He glanced at Shen Weihua carefully, and then grabbed Shen Weihua's wrist, as if to persuade Shen Weihua to calm down.

Shen Weihua took a deep breath, and then said harshly, "Don't worry, Uncle Qian, I'm fine! It's all over."

These words caught Shen Yiwen's attention, "What's going on?"

She was bewildered and looked this way in confusion, but Shen Weihua's face was tense, as if he didn't want to say more.

He just looked directly at Director Yu with a pair of deep eyes.

But Qian Fengshou hesitated to speak, and sighed inwardly.

A mother like that is not as good as someone else's stepmother, so it's no wonder that the children of the Shen family hate her.


Yu Huilan had long noticed that someone was peeking at her, but she didn't take it seriously, and didn't even glance at her.

Anyway, she has long been used to this kind of thing. There are very few second-married couples who get married halfway these days, and since she married Deputy Factory Manager Song, she has often been the focus of the crowd.

There are always people pointing at her and discussing her secretly behind her back. She has long been used to such things.

She had a cold face at the moment, and her eyes were focused on old man Wang and the old lady of the Wang family.

Thinking of the relationship between the two of them and Deputy Factory Manager Song, that beautiful face that was always rigid and serious became less harsh and more enthusiastic.

"Uncle Wang, what's the matter with you?"

The old lady of the Wang family spoke first and said, "This old man Zhao is really too much! Didn't I just ask him to open the door and let us in? It's not like we haven't been to this factory before."

"Our old Wang used to work here, and he didn't even think about it. If our old Wang didn't work here anymore, it would be his turn to come and open the door! This is a villain's success!"

The old lady of the Wang family scolded a lot in one breath, but old man Zhao's face was tense.

"I've already said that I follow the rules. Are you finished!?"

Old man Zhao was a soldier when he was young, and his temper is also known for his straightforwardness. Who doesn't have a backer?

The Wang family thought they could be lawless by relying on Deputy Factory Director Song, but there was Factory Director Li standing behind him, who was more noble than the other.

Yu Huilan frowned, and looked at Old Man Zhao with displeasure.

"Mr. Zhao, why are you doing this? Anyway, we are all acquaintances."

But the old man Zhao looked serious, but he had a hot temper.Now that he is in a fit of anger, of course it is up to whoever complains.

"Director Yu, you're speaking lightly. Our Yong'an Plastic Factory is a factory, and it's a public company rather than a private one. Don't you just drop in when you say casually?"

"There are so many materials in the factory, if someone takes something away, you don't have to worry about it, but my old Zhao is afraid of taking responsibility!"

"Since Director Li entrusted me with this job, he trusts me. I have to work hard and never lose his face!"

The old man Zhao said so righteously, but Yu Huilan became more and more impatient.

And Wang's family exploded when they heard this.

Especially Mrs. Wang, who has always been a master who doesn't let people, now she said in a high-pitched voice: "Old man Zhao, who are you talking about? What do you mean? Could it be that Lao Wang and I can secretly take away something?" ? You don't want to spout blood there! Let's be upright for the rest of our lives, but don't be ruined by a bad old man like you!"

Old man Zhao almost laughed out of breath when he heard this, who doesn't know who, the old couple of the Wang family have always had dirty hands and feet.

Especially old man Wang, because he was a janitor in the past, he often let others in, and things were thrown away in the factory.

Everyone's hearts are clear, but because of the relationship between Wang's family and Deputy Factory Manager Song, many employees dare not say it outright, they can only despise it in their hearts, and let this matter rot in their stomachs, otherwise they are afraid of being put on small shoes.

However, old man Zhao's sneering expression seemed to have angered the old lady of the Wang family.

She rushed forward angrily, and even pushed and shoved.

"Who is it that you are showing your face in that yin and yang? How dare you bully us!?"

Old man Zhao's face darkened: "You old lady, what are you pushing me for? I can't just talk about the matter? Stop it, don't force me to fight with you!"

"You still want to fight with me? See if you can handle you, a bad old man!"

The old lady of the Wang family was so angry that she pushed old man Zhao even harder.

Old man Zhao staggered and almost fell to the ground.

At this moment, a small hand caressed him.

"Master, are you okay?" Shen Yiwen asked with concern.

Old man Zhao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It's okay." Then he looked towards the Wang family with a grim expression.

Yu Huilan frowned, she was very annoyed by this farce.

But at this time, the old lady of the Wang family bluffed again: "Okay, okay, you little bastard!"

"No wonder the last time I saw you, I didn't think you were a good person!"

"It's sunny, on this street, you're flirting with an old man, don't you know how to be ashamed?"

"If you are so reckless at such a young age, you are not afraid of discrediting your parents! If I were a member of your family and knew that you had grown into such a virtue, I might as well push you into the urine bucket and drown you when you were born. !"

Shen Yiwen's face turned cold suddenly, did this old lady take gunpowder?

He had a violent fight with her last time, but this time it got even worse.

It's really unlucky, how come you will encounter this old best as soon as you come to the provincial capital?
"Keep your mouth clean! Who are you scolding?"

Mrs. Wang, however, had a look of reluctance.

"What, you're still going after my ability? Why, what do you still want to do?"

Mrs. Wang rolled up her sleeves as a gesture, she really hated Shen Yiwen to death.

If it wasn't for people like Shen Yiwen last time, old man Wang wouldn't have been dismissed by factory manager Li, then this janitor job would not have been given to old man Zhao cheaply.

Now that the new and old hatreds are added together, the old lady of the Wang family directly stretched out her claws, her hands eagerly wanting to greet Shen Yiwen's face.

But at this moment, a powerful big hand suddenly grabbed her wrist, and then slammed her back.

Mrs. Wang was stunned for a moment, then fell two steps before looking forward blankly.

Then, I saw a tall young man with sharp features, a rough appearance, a bold body, with the boldness of a young man, but his face was very serious.

Mrs. Wang was stunned, and was actually frightened by the other party's momentum.

at the same time.

At first, Yu Huilan just thought that this person looked familiar, after all, it was eight or nine years ago that she last saw Shen Weihua.

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