Reborn 1960 The Shrewd Wife Has Room

Chapter 81 He is a treasure bestowed by fate

Cheng Juan was startled, then smiled, and took out the rock sugar he had prepared to feed her.

With this piece of candy in her mouth, she felt sweeter in her mouth and felt better in her heart.

Maybe what Cheng Jun said was wrong.Not eating sugar helps to soothe the mood.

It was him who was by her side, and for her, he was an emotional relaxant.

No matter how much negative energy has been instilled, as long as Cheng Juan is by her side, she can fully tune herself up and expel all those annoying thoughts that make her speechless with dark grief and anger.

Once again, she felt that being able to meet him and know her might be the most precious treasure bestowed upon her by fate.

Over there, Liu Yanzi scratched Third Uncle Shen severely, which made Uncle Shen's face turn pale.

Seeing this, some villagers helped to fight, and some pointed at Liu Yanzi, but Liu Yanzi didn't look good, and almost caught someone scolding him, just like a mad dog.

"What's going on here!"

At this moment, an old lady asked grimly, and a girl next to her supported the old lady.

Everyone in the Shen family was stunned.

"Milk?" Shen Xuenong looked at the old lady.

The old lady's name was Xu Dazhi, and the person supporting her was Shen Erzhen.

Ever since Shen Yushan's accident happened, Shen Erzhen knew that her mother Liu Yanzi was unreliable, and that such a big incident happened in the family, so she could only count on Xu Dazhi, the god of the sea.

But before Xu Dazhi was picked up by his daughter, Shen Erzhen had been running around for several days, only to find out that her aunt's family had moved a while ago. It was a coincidence that she went around looking around.

Before Xu Dazhi came back from his daughter's house, he happened to meet Shen Erzhen on the way.

At this time, Shen Erzhen also saw Shen Yunhe and Liu Yanzi, and she suddenly became nervous.

"Father, mother, stop beating, stop beating!"

Shen Erzhen rushed over, trying to stop the fight, but Liu Yanzi pushed her away angrily.

"Start it up for me, you fucking girl! You are not a good person either!"

That day when Liu Yanzi got angry, Shen Erzhen was so chilled by her scolding that she threw her on the side of the road, she held a grudge.

Even if it's my own daughter, she can still be scolded at this moment.

Shen Erzhen choked up, looking at Liu Yanzi with red eyes, Shen Yunhe next to him said angrily: "Have you had enough trouble?"

"No! Of course I didn't make enough trouble! Shen Yunhe, let me ask you, what's the matter with you and that bastard Shen Yiwen? Are you two really having an affair? Huh? Are you worthy of me, worthy of me giving birth to you? !"

"Liu Yanzi!" Shen Yunhe's face was livid, and suddenly he slapped Liu Yanzi on the face again.

Liu Yanzi yelled angrily, and rushed forward again.

"Father, mother!"

Shen Erzhen didn't understand, why did it become like this?

The old lady Xu Dazhi stood not far away, watching this scene, frowning.

Fourth Uncle Shen Qinghu's expression was not good: "Mother, why are you back?"

Xu Dazhi let out a heavy breath: "Erzhen told me that our Shanshan was arrested, what's going on?"

Fourth Uncle Shen's face turned blue, and he said after a while: "Don't worry about this matter!"

Xu Dazhi was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at Shen Qinghu.

Shen Qinghu pursed his lips, but didn't say anything more.

"Enough! Get out!"

Third Uncle Shen pushed Liu Yanzi away, he was very angry and impatient with Liu Yanzi's constant pestering.

"Liu Yanzi, keep your mouth clean for me, don't keep talking about things! Do you think everyone is you, as dirty as you?"

Third Uncle Shen yelled viciously, but Liu Yanzi still refused to let go: "Where am I so dirty? You are a wicked person! There is not a good one in your old Shen family! My old lady was really blind back then, why did she marry me? about you!"

When Third Uncle Shen heard the words, his eyes turned red immediately: "Why did you marry me? Don't tell me you don't know!!"

Liu Yanzi choked up, but Third Uncle Shen had already clenched his fists. He gritted his teeth and glared at Liu Yanzi, which made Liu Yanzi break out in a cold sweat.

And Shen Yiwen just watched this scene in silence, she didn't know what was going on with the third room, it seemed that the third uncle and Liu Yanzi had some hidden secrets in their marriage back then, but she really didn't want to care about it now.

She took a deep breath, "Well, fourth uncle, please send my fourth brother back."

Shen Qinghu was taken aback: "Wenwen?"

Shen Yiwen said: "Uncle Qian still has a lot of things to do, I'm going to help."

Before leaving, she looked at the old lady, Xu Dazhi, who was invited back by Shen Erzhen.


She called softly, nodded, and when she had exhausted her courtesy, she turned and left in silence.

Cheng Juan sighed and followed her.

"Are you still suffering?"

The two of them walked a long way before Cheng Juan asked.

Shen Yiwen shook her head, "It's not uncomfortable, it's okay."


Shen Yiwen took a deep breath: "I'm serious, I'm not biological after all, and I didn't have a good relationship with my family before, Liu Yanzi said that about me... yes, it's not convenient to live like this after all."

Cheng Juan looked at her for a long time: "I...there is an empty room next door, and the courtyard is unoccupied, do you want to think about it?"

Shen Yiwen was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Okay, then I will think about it."

But Shen Yiwen left, but the Shen family was in chaos.

At first when Shen Yiwen left, everyone didn't react until fourth uncle Shen Qinghu slapped his forehead: "This is from the third family!"

Shen Qinghu stared at Liu Yanzi coldly, and quickly took Shen Xuenong back.

And the old lady Xu Dazhi looked at this and that, she frowned herself, but she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Green Lake!?"

In the courtyard of Shen's house, Yu Caixia was drying clothes, her eyes lit up when she saw Shen Qinghu, she hurried over to greet her, shouting "Dad" to the east and south.

Shen Qinghu said: "Daughter-in-law, you go to the south of the brigade first to see how Wenwen is doing."

As soon as he said this, Yu Caixia became nervous: "What's wrong with Wen Ya?"

"It's not from the third family!"

Shen Qinghu gritted her teeth, and then breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "She has no one to guard her mouth, she is just spreading rumors there, splashing dirty water on Wenwen's child, and even saying something... She has the face to say, I You don't even have the face to listen! You go and persuade her, lest Wenwen think too much about it."

Yu Caixia didn't understand what was going on, but she also knew that Liu Yanzi must have said something bad, so she turned around and left.

As for Shen Qinghu, he entered the door and looked to the west.

The youngest son, Xiangxi, was covered in wounds, and the bruises hadn't faded away, and it became even more terrifying after applying the purple potion.

The child blinked, not knowing what was going on, and called out timidly: "Father?"

Shen Qinghu's eyes turned red, and when he heard the child speak, he almost shed tears.

Liu Zijin, Shen Yushan, that Dong Cuie, and the Tan family from the provincial capital!
Shen Qinghu was also under a lot of pressure, he rubbed his face, and then responded with a smile: "Hey, daddy is here, don't be afraid, daddy is here."

Shen Yiwen quickly put those unhappy things behind her, and she quickly put into work. The old houses of the production team used as grain bases have been planted with vegetable seeds.

In the past few days, because everyone can't control the heat well, the fire is either too high or too low when burning the kang.

"Wen Ya!" She was busy when she saw Yu Caixia hurriedly walking towards her.

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