Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 120 Letter of Discrimination

"Student Han Xiaoxiao, which temple does your master practice in?" Mr. Yu asked with a smile.

If she really came here for the old monk Duqing, she looked embarrassed.

"But what's the secret?" Yu Lao was puzzled.

"My master, he travels all over the world. It's very difficult for me to meet him, unless he comes to me on his own initiative." In short, she didn't want to disclose even Baike Temple, lest the other party really chase after Baike Temple to find out the truth.

"That's it." Yu Lao felt a little regretful. "Student Xiaoxiao, your handwriting is very good, keep working hard."

"I will." Han Xiaoxiao nodded.

When she came out of the Children's Palace again, she patted her chest, but luckily she fooled it again, it was really hard for her.

Sister Yun and his wife who have dealt with pink eye disease, she can only feel bored in her heart and can't tell others, thinking that she hasn't talked to Ji Yu for a few days, she went home for dinner, didn't write or embroider, so she took out Letter paper, sitting at the desk and writing carefully.

"Ji Yu, I..."

She wrote about how she participated in the calligraphy competition and entered the semi-finals, and about her and Qiao Jiu's shop being closed due to jealousy. They were all trivial things in life, but she just put pen to paper like this, She seems to have overcome the limitation of distance, communicating with Ji Yu face to face, and she has long liked the existence of such a person who can understand herself and communicate well.

To say that before, Ji Yu was just a fiance in name, but now, it has more different meanings, and she is the same for Ji Yu.

When Ji Yu received the letter, there were more than one letter. Besides Han Xiaoxiao's letter, there was another letter from the capital.

For the letter from the capital, the sender's name was not written clearly on the envelope, so Ji Yu didn't know who sent it, so he had to take it back together first.

Sitting in his office, out of curiosity, he first opened the letter from the capital.

"Brother Ji Yu, I didn't expect it. It's me Zixi. It's a pity that you didn't come home during the Chinese New Year. I miss you very much. I told my brother..."

If it wasn't for Zhang Xinjie's busy work, his younger sister would almost bring him to visit Ji Yu in the army, but in the end it didn't make the trip, Zhang Zixi was very regretful, and kept complaining that his brother's promise was not fulfilled, so in the end she could only write to Ji Yu To express my miss for him.

The more Ji Yu watched, the more he frowned. This Zhang Zixi is becoming more and more disrespectful. How can such an explicit letter be written? Does she still want to be famous? Thoughts, she can't go on like this. Although the letters sent to the army may not be opened and read by others, but sometimes they will be checked to prevent some undisclosed secrets from being revealed. Zhang Zixi's behavior will not only affect her, It will also make others misunderstand yourself.

He and Xiaoxiao, in the name of a fiancée, never had those explicit words in the letter, just like two old friends who have a very good relationship, even if someone reads the contents of the letter, there will be no bad misunderstanding with Lenovo.

It seems that I need to contact Xinjie and let him take care of this younger sister. It's not impossible for Ji Yu to contact Zhang's parents directly, but it would be a bit too embarrassing to do that. He and Zhang Xinjie have a very good relationship and are the same age. He can say a lot of things directly, and he understands Zhang Xinjie's temperament, so he won't be unreasonable just because Zhang Zixi is his younger sister. As an older brother, Zhang Xinjie can control his younger sister to a certain extent. After thinking about it, Zhang Xinjie is the most suitable.

Ji Yu took out the notebook from the drawer, opened it, found Zhang Xinjie's work unit, and dialed it.

Zhang Xinjie and the two of them shared an office. There was a telephone in the office. When the phone rang, one person picked it up, and looked over after listening. "Xinjie, I'm looking for you."

"Hey." Zhang Xinjie walked over. "Hello, I'm Zhang Xinjie."

"Xinjie is me, Ji Yu."

"Ji Yu, why are you calling me when you have time?" Zhang Xinjie was a little happy. The two had a good relationship since they were young, but since their best friends went to the military academy, they haven't seen each other a few times a year, but seeing each other doesn't mean that The relationship between the two is estranged.

"Xinjie, I received a letter from your sister Zixi." Ji Yu said bluntly.

"Zixi wrote you a letter!" Zhang Xinjie's voice was a little louder due to shock, and the two people in the office looked over. He smiled apologetically, and then continued: "This girl, didn't she write anything carelessly?" He felt bad about pestering him to see Ji Yu, and in the end he turned it down because he was busy with work. Unexpectedly, his sister still didn't give up. Didn't my buddy know himself? When did he have feelings for his sister? The age difference is much worse, Ji Yu has always regarded his sister as a child.

"That's exactly what I want to say." Ji Yu on the other end of the phone sighed, and relayed Zhang Zixi's words in a slightly tactful manner. Zhang Xinjie blushed helplessly when he heard it. My sister is really too presumptuous, and I really need to take care of it. No, I have to give it to me. The father said, why is it not the mother? It is not because the mother always dotes on the younger sister. It is probably not very useful to say it, so it is better to tell the father directly.

After exchanging a few other words with Ji Yu, the phone hung up. Zhang Xinjie held his breath and did not call his father in the office immediately. He waited until he got off work, and then he rushed home. He lives in the unit dormitory and doesn't go back very often, but because of Ji Yu's phone call today, he has to go back no matter what.

Seeing her son come back, Zhou Fangfei was very happy. "Xinjie, why don't you eat it yet? Mom will make another dish you like."

"Hey, thank you mom, grandpa, my dad hasn't come back yet?" Zhang Xinjie asked the old man who was studying the chessboard.

"Your dad? I don't see you."

"What about Zixi?" He looked around but couldn't see his sister.

"That girl, I guess I'll go somewhere to play with my friends as soon as school is over. You don't need to worry about her."

Sure enough, when the meal started, Zhang Zixi didn't come back, but Zhang Minsheng came in halfway through the meal.

"Xinjie is back." He was also very happy to see his son Zhang Minsheng.

"Sit down first, I'll get you some food." Zhou Fangfei got up.

"Dad, take care of Zixi." Finally, Zhang Xinjie spoke up after waiting for the master. Anyway, everyone present here is relatives, so there is nothing to avoid, and it happens that his sister is not here.

"What's wrong with Zixi?" Zhang Minsheng was surprised. Although his daughter is not as good as his son, she has always been considered well-behaved. She must have done something to make her son say such things, or else her son would not be like this.

"Dad, Zixi has been pestering Ji Yu all this time, and even wrote him inappropriate letters to the army."

Entanglement, inappropriate, just two words made Zhang Minsheng frown, and even Mr. Zhang, who didn't care much about junior affairs, looked over.

If the two children are interested in each other, even if there is a little difference in age, the relationship between the two families is good, and it may not be impossible to marry in-laws in the future, but Zhang Minsheng and Mr. Zhang can sit in high positions, they will not be fools, and they can let their son\ The grandson made such a description of his own sister, and when he thought about his relationship with Ji Yu, it was obvious that he didn't have that kind of meaning for Zixi at all. Zixi was still in school. Whether inappropriate letters can be sent to the army is a big or small problem.

Zhang Minsheng was thinking about it when his wife came out with a bowl.

"I heard Zixi's name, what do you say about her?"

Zhang Minsheng looked at his wife. "In the future, I will be more strict with Zixi. She is still a student, and she must always focus on her studies, and don't think about other messy things." He is busy with work, and his wife has always taken care of the house, and his wife still has to go to school. Heart is good.

"What kind of mess?" Zhou Fangfei was stunned.

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