"Just don't think about how to play all day long, and things like talking about love are not suitable for her now. Her current task is to study and serve the country and society in the future."

Zhou Fangfei didn't know why her husband suddenly thought of disciplining her daughter, but seeing her serious expression, she could only nod her head. 'I see. "

"Fang Fei should take care of it." The old man also expressed his attitude. Since Ji Yu's child has no other thoughts about his granddaughter, it is best for the granddaughter to give up, so as not to affect the relationship between the two families in the future. Besides, he knows Ji Yu The child was appointed as a fiancée. Although old man Ji kept saying that he wanted to recognize his granddaughter, he had talked with Qunxiang.

Seeing that her father-in-law also spoke, Zhou Fangfei took it more seriously.

After finishing what he had to do, Zhang Xinjie also relaxed. Now that everyone is back, he will naturally stay at home tonight.

When Zhang Zixi came back from playing outside, he was very happy to see his brother at home. "Brother, you are back."

"Well, have you finished your homework? Hurry up and do your homework." Zhang Xinjie urged her.

"I just came back, let me take a break." Zhang Zixi acted like a baby.

"Zixi, have you eaten yet?" Zhou Fangfei walked over.

"Mom, I ate with my classmates."

"After eating, I will do my homework."

"Understood." Zhang Zixi pouted unhappy, why even her mother began to urge herself.

She doesn't know that it's all because of the letter she wrote to Ji-wook.

After Ji Yu finished calling his friend, he read Han Xiaoxiao's letter with a smile, and treated him differently.

Besides, Han Xiaoxiao, maybe there are fewer people in the rematch. The list was posted in two days. Junior, tied for first prize.

It was a rest day when the notification went to receive the award, and grandma and younger brother, as well as Qiao Jiu, all followed her. When she arrived, not only Wang Jinsong and Gu Qing came, but Yang Dachui was also waiting there with Zhao Qiang and Wang Shitou. with.

After receiving the certificate and certificate, she also got an envelope containing the bonus. The first prize was 100 yuan. She took a photo with the winner and the award presenter. Han Xiaoxiao took her own things and stepped down happily. When receiving the award, the hands of her family and friends who were happy for her were almost clapped red.

"Xiaoxiao, you are really good. You have already won the first prize." Qiao Jiu gave a thumbs up.

"Boss, do you have both civil and military skills?" Yang Dachui said.

Both civil and military, think about it, it really means that, everyone laughed.

"I've won the bonus, and I'll treat you to dinner." Han Xiaoxiao announced generously.

A group of people didn't like her kindness, and they all rushed to the small restaurant together.

Seeing that she brought her friends and family, the proprietress and the proprietress were very enthusiastic. There were so many of them, and they specially put together two tables together.

Grandma felt a little strange when she saw that her granddaughter was familiar with the owner of the shop.

"Grandma, the three of us have eaten here a few times and helped the boss once. The boss's dishes are really good. You all have to try them out in a while." Seeing grandma's confusion, Han Xiaoxiao gave an explanation, of course Didn't mention how helpful it was.

Qiao Jiu had been here for dinner before, and he also agreed. "Yes, the food here tastes very good."

They all said so, and those who had never been here were also looking forward to the meal.

Perhaps because of the rest day, other tables were occupied except theirs. Fortunately, the boss was not slow, and their dishes were served one after another. In addition to what they ordered, the boss also specially gave them two small dishes.

As soon as everyone moved their chopsticks, they nodded with satisfaction at the taste of the dishes, each eating more happily than the other.

A few of them, mostly underage students, didn't bring any wine, so Han Xiaoxiao asked the proprietress to bring some soft drinks up.

It took half an hour to finish the meal.

Yang Dachui felt that he had met Han Xiaoxiao's family and was invited to dinner. He felt that his younger brother's status had been recognized by the boss, so he was very happy. He was very friendly to Han Xiaofeng, the boss' younger brother. You can find him for everything, Han Xiaoxiao can't laugh or cry.

Yang Dachui took one bite at a time, and even called Zhao Qiang and Wang Shitou together. Those who didn’t know would think that she had formed some strange organization. Just like this, grandma was full of three boys who kept calling her granddaughter the boss. Looking at the question, Han Xiaoxiao couldn't say that he and Yang Dahui didn't know each other in the past, so he could only smile awkwardly.

They spent eight yuan on this meal, and of course the boss gave them a discount, otherwise they would have spent more than ten yuan. After all, they ate a lot and the dishes were all ready to order, so it wasn't cheap in the first place.

After dinner, Han Xiaoxiao bid farewell to several classmates one by one. After watching everyone walk away, she went home with her grandma and brother. As for Qiao Jiu, she went directly to the store.

On the way home, grandma couldn't help but said: "Xiaoxiao, why do those boys keep calling you the boss?" Calling a girl the boss sounds a bit indecent.

"Well, grandma, don't pay attention to them. They just know that I have beaten human traffickers, and they think I know martial arts or something. They are joking, so don't take it seriously."

"That's it, that's okay." Grandma let go of her worry.

Han Xiaoxiao turned her head to the side and gritted her teeth, Yang Dachui, you wait for me, almost destroying my image as a good granddaughter and good boy in front of grandma.

Han Xiaofeng saw his sister gritted his teeth, scratched his head and said, "Sister, what's wrong?"

"Oh, it's okay." She quickly put on a smile. "Grandma, let me tell you..."

In the prison, Han Jianjun, who had been in prison for a long time, asked to see the prison guards.

"what's up?"

"Please ask if there is any letter from me. I have sent several letters to my family, and there should be a reply."

"You wait, I'll check for you."

The prison guard leaves and returns after a while. "No letter from you." After finishing speaking, he left.

Han Jianjun stood there in a daze. How could it be? Even if his mother didn't want to see him, she must have reacted a little when she saw his letters. And Xiaofeng, where is his son now?After being locked up for so many days, he knew nothing about the outside world or his own situation.

He also went to prison, and Han Jianjun suffered so much that he regretted it. He regretted why he was accidentally caught by his wife. He regretted that he didn't deal with his own dead girl early. Regret it, regret it, after all, he didn't think that he was wrong in the slightest, all he thought about was how others felt sorry for him.

Unexpectedly, his mother would move out of his hometown, so he did not give up and wrote another letter, which he thought was very hardworking and would definitely impress his mother, and sent it out.

The landlord's aunt's house, after receiving another letter from the prison, the landlord's aunt looked at her wife helplessly. "Why don't we tell Xiaoxiao and her grandma?"

"Then let's talk about it. There are so many letters, don't worry about something important." When they first received a letter from the prison, the signature was Han Jianjun's letter, and they thought it was troublesome. Han Xiaoxiao and the others, but seeing more and more letters being sent, they also started to murmur in their hearts.

"Okay, then I'll go to my son and give them a call." The landlady got up and left.

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