Shen Yunhe looked at the back of his hand that had been shot red, and he was silent for a long time before looking at Shen Erzhen again.

Shen Erzhen cried and said, "Are you satisfied now? You are not good people! Just watch my eldest sister become what she is now!"

"Those people outside are fine, but you, you are our father! Why don't you even care about it?"

Shen Erzhen's eyes were red from crying, but her expression was full of hatred.

Shen Yunhe was silent again for a long time.

"You hate me?" he asked.

Shen Erzhen smiled coldly: "I hate you, shouldn't I? I've never seen a father like you!"

Since she was a child, she knew that her father and mother had a bad relationship, and even her father was lukewarm to the children in the family.

Like her mother Liu Yanzi, although she favors boys over girls, she prefers her elder brother Shen Yuwen.Whenever there is something delicious, it is always left to Shen Yuwen.

As for her and her eldest sister, Shen Yushan, they could only pick up the leftovers from her eldest brother.

But in comparison, although her mother is not a good person, she is more humane than this father, but what about Shen Yunhe?
Taciturn, he doesn't answer at home and outside, always has a long face, as if someone owes him, and never smiles.

Shen Erzhen didn't understand.Since Shen Yunhe didn't like their children, why did he get married in the first place?Why give birth to them?Is it to let them live and suffer?
Thinking of this, Shen Erzhen's heart became sore again, and she threw herself on the kang again, crying uncontrollably.

And Shen Yunhe just watched this scene in silence.After a long while, he retreated silently.

This happened to be seen by the old lady Xu Dazhi.

"The third child?" Xu Dazhi leaned on a cane and took a worried step forward.

Shen Yunhe pursed his lips tightly, although he didn't say anything.But the whole person seems to be gray.

He nodded stiffly at the old lady, then turned around and went out lonely. Maybe he really wasn't a responsible father.

There will always be many unexpected turning points in a person's life.

Once upon a time, Shen Yunhe imagined what his future self would look like.

Maybe you will marry a wife and have children, maybe you will have a happy family.However, it has come to today step by step.He looked at the distant Qingshan Baixue, somehow, as if mocking himself, he smiled complicatedly.

However, the state of mind seems to have endless desolation.


Soon it was the day of the parade.

Shen Yiwen deliberately pushed away other things, and she came to the commune one day early.

Originally, I just wanted to see what happened to Dong Cuie and Liu Zijin.But she didn't expect that before she left, one of the Shen family counted as one, and they all came here with her.

It was already daylight now.

Shen Yiwen supported Yu Caixia: "Fourth Aunt, don't get excited."

She glanced worriedly at Yu Caixia's big belly.

If there is no accident, this should be the last time they saw Liu Zijin and those people. If the fourth aunt loses control of her emotions and gets angry later, it is not worth it. She has to give the fourth aunt a vaccination first. .

Yu Caixia held her hand tightly: "Don't worry, I know it well. Besides, this is a happy event!"

When Yu Caixia said so, it could be regarded as revenge, but it was not just a happy event.She wished she could tear Dong Cuie's people apart, but if she really did that, she would have to go in herself, and the family would fall apart.

She can figure it out.Now that the country has avenged her, it is too late for her to be happy, so she has to cherish the life she has now even more.

Shen Yiwen felt relieved, and just about to take a long breath, she heard bursts of exclamations erupting in front of her.

"I'm coming!"

There were many people watching nearby, pointing and pointing.

"Hey, have you heard? There is a big case in our Qingshan Commune. Human life is at stake. I heard that someone almost died!"

"Bah, this thought is really vicious.

"Isn't it? I heard that one of them is from the city. It seems to be a teacher in some literacy class. Not only is the relationship between men and women unclear, but he has also become an accomplice in this case!"

"Yes, I've heard about this too. My relatives belong to the production brigade of Zhangjia Village. I heard from the people over there that the mastermind was a daughter-in-law who married from the Meihe brigade. She was already married, but ended up doing it outside. A concubine."

"She and the teacher in that literacy class are concubines, and they put a lot of cuckolds on her men... Her men are also stupid. After the accident, they dared to harbor her. No, they were sentenced together with her."

"Oh, this is really a big scandal. Our place has been peaceful all these years, and it's really rare for this kind of thing to happen..."

Everyone, you say what you say, making the scene lively.

Immediately after, the police from the police station escorted Liu Zijin and others. Dong Cuie was in the front, followed by Wang Dafeng, Liu Zijin, and Zhang Dashan, who had once harbored her.

As for Shen Yushan, she was placed at the end because her crime was relatively minor.


Yu Caixia cheered up and looked forward.

After so many days of investigation, these people have lost a lot of weight, and their faces are full of ashes.

Yu Caixia stared at Dong Cuie who was walking ahead.

At this moment, a child suddenly grabbed a handful of stones and threw them at Dong Cuie.

"Fuck! Murderer!" The child made a grimace at that side, slapped his buttocks and ran away after smashing the stone. Looking at the lively and lively one, he knew it must be a solid brat.

And this seemed to open up a vent, more and more people picked up rocks and rotten shoes and threw them on those people, hitting Dong Cuie and others all over their heads.

"Don't smash it, don't smash it!"

Wang Dafeng was hit for a while, and blood flowed down his forehead.

But someone pointed at her and said: "This is not a good thing. I heard that this old woman is protecting the calf. Her daughter wanted to kill the family's children. Seeing that her daughter was arrested, she actually set a fire and wanted to burn people to death." The whole family!"

"This black-hearted man! He deserves it. People like this should go to jail! They should be shot!"

"Isn't it? My conscience is all rotten."

The members of the Shen family were crowded in the crowd, they didn't do anything, they just watched from a distance.

But I have to say that when she saw Wang Dafeng and others being beaten up all over their heads, Yu Caixia felt relieved, especially relieved!

However, when the parade drew to a close, there was a sudden roar.

"What are you doing? Stop!"

Upon hearing this voice, Shen Yiwen was stunned.

When she looked back, she saw a tall and thin young man, wearing an old jacket and paired with a pair of black trousers.

However, those long and narrow red phoenix eyes were stained with anger.

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