Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 264 The Competition Begins

Continuing to participate in the competition is of great significance to Xiaoxiao. After getting the form and filling in various information, Xiaoxiao started a new round of design.

For being able to continue the competition, Xiaoxiao did not hide it from Wang Hui and Sun Yan, who were in the same dormitory. That Li Qian went further in the game.

Wang Hui and Sun Yan were not stupid, they didn't mention Xiaoxiao's continued competition to anyone in the class. Although Xiaoxiao also used reasonable methods, it was inevitable that some people knew their grievances, and they didn't want any further disturbances.

Such a good thing, Xiaoxiao will naturally tell Ji Yu, knowing that Xiaoxiao can continue the game, Ji Yu is also happy for her, knowing that this opportunity was won by Qiao Jiu, and said that when she comes back, she will invite Qiao Jiu to eat and drink.

Before Ji Yu got engaged to Xiaoxiao, although he and Qiao Jiu had some feelings of mutual hostility, after the engagement, he also regarded Qiao Jiu as one of his own, and complained that Qiao Jiu always helped Xiaoxiao wholeheartedly. Followed Xiaoxiao and recognized Qiao Jiu, Xiaoxiao's natal family.

After the autumn school started, Xiaohuahua went to the nursery school, and Xiaofeng also entered the fifth grade. Facing Xiaoxiao's promotion to junior high school, under the guidance and influence of his sister Xiaoxiao, Xiaofeng's academic performance is also very good now, and he also performs well in other aspects. It can be seen from the certificates of those three good students who took home.

Grandma saw that her grandchildren were so upbeat, and her life became more and more comfortable.

Jiang Wenlan is also very busy with her own business now. Her son is growing up healthily and her career is getting better and better. The diners who are eating show their affection to her.

At the end of October, Xiaoxiao took out her own new design drawing with the same style as when she was selected in the school, but with a different style.

This fashion design competition is called the New Year Cup, and the final venue of the competition is the capital city. In early November, contestants selected from various colleges and universities, as well as people sent by various garment factories, gathered in the capital city to participate in this competition.

Although there are not many participants from various colleges and clothing factories, there are still quite a few of them gathered together. In the past few days, several guest houses in the capital city have been fully occupied because of this competition.

Xiaoxiao used the quota recommended by Dongfang Garment Factory this time. Besides her, there were five other people from Dongfang Garment Factory who participated in the competition. The main factory of Dongfang Garment Factory is not in the capital. They lived in a hostel together, and Xiaoxiao's family was in the capital, so she didn't take advantage of others, mainly because she felt that it was more comfortable to live at home.

Because she was going to take part in the competition, she even went to ask teacher Wen, the teacher in charge, for leave. She had been hiding this from her before, but she was going to ask for leave for more than a day, so she naturally had to tell Teacher Wen the truth.

Teacher Wen naturally hopes that there will be more award-winning students in her class, but it is a pity that all the students in the class failed in the previous school selection. Regarding Xiaoxiao's experience, Teacher Wen also heard a little news afterwards, and the matter has come to an end , even if Teacher Wen feels sorry for Xiaoxiao, it is not good to question and overturn the decision that the school has made. Now that Xiaoxiao has another way to continue participating in the competition, I am only happy for Xiaoxiao. The need for Xiaoxiao to ask for leave is natural It's not difficult at all.

"When there is no competition, I still have to come to school to attend classes. Although the competition is very important, the school's study cannot be neglected." Teacher Wen still reminds me.

"I see, Teacher Wen, thank you."

"Good game!"

The preliminary round of the Spring Festival Cup Fashion Design Contest finally kicked off. Before the competition, Xiaoxiao rushed to the venue where the competition was held, where she found someone from Dongfang Garment Factory.

It was also when it was time for the competition, and the few people who participated in the competition at Dongfang Garment Factory knew that there was another participant outside the factory in their factory this time. Naturally, everyone was very curious about this sudden extra person, but the leader of the team only said He is a talented student in the Department of Fashion Design, and he said that he could meet him during the competition, which made everyone's curiosity even more serious.

When Xiaoxiao was brought to the staff of Dongfang Garment Factory, everyone was quite surprised to learn that she was the talented student.

Among the five people from Dongfang Garment Factory who came to the competition this time, two are old masters in the factory, one is a middle-level backbone, and two are newcomers who have not been in the factory for a long time but are very promising. The quota for the competition in my own factory must be very strong. Although I was told that I was a talented student in the fashion design department, I subconsciously thought that I had graduated. I thought that the other party might not be too young. Can you not be surprised by the pretty Xiaoxiao?

"Hi everyone, I'm Han Xiaoxiao. Please take care of me during the competition these days." Xiaoxiao smiled and said politely.

Where there are people, there is competition. The five competition places of Dongfang Garment Factory are naturally selected, but the two old masters are more to save face for the factory. They have ideas about winning prizes, but they are not so urgent. The backbone really wants to win the award and is very confident in himself. The other two young people, who have only been in the factory for a short time, regard each other as their biggest competitors. Because Xiaoxiao is from outside the factory, they will not compete with them. As for the room for improvement in the factory, both of them actually wanted to draw Xiaoxiao into their side.

Xiaoxiao just wanted to participate in the competition, but she didn't have any intention of fighting. Facing the two people who made good friends, they were polite to each other, but they didn't lean towards any one.

The rivalry between the two young people, the master and the others also saw it, because the two of them didn't do anything out of the ordinary, it was just a normal competition, so they both took the attitude of watching a show, seeing Xiaoxiao so calm now, He also gave her a high look, after all, Xiaoxiao was younger than those two.

Xie Pengbai took care of the three contestants of Beijing University, because Beijing University was in the capital and did not live in the guest house. It was not until the day of the competition that they came to the competition venue under the leadership of the team leader teacher.

There was still an opening ceremony for the competition, and participants from all units also came in and sat down under the stage.

The people from Beijing University came early and made the preparations. As soon as someone from the new unit came in at the door, everyone would look over involuntarily. As soon as Xiaoxiao followed the team from the Dongfang Garment Factory into the door, several people from Beijing University saw it. After all, they were competing together. Those who have passed the competition, everyone still has an impression of her.

After being surprised, Li Qian frowned. "What kind of occasion is this, Han Xiaoxiao is too ignorant of the seriousness, and she still wants to get in."

Bai glanced at her lightly. "There's no rule here that people who don't participate in the competition are not allowed to enter." Bai Qingqing's attitude towards junior girls from the same school and department is still very friendly.

Xie Peng also admired Xiaoxiao, a capable school girl, and did not go along with Li Qian.

The attitude of the two made Li Qian annoyed.

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