Reborn 1960 The Shrewd Wife Has Room

Chapter 135 When She Willing

Facing the expression of "Why are you such a prodigal" from the fourth aunt, she had to hang her little head in shame.

Just then.

"Comrade Xiao Shen, is anyone at home?"

The sound of jingling bells sounded, and someone rang the bell of a bicycle far away.

Shen Yiwen was sitting on a small bench. When she looked up, she turned out to be someone from the commune police station.

She got up hastily.

"We are here, we are at home, what is this?"

The officer and she were acquaintances, and he immediately got off the bicycle and smiled sincerely.

"Our director specially asked me to come here to report to your old Shen family."

It just so happened that Yu Caixia was busy drying the sheets on the other side of the yard. On this cold day, the sheets and quilts were put on the clothes rail, and soon they froze, making them very hard.

She leaned over and asked, "Reporter? What letter? What happened again?"

The little officer laughed as soon as he heard it: "It's Dong Cuie, Liu Zijin, and that Wang Dafeng...their verdicts have come out, and the comrades in the provincial capital have investigated clearly."

"Since there has never been an incident of such a bad nature on our side, the above unanimously decided to hold a parade two days later, let them publicly review, and then transfer them to prison."


Yu Caixia stared, stopped breathing for half a beat, then covered her mouth with her hand, and wept bitterly with joy.

"Is there a result in my Xiangxi's case? Is there really a result?"

"Yes, don't worry. Wang Dafeng was sentenced to ten years in prison for attempted arson and intentional murder. Dong Cuie's case was more serious than hers, and he was directly sentenced to death by shooting. As for Liu Zijin...Although he ordered Shen Yushan to commit murder, he was sentenced to death. It was lighter than Dong Cuie, sentenced to 12 years..."

"it is good!"

Yu Caixia said in one breath, her eyes were already red.

Seeing that she was so excited, Shen Yiwen quickly helped her up.But at this moment, the third bedroom of the Shen family, who had been quiet for many days, suddenly heard a movement.

A girl with disheveled hair and a haggard face, with a pale face, asked hoarsely, "Sentenced?"

"Then they have sentenced, where is my eldest sister, where is my eldest sister Shen Yushan?"

The officer hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Shen Yushan's crime is relatively minor. According to our investigation, although she said she wanted to kill Shen Xiangxi at the beginning, she just said it out of sheer joy. Subjectively, she did not intend to kill someone."

"But she doesn't care about the seriousness of things. It is an indisputable fact that she was deceived and instructed by Liu Zijin to attack the victim Shen Xiangxi."

"So according to the discussion at the top of the organization, Shen Yushan was sentenced to five years, but instead of serving his sentence in prison, he was sent to the Great Northern Wilderness, where he underwent labor reform."


As soon as Shen Erzhen heard this, her eyes began to roll upwards, and she almost couldn't hold on.

Five years?

It was a blessing not to be shot or sent to jail.

But, that was the Great Northern Wilderness!

Construction only started a few years ago, and the place was very short of people, and there were piles of hard work, and some people even died unfortunately while farming.

I heard that the winter there is colder than theirs here, and there are even wild wolves that often come and go. I'm afraid it's not much better than the prison.

And her eldest sister went to that place, her eldest sister is not steady enough, conflicts with people are still secondary, such a harsh living environment, just in case, just in case...

Shen Erzhen didn't dare to think about it anymore, her eyes were already darkened.

Suddenly, her figure flickered, and just as she was about to fall to the ground, someone supported her.

Shen Yiwen frowned.

She looked at the fourth aunt Yu Caixia next to her. If Shen Erzhen had fallen down just now, she would have hit the fourth aunt.

The fourth aunt has a big belly again, it is almost nine months now, and she is about to give birth, this cannot be tolerated, she must be taken care of thoroughly.

"go away!"

Just when Shen Yiwen wanted to let go, Shen Erzhen was already crying with tears all over her face, she pushed Shen Yiwen away.

"Get lost! Don't pretend to be kind here, I don't need your help!"

Shen Yiwen: "?"

Oh, I don't know what to say!When she is willing to help?It's not because of the fourth aunt, or because Shen Erzhen hurts the fourth aunt!

Shen Yiwen's pretty face turned cold, she turned and left.It was also at this time that she saw third uncle Shen Yunhe coming back from the outside with a sullen face.

Shen Yunhe glanced at the little officer who came to report the letter, and then at Shen Erzhen who clenched her lips angrily, her supposedly delicate eyes were bloodshot, and clenched her fists.

Such a look of hatred, just like a wolf, as if wishing to tear Shen Yiwen apart.

Shen Yunhe frowned.

"Er Zhen!" His voice was low.

And Shen Erzhen glanced this way suddenly.

Same, all the same!So what if it's my own father?Her father doesn't care about her elder sister's life or death at all!

She was wondering, just like her mother Liu Yanzi said before, what kind of muddled soup did Shen Yiwen give these people in the family?

Otherwise, why would they all fall to Shen Yiwen one by one?Obviously in the Shen family before, Shen Yiwen was the one who was least welcome.

The more Shen Erzhen thought about it, the more she hated it. She glared at Shen Yiwen again, then bit her lip heavily, and turned back to the third room with her eyes red.

"This... hey!"

Seeing this scene, fourth aunt Yu Caixia couldn't help sighing.

After that, she grabbed Shen Yiwen's arm: "Go, Wenya, let's not get angry with her."

But Yu Caixia thought in her heart, although Erzhen was a little more careful in the past, she didn't become like this.

Why is this kid getting more and more crooked.

Regarding Shen Yushan's verdict, Yu Caixia also had mixed feelings, after all, she watched these children grow up.

But after returning to the fourth room, looking at Xiangxi on the top of the kang, the child is still introverted and doesn't come out of the house easily. One is because the wound on his body has not healed, and the other is because the child was scared out of his nerve by the previous events. .

Immediately, Yu Caixia restrained those miscellaneous thoughts, climbed onto the bed of the kang, and hugged Xiangxi.

"What goes around comes around!"

Whatever the cause is sown, you have to bear the fruit!


Shen Yunhe was stuck in the yard, he was silent outside the house for a long time, and faintly heard the suppressed crying from the third house.

After a while, he wiped his face, still with that gloomy look, but he held the doorknob, gently and carefully, pushed the door open and walked in.

Shen Erzhen was lying on the kang, crying so hard that her weak back was trembling, and anyone could know that she was in pain.

Shen Yunhe came behind her and thought for a while, this is a father after all.

He hesitated and raised his hand, and patted Shen Erzhen's shoulder lightly, as if to comfort Shen Erzhen.



Shen Erzhen unexpectedly opened his hand.

At the same time, those red eyes looked over with hatred.

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