In fact, on the whole, Han Xiaoxiao's works are more aura in the hearts of the teachers. If you look at the original intention of this competition, it is more appropriate to choose Han Xiaoxiao, but what the teacher who supported Li Qian said made a lot of teachers feel very reasonable Moreover, the teacher who supported Li Qian was older than the teacher who supported Han Xiaoxiao.

Xiaoxiao and the other contestants were finally notified, and everyone anxiously waited for the judges and teachers to announce the final results of the competition.

"This time, the three students selected by our school to represent the school are Xie Peng, Bai Qingqing, and Li Qian. Congratulations to these three students. The rest of the students who were not selected don't need to be discouraged. Everyone's works are also very good."

The three people who were selected were ecstatic. Hearing that she was not among the final ones, although Xiaoxiao knew that the competition was fierce, she was still a little disappointed. Was she a little bit behind after all?

When the selected Li Qian and Bai Qingqing were enjoying the congratulations from others, they all glanced at Xiaoxiao at the same time, with complacency and pride in their eyes, everyone's works were seen by everyone, and some people liked Xiaoxiao and felt that She is a dark horse that may get a place in the competition. For this reason, Li Qian and Bai Weiwei didn't say anything, but they regarded Xiaoxiao as a strong competitor in their hearts, and they were naturally happy when the result came out.

Xu Shi regretted that his student's work was good enough, but in the end he did not represent the school in the competition, and the teacher who worked hard for Xiaoxiao came over.

"Han Xiaoxiao, come here."

"Teacher Zhao." Xiaoxiao followed the teacher to the side.

"Xiaoxiao, your design is actually great, but the teachers have also considered some other issues. Don't be discouraged, there will be opportunities to compete in the future."

Xiaoxiao heard some voice-overs, and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Zhao, can I ask what the question is?"

"Well." Teacher Zhao hesitated for a moment, maybe he really didn't like the result, so he said it after hesitation. "Representing the school in the competition, I still have experience, and older students are more stable."

So, didn't I lose because the design was not good enough, but because my qualifications were too low?
If it is said that her work is not as good as others, Xiaoxiao can accept the result of this competition, but she is not convinced just because of experience and age, but she also knows that it is regret and kindness that Mr. Zhao told herself, and she thanked the other party.

When she went back, Sun Yan and Wang Hui asked her what was going on.

Before Xiaoxiao could speak, Li Qian came over surrounded by several people.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, don't be unhappy. In competitions, it depends on strength in the end. Keep working hard. After we graduate, maybe we will have the opportunity to represent the school in the future." Being praised a lot, Li Qian also felt a little flustered. Just now when she went to Bai Qingqing and Xie Peng, she heard them discussing Han Xiaoxiao's design, saying that Han Xiaoxiao's work was great, and she didn't represent the school in the competition. It was a pity, Li Qian I'm not happy, so I came to Xiaoxiao on purpose.

Originally, Xiaoxiao was feeling uncomfortable because of what she heard from Teacher Zhao, but now she was squeezed by Li Qian, and her anger also came up.

"If strength is ranked according to age, I will never be able to catch up with senior sister." Xiaoxiao sneered.

"What do you mean!" Li Qian was not stupid.

"What do I mean? It means whatever you want to understand." After speaking, Xiaoxiao dragged Wang Hui and Sun Yan, who were confused, away.

Now that the result has come out, there's no point in making a fuss even if she feels uncomfortable, but she just doesn't feel that Li Qian is acting good when she gets a bargain.

"Xiaoxiao, don't pay attention to that Li Qian, who has always looked down on others." Wang Hui comforted Xiaoxiao.

"That's right, I like Senior Xie Peng and Senior Bai Qingqing very much. The two of them make people feel very comfortable." Sun Yan echoed.

For the roommate with the closest relationship, Xiaoxiao also expressed her distress. Knowing that she may have lost the opportunity to represent the school because she was only a sophomore, the two also fought for her, but the result was determined. They could only try their best to comfort Xiaoxiao.

Xiaoxiao also told a few people not to spread the word about this matter, otherwise it would appear that she couldn't afford to make excuses. If Li Qian hadn't insisted on coming to her, she wouldn't have said those things.

Xiaoxiao's words were not only heard by Li Qian, but also the people who followed Li Qian. After Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she left, leaving Li Qian very angry.

"What does she mean, if you didn't choose it, you didn't choose it, what's wrong with Yin and Yang, hmph."

One of them thought a lot because of this. This person was more familiar with Li Qian. Among the judges just now, one of them was actually Li Qian's aunt. It's just that Li Qian didn't show it in school. When Li Qian was there, she heard Li Qian call her Aunt Fang.

That's right, the one Li Qian called her aunt was actually the teacher who supported Li Qian just now.

After working so hard to prepare for so long, this is the result in the end. If the real skills are not as good as others, it will be fine. Because of other reasons, Xiaoxiao still feels a little uncomfortable in her heart. After she came to this era, many things went smoothly , or the first time a little decadent.

Afraid that Ji Yu was worried, when she went back to talk to Ji Yu, she was asked only that she was not selected, and did not tell the story. Ji Yu also tried to comfort her.

Two days after this incident, Qiao Jiu and others came to the capital. Knowing about Xiaoxiao's participation in the competition, Qiao Jiu also asked about the result. Facing the existence of Qiao Jiu who is both a brother and a partner, Xiaoxiao confides the inside story , Qiao Jiu was not happy when he heard it, but he couldn't interfere with the internal affairs of Beijing University, but he kept it in his heart.

After a few days, Xiaoxiao stopped thinking about it and started her normal study and life, but Qiao Jiu told her good news.

It turned out that Qiao Jiu had met some people in the industry in the past few years when he opened a clothing store. Coincidentally, he knew someone from a factory that organized and sponsored this competition, and he was not a low-ranking person.

In this competition, in addition to the quotas for the fashion design departments of various colleges and universities, there are actually other quotas. For example, the clothing factories sponsored by these organizations all have internal recommendations, directly omitting the quota for the preliminary competition.

Qiao Jiu invited him to drink and eat, and told about his sister who was very talented in design and was very yearning for this competition. For this reason, he also showed some of Xiaoxiao's previous design drafts to the other party, who was also an expert. After reading it, I felt that Xiaoxiao was very talented in design, and agreed to give Xiaoxiao a chance to be recommended.

Hearing the good news, Xiaoxiao was overjoyed and thankful to Qiao Jiu.

She can continue to participate in the competition, this is simply another village!

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