Reborn 1960 The Shrewd Wife Has Room

Chapter 162 Director Yu, Yu Huilan

Early the next morning.

As agreed in advance, the brothers and sisters of the Shen family came to the entrance of the village to join the team leader Qian Fengshou.

Qian Fengshou was very happy, "Let's go, I borrowed a bicycle specially!"

The road is really too far. From their production team to the commune, if they rely on walking, they have to walk for at least four or five hours.Then take a long-distance bus from the commune to the provincial capital, which will take several hours.

In order to save time spent on the road, Qian Fengshou borrowed a bicycle on purpose.

Shen Yiwen and her second brother looked at each other, and they couldn't help smiling.Because before they set off, they went to Cheng Jun to borrow Cheng Jun's bicycle.

"I really thought of going together," Shen Yiwen said.

Qian Fengshou was beaming with joy: "This matter has to be done quickly, and we can feel at ease when we finish it as soon as possible. Besides, if we don't go by bike, it will be noon when we get to the commune, and then go to the provincial capital , it is estimated that it will be dark when we get off the car, then we will not be able to do things, and we will have to delay for another night."

These days, everyone likes to calculate carefully in their lives, and everyone has an account book in mind.

How expensive is the place in the provincial capital? Food and lodging cost money for everything, so if you can save it, you can save it.

Shen Yiwen smiled again, and at this time, her second brother Shen Weihua had already got on the bicycle and patted the back seat of the bicycle.

"Come up, the second brother will carry you."

Shen Yiwen raised her eyebrows, usually she was the one who carried others on a bicycle, for example, the last time I went to the commune with my third brother, the rascal of my third brother just sat on the back seat of the car with a sense of well-being She walked all the way, making Shen Yiwen feel like a little slave, she had to carry him on the pedals hard.

She looked at the generous back of the second brother again, tall and powerful, mighty, and very reliable.

Shen Yiwen giggled, jumped onto the bicycle immediately, and hugged her second brother's waist tightly.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Qian Fengshou was also having fun, so he couldn't help but take another look at the two brothers.He said in his heart that girl Wen and Shen Weihua, the relationship between these two brothers seems really good.

Speaking of which, although a lot of messy things have happened in the old Shen family recently, great changes have indeed taken place.

It was mainly because of Wen girl, and it also benefited their entire production team.


Although Shen Weihua is a cripple and usually walks with a limp, he has a lot of strength.

She was riding a bicycle with Shen Yiwen on her back, but the pedals were swishing, and the wheels were rolling fast.

Qian Fengshou could hardly catch up with the two of them, and it was Shen Weihua who found out that Qian Fengshou was lagging behind, so he deliberately slowed down, stopped and waited, otherwise Qian Fengshou would have been left behind.

While riding a borrowed bicycle, Qian Fengshou wiped the sweat from his head and said, "This man is getting old, he really can't accept his old age."

Sure enough, this middle-aged man is not as good as a young and strong man.

"Good boy!" Qian Fengshou praised, and patted Shen Weihua on the shoulder.

After an hour or so, the three arrived at the commune bus station, bought tickets, and waited for the bus.

This time, with the experience from last time, when the bus stopped, Shen Yiwen immediately made a posture of preparing for battle.

She grabbed her second brother's hand, and when the car door opened, she rushed up quickly, successfully grabbing two seats with her second brother.

But Qian Fengshou's legs and feet were a bit slower, and in the end Shen Weihua gave up his seat to Qian Fengshou,
And Shen Yiwen saw that an old man's legs and feet were not convenient, so she also gave up her seat.

The siblings followed the bus station unsteadily all the way until they arrived at the provincial capital.

"Old man Zhao, we've known each other for so many years, so it's convenient for you to let us in?"

This is Yongan Plastic Factory.

When the three of Shen Yiwen rushed over, they saw old man Wang who was in charge of the gate outside the plastic factory a few days ago from a long distance away, looking humble.

And the mail room outside the factory has changed to another new face.

Old man Wang's wife still had that top-notch appearance, with a nose that wasn't a nose and a face that wasn't a face, so he pulled old man Wang suddenly.

"What are you begging him for?" After speaking, he looked at the newly replaced old man Zhao with a domineering face.

"Let me tell you that the surname is Zhao. We are relatives of Deputy Factory Manager Song's family. If you dare to stop us, Deputy Factory Manager Song will pursue it later. Look, he won't take you down!"

Old man Zhao has a serious face, which seems to be a serious character.

Originally impatient with old man Wang's pestering, when he heard the old lady of the Wang family's words, his expression became even more ugly.

"I don't care who you are, go and go! You are not factory workers, what are you doing here? Are you looking for trouble? Stop making trouble with me!"

"Deputy Director Song is amazing. Factory Manager Li personally arranged my job. He asked me to guard the door here. I followed the work manual for everything, and it was clearly written in the manual!"

"If you are not a factory employee, you are forbidden to enter the factory!"

The old lady of the Wang family suddenly became anxious: "Hey, you old man Zhao, didn't I tell you everything? The two of us are here to find someone! We are here to find Deputy Director Song and his wife, Director Yu! You Why don't you let us in?"

But the old man Zhao had a sneer on his face, and said in a principled way: "You want to find someone, and I have sent someone to notify you. You can either wait here in a hurry, or go back quickly." !"

When Mrs. Wang heard this, she suddenly became angry again, and at this moment——

"what happened?"

A voice came from inside the factory.

When the old lady of the Wang family heard this, her eyeballs lit up.

"Director Yu, you are here!"

It was a tall and thin middle-aged woman with a very glamorous appearance, but the corners of her eyes were a little wrinkled, and the thin single eyelid, coupled with thin lips, made this glamorous face appear A bit harsh and mean.

Shen Yiwen saw this scene from a distance, and was slightly surprised.

"It's her!?" She blinked.

When I came back to Yongan Plastic Factory last time, Zeng had a glimpse.

When she first saw Director Yu, she felt strangely familiar.

And to be honest, even though Director Yu is old, he can tell that he must have been a beauty when he was young.

But at this moment, Shen Yiwen was patronizing the theater, but she didn't notice that the expressions of Qian Fengshou and Shen Weihua behind her suddenly changed.

Qian Fengshou was fine, but he looked surprised, as if he didn't expect to see Yu Huilan in this kind of place.

As for Shen Weihua next to him, his expression became more and more gloomy, and his hands hanging by his side had already clenched into fists.

Qian Fengshou suddenly felt his heart skip a beat, "Wei Hua!?"

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