Reborn 1960 The Shrewd Wife Has Room

Chapter 111 Comrade Cheng, Your Old Cow Eats Young Grass

Shen Yiwen stared carefully at Wang Dafeng's house again, and then quietly left with a frown.

But she was still worried, so she turned back again and observed carefully again to confirm that Dong Cuie had really not returned to her natal home before leaving suspiciously.

"But the problem is," she scratched the back of her head.

"Where is Zhang Dashan's house?"

I only heard before that Dong Cuie was a married woman whose husband's family belonged to another brigade, but I didn't know about the rest.

Who should I ask?
She was afraid of scaring the snake, but this matter couldn't be dragged on any longer.


Suddenly, a clear, gentle voice came from not far away.

As soon as Shen Yiwen looked up, she saw the fourth brother sitting in a wheelchair, holding the waist of the wheelchair, smiling quietly and gracefully.

"When did you come back?"

Shen Xuenong manipulated the rocker very skillfully, and the spring under the wheelchair made a clicking sound, leading her to slide towards Shen Yiwen in an instant.

"I just came back. Fourth brother, why aren't you with Brother Dongzi and the others?"

Shen Xuenong chuckled: "The cafeteria is about to serve dinner, and they are queuing up for dinner."

Afterwards, Shen Xuenong paused and found that she was scratching her head: "What's wrong? Did you get lice again?"

Shen Yiwen's face turned black immediately, don't, don't mention this.

I thought I scratched my head when I first traveled through time, but I found out later that it was because the original owner didn't pay much attention to hygiene and his head was full of lice.

She almost drove herself crazy when she washed her hair.

"Cough! No, it's just..." She frowned again.

Shen Xuenong smiled a little confused: "Why do you seem to have something on your mind?"

Shen Yiwen bit her lip before squatting down. She put her two little hands on fourth brother's knee.

"Fourth brother, do you know where that Zhang Dashan lives?"

"I... know. What are you looking for him for?"

Shen Yiwen's eyes lit up, and then she was troubled for a while, before she got up and whispered a few words in the fourth brother's ear.

Shen Xuenong's hand holding the joystick slightly tightened, and then, as gentle and delicate as ever, he smiled peacefully.

"Come on, I'll take you there."

"Fourth brother?"

Shen Yiwen was surprised.

And Shen Xuenong seemed to be recalling, "Although... I haven't been there for many years, but I still remember the way."

"The road over there is difficult, you follow me closely."

After finishing speaking, he was still worried, and even stretched out a hand towards Shen Yiwen.


Shen Yiwen thought about it, originally wanted to call Xiangdong and Xiangnan, but thinking about their temper, and Dong Cuie's matter was related to the fourth room, she had to give up.

In her mind, it's better to settle this matter quietly and quietly, trying not to alarm the family.

"This is?" Cheng Jun happened to be walking towards this side pushing his bicycle.

Shen Yiwen exchanged glances with him, and Cheng Jun immediately understood.

While Shen Xuenong was sitting in a wheelchair, he glanced at the two with a silent smile, and then looked deeply at Cheng Jun.

Cheng Juan also smiled, and the two of them were quite calm and friendly, but for some reason, there seemed to be a sense of tension, like invisible electric sparks.

"Let's go."


After leaving the production team, turn left, pass through a birch forest, and then slide down a steep hillside, and then enter a narrow path.

With twists and turns, it took more than half an hour.

Shen Yiwen was dizzy and couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north.

"Where does that Zhang Dashan live?"

Shen Xuenong recalled: "A dozen miles further on, they are called the Zhangjia Village Production Brigade."

Shen Yiwen followed Shen Xuenong closely. She was afraid that the fourth brother would keep manipulating the wheelchair rocker, so she let the fourth brother kick his hands into his pockets while she pushed himself into the wheelchair.

Cheng Juan was pushing the bicycle beside him, and took a few glances over here.

Shen Yiwen asked: "Fourth brother, have you been here before?"

Shen Xuenong nodded, but his expression was in a daze, "Well, I've been here, it's been a long time ago."

At that time, he was still young, even smaller than his fourth cousin, Xiangxi. At that time, he ran all over the mountains and plains, following behind his second brother, like a follower.

At that time, he was not yet paralyzed, and he could still walk normally with his own legs. He was like a gust of wind in the mountains, he liked to climb trees, and he liked to compare with his second brother who picked more fruits, and then washed them by the river and brought them back together. Give it to my third brother.

Shen Xuenong laughed, his expression was very clear, without any negativity or distracting thoughts, and still gave people an extremely pure feeling.

But Cheng Jun was thoughtful.

More than ten years ago...


According to Cheng Juan's understanding of Shen's family, Shen Yiwen was only picked up by the old lady Xu Dazhi when she was three years old.

Many things happened in the eldest family of the Shen family that year.

Shen Xuenong's paralysis seemed to be caused at that time as well.

If it is said that Shen Xuenong has been to the production team of Zhangjia Village, then it can only be ten years ago!
To be precise, it was 13 years ago!
How old was Shen Xuenong at that time?six years old.

A six-year-old child is logically very forgetful, but Shen Xuenong led the way for them, and the goal was clear from the beginning.

as if...

Those memories of those years have been deeply imprinted in his mind, never forgotten, as clear as yesterday.

It's just like.

He was precocious since he was a child and had a photographic memory.So even if it happened so long ago, he still remembers it clearly...

"Here we are, that is Zhangjia Village."

The weather is getting colder and colder. Here in the three northeastern provinces, every winter, if it is daytime, it will be better. There will be sunshine during the daytime, and the temperature will be slightly higher.

But at this time, the sun was waning in the western mountains. Even though the sky was not completely dark, the setting sun took away a lot of residual heat, making this place even colder.

Shen Xuenong rubbed his hands together and blew into his palms. The weather was so cold that whenever people spoke, large clouds of white mist would be sprayed out.

"I remember... I met Zhang Dashan before. His family lives in the third from the left, that yellow mud adobe house."

But looking at it now, it has been more than ten years, and the changes are still too big.

For example, Zhang's house has been refurbished, and it is much bigger than what he remembered.

"Brother Jun, help me stay here with my fourth brother, I will come whenever I go."

Shen Yiwen bent her waist, trotted and disappeared.

Shen Xuenong told her softly to be more careful.

After she left, Shen Xuenong's expression faded.

Sitting in a wheelchair, he cast a nonchalant glance at Cheng Juan.

"Comrade Cheng."


Cheng Juan raised his eyebrows and looked over.

Shen Xuenong frowned, then smiled delicately.

What can be said is a needle hidden in the cotton.

"My family, Wenwen, is still young."

"Only 16 years old."

"Comrade Cheng Jun doesn't think that you are... an old cow eating young grass?"

Cheng Jun: "?"

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