When Yu Caixia came over, her face was ashen.

Just now at home, her husband Shen Qinghu spoke unclearly, she could only guess a little bit.But after going out, the villagers chattered a lot, some of them knew the situation, after asking, Yu Caixia finally understood.

That Liu Yanzi!Why is her mind so poisonous?What happened to the adopted daughter, she actually, unexpectedly...

Yu Caixia finally understood.No wonder when she asked about it, Shen Qinghu couldn't talk about it, that kind of thing would be too embarrassing for anyone else to bring it up, and he wouldn't even be able to say it.

Isn't this trying to drive people to death? Wen Ya will never be a human again!
"Wen Ya, let's go home with my aunt."

Yu Caixia grasped Shen Yiwen's hand.

Shen Yiwen was stunned for a while, for some reason, her eyes became hot, and her heart felt a little bitter.

But obviously before this, she was just angry at most, and she was not affected too much.

But my aunt's concern...

"I'm really fine, fourth aunt."

Her eyes were clear, but the tip of her nose was a little red.

Yu Caixia's eyes were even redder: "You child, what's wrong with you!"

As Yu Caixia spoke, she even slapped Shen Yiwen on the shoulder: "Aren't you very good before? Why is there no movement this time? Just let her scold you like that? Why don't you rush up, why don't you tear her alive! "

Shen Yiwen lowered her head, and touched her nose sullenly, "Uncle Third went on before I could do anything, besides, grandma is back."

Yu Caixia was depressed for a while, and then pulled her hand domineeringly: "Let's go, let's go home! If the third child dares to say anything bad, look, I won't scold her to death!"

Yu Caixia was arrogant and arrogant, so she took Shen Yiwen away.

Shen Yiwen squeaked, at first she thought that it would be better for her to hide from the cusp of this kind of storm, but seeing how her fourth aunt knew, she couldn't avoid it.

When Yu Caixia dragged Shen Yiwen back to Shen's house, as soon as she entered the gate, she saw the old lady sitting on a stool with a serious face, which was placed in the middle of the yard.

"What's going on!!" The old lady rapped her cane heavily.

Third Uncle Shen and Fourth Uncle Shen stood together, next to Shen Xiangdong and Xiangnan, leaning against the door of the fourth room.

Opposite them was Liu Yanzi, and Shen Erzhen was a little further away, crying with red eyes.

"Say it, why don't you say it? Everyone is dumb!?"

The old lady Xu Dazhi clenched her cane tightly and knocked heavily on the ground.Before Shen Erzhen was vague, she only said that Shen Yushan was arrested and the old lady didn't know the details.

When she just came back, she saw the three-bedroom couple fighting, and the old lady thought about it.When she got back to Shen's house and saw the miserable appearance of Sifang's youngest son Xiangxi, the old lady became very angry.

No, but all these people at home called out.

It was rare for the old lady to get angry, but this time she was really pissed off.

"What the hell is going on!"

The old lady's face tightened.

"Just right!" Liu Yanzi's sharp voice rang out: "Old lady, you can be regarded as coming back, you hurry up and judge our third room! Why did the fourth room arrest Yushan!"

Shen Yuzhen's heart skipped a beat, and she screamed inwardly that it was not good. She wanted to stop Liu Yanzi when he wanted to speak, but it was too late, Liu Yanzi talked too fast, and she didn't have time.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Sifang immediately exploded.

"Judging, why don't you judge?" Xiang Nan looked at Liu Yanzi sharply, "As for the things you two have done, you are ashamed to mention them!"

"My brother was already injured, and Shen Yushan even helped outsiders to harm my brother. How can you be so righteous?"

Liu Yanzi stared: "You little bastard, why are you everywhere!"

As soon as these words came out, Fourth Uncle Shen's face turned dark, and Yu Caixia just heard it, she couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed forward with two mouths back and forth.

"Damn! You're a bastard, your old Liu family is full of bastards! I'm spoiled by you? It's not enough for your family, Shen Yushan, to bully my son. How dare you call my family Xiangnan a bastard? As our fourth wife Is it easy to bully!?"

"Yu Caixia! Why did you hit me!" Liu Yanzi stared and pushed Yu Caixia hard.

"Fourth aunt!" Seeing this, Shen Yiwen quickly stepped forward, and the reactions of the other people in the fourth room were not unpleasant, and they all looked at Liu Yanzi with livid faces.

The old lady Xu Dazhi's expression became even more tense, "Disturbing the family, disturbing the family! Our old Shen's family has suffered bad luck for eight lifetimes. Why did the third child marry such an unrighteous bastard like you back then! "

The old lady stood up abruptly: "Xiang Nan, tell me, what's going on!"

Xiang Nan glared at Liu Yanzi bitterly, and was about to speak, but Liu Yanzi pointedly said, "Why am I so unkind? Old lady, please explain clearly to me!"

"You still dare to push me hard?" The old lady glared.

In the early years, her husband died early, Xu Dazhi's widow was unemployed, and she raised her children to grow up.

It is said that there are many gossips in front of the widow's family, and she is considered strong, so she gritted her teeth and survived, but Cheng thought that after the children got married, the second and fourth daughter-in-law would be the best.But the old family's, and the old three's... don't mention it, don't mention it!

"Liu Yanzi, shut up!"

Uncle Shen stepped forward, "Why are you talking to my mother!?"

"Why? I dare say that your old Shen family is still in the group, right? Anyway, I don't care, let Yushan go quickly, or I won't be able to survive this day!"

"But it's not!"

Third Uncle Shen suddenly roared loudly, "Seeing that you are a woman, I recognized all those things back then, but where do you think my old Shen's house is, and I can let you mess around? Pack up your things immediately and get out of here You old Liu family!"

Third Uncle Shen pointed at the gate, but this made Liu Yanzi stunned.

"Shen Yunhe! Are you still human? You really fell in love with that little bitch Shen Yiwen, what kind of muddled soup did that rotten hoof give you!"

"Shut your mouth!"

Third Uncle Shen couldn't bear it anymore, Yu Caixia and Sifang were all even more angry.

The old lady's face was ashen.

"Liu Yanzi! You, you, you..."

Fortunately, this is still an aunt, unexpectedly, unexpectedly...

The old lady suddenly pressed her heart and leaned back.



When everyone saw it, they all rushed over.

Shen Yiwen was even more nimble, almost as soon as she saw that something was wrong, she rushed over quickly and took the old man into her arms.

But the old man had passed out.

Shen Yiwen's face was tense: "Xiang Nan, hurry up, go find Brother Juan, go and call Brother Jun over!"

Cheng Jun knew medicine, and it was Cheng Jun who Shen Yiwen thought of first.

Xiang Nan was confused, but as soon as Shen Yiwen spoke, he reacted very quickly and ran out in a hurry.

"Brother Jun, Brother Jun!"

shouted to the south.

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