnings.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that either." Ji Yu looked helpless.

"Don't say anything, since Xiaoxiao is my own sister, you have to treat Xiaoxiao better in the future, or else be careful and I will settle accounts with you." Zhang Xinjie, the brother, played his true colors.

"Don't worry, even if I endure hardships, I won't let Xiaoxiao suffer the slightest bit of grievance." Xiaoxiao is someone who is on top of her heart.

"That's about the same." Zhang Xinjie said with satisfaction.

In the room, Zhang Zixi also sat beside Xiaoxiao, Zhou Fangfei went to work in the kitchen, and the two of them were in front of her.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry, I, just now, I'm sorry, I will gradually forget, you also know, this kind of thing is not so easy, maybe time will dilute everything, I wish you happiness." The smart Zhang Zixi finally noticed it Xiaoxiao was unhappy, so she hurried over to make up for it. Even if she hated Xiaoxiao in her heart, it was not the time for the two to turn their heads.

Xiaoxiao said indifferently: "It's up to you." She was too lazy to play tricks with the other party.

Zhang Zixi was furious, she was so subdued, Han Xiaoxiao was still like this, she really didn't know the heights of heaven and earth after recognizing her relatives, just wait, there will be a day when you will feel better.

She kept comforting herself before barely suppressing her anger.

Ji Yu and Xiaoxiao were forced to stay and had a meal at Zhang's house before leaving smoothly.

Unwilling to part with Xiaoxiao so soon, Ji Yu insisted on driving Xiaoxiao home.

On the way, he stopped the car and stole some beauty incense.

When Xiaoxiao got home, the redness on her face hadn't completely subsided.

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