Reborn 1960 The Shrewd Wife Has Room

Chapter 110 You Are Stupid, You Hug My Waist

At the beginning, Shen Yiwen stayed at the police station overnight, but to be precise, she only stayed there for a few hours. Later, she was taken away by Cheng Jun because of illness and fever.

At that time, that situation was released on parole for medical treatment.

Unexpectedly, Dong Cuie did the same thing, and escaped on the way to the clinic!

Suddenly, Shen Yiwen's face turned dark.


"What's going on here?"

Shen Yiwen made an appointment with Cheng Jun before, and the two met at the supply and marketing cooperative after finishing their work.

When Cheng Juan came over, he saw her pretty face tightened.

Speaking of which, she often uses clam oil and cream recently. Her face was prickly, rough, and chapped, but with the help of skin care products, those problems have been cured.

Now the skin is so tender that water can be squeezed out, and it looks even more beautiful than before.

However, when her face tightened at this moment, she looked cold and stiff, with an aura that no one should enter.

"problem occurs."

Shen Yiwen frowned in distress, and suddenly glanced at Cheng Jun: "Huh? Where did you get the bicycle?"

Cheng Juan bent his lips, and patted the handle of the bicycle. It was a Dajinlu brand, an old-fashioned [-]-bar bicycle.

"It was sent from the capital." After he finished answering, he asked, "What happened?"

Shen Yiwen stared at the big bicycle, and then continued with a bitter face: "Dong Cuie escaped, I am a little worried. Our Shen family has been with her forever. According to the temperament of that crazy woman, I am afraid that she will not think about it for a while. Do something."

Left and right, Dong Cuie is now barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes.

And when she met Director Chen before, Shen Yiwen asked a few more questions and learned that Dong Cuie's escape from the police station's guard happened last night.

But now, when she thought of this, she became more and more worried, even terrified, feeling very uneasy.

Cheng Juan frowned: "Let's go!"

He swept his long legs backwards, stepped onto the bicycle very smoothly, and then patted the rear seat of the bicycle.

"Come on, we'll go back immediately."

"it is good!"

Shen Yiwen didn't dawdle, she jumped up and stood firmly behind him, a pair of small hands naturally hugged her waist.

After all, the road is uneven, and the road must be bumpy. She is afraid that she will be bumped.

Cheng Juan held the handle of the bicycle, and looked down at the pair of small hands that she went around and clasped tightly in front of him.

Quietly bent her thin lips, kicked her long legs, and rushed out of the commune on a bicycle in an instant, but that freehand gesture was like a refreshing breeze.


It didn't take too long to be happy.

After leaving the commune and riding for a while, Cheng Juan couldn't hold it anymore.

"Come down, I'll come!" Shen Yiwen patted him on the back.

The corner of his lips twitched lightly, then stopped as he said, and then the two changed positions.

Shen Yiwen was riding this bicycle, while Cheng Jun sat on the back seat of the bicycle with his legs apart.

Holding the seat underneath with both hands, he spoke not long after.


"Huh? What?"

"I feel like I'm going to be knocked down."

"The road is full of potholes, it's too difficult to ride. You are stupid, you hug my waist!"

He raised his eyebrows and wrapped his arms around her waist.

This waist was soft, and when he grasped it tightly, he put his two hands together, which happened to be able to fully grasp her thin waist.

But for some reason, looking at her slender back like this, such a petite girl made him feel so soft in his heart.

Even, this hand was a bit reluctant to let go.


Shen Yiwen rode for more than an hour, and when she was about to arrive at the production team, she hurried down.Let Cheng Juan push the cart behind, while she stretched her short legs and went straight to the Shen family's compound.

"Wen Ya? What's the matter? Why are you in such a hurry?"

As soon as Shen Yiwen came back, she saw her fourth aunt Yu Caixia.She took a few breaths, and then said: "It's nothing, just... I'm thirsty, I suddenly became thirsty halfway, and I was in a hurry to come back and drink some water."

She didn't talk about Dong Cuie's affairs, but her pair of sharp and vigilant eyes were like radar, scanning and observing, trying not to let go of any suspicious things.

"You child," Yu Caixia patted her with a smile, and then poured her a bowl of boiled water.

Shen Yiwen turned upside down in one breath.

Then, she frowned heavily.

"Fourth aunt, where's Brother Dongzi? And my fourth brother?"

Walking around the house, I found that the old lady Xu Dazhi was sleeping.She conveniently placed a heavy and large package on the kang head of the big room, which she had prepared a long time ago and planned to bring back. It was full of all kinds of materials she smuggled out of the space, and it was for everyone. It is used to replenish the body.

Yu Caixia replied: "Your fourth brother, I really didn't realize before that Xuenong is still a child at heart."

Ever since Shen Yiwen made a wooden wheelchair, Shen Xuenong couldn't sit still.

No, I happened to have nothing to do today, so I was dressed thickly, three layers inside and three layers outside, all wrapped up once, and I was pushed out in a wheelchair east to south.

When Shen Yiwen heard it, she couldn't help laughing, but immediately remembered Dong Cuie...

"Aunt Si, I'm going out for a while."

"Where are you going?"

"Oh, I'm going to see fourth brother." She replied, but when she turned around, she put on a stern face again.

She had to go to Dong's house first. Apart from her husband's house, Dong Cui'e could only go back to her mother's house. Of course, she might not be that stupid.

Once it was found that she was missing, the police station would definitely go to the homes of Wang Dafeng and Zhang Dashan to search for Dong Cuie. If she really dared to go back, it would be tantamount to throwing herself into a trap.

But it's freezing cold this day, even though it's only November, but since the snow fell, the temperature has dropped to minus [-] or [-] degrees.

In such extremely cold weather, Dong Cuie might not be able to last long if she had been outside all the time.Besides, according to Director Chen, she was injured all over by Liu Zijin.

She has to eat, she has to sleep, and she has to find a warm place to stay overnight, right?

What Shen Yiwen is most worried about now is, one, Wang Dafeng or Zhang Dashan, either of these two people did not report the knowledge and hid Dong Cuie.

She was really worried, afraid that Dong Cui'e would die, and that everything would be destroyed!

Shen Yiwen let out a deep breath.

She didn't disturb anyone when she went out this time, she stomped on Wang Dafeng's house quietly, and then observed carefully and patiently, and heard Wang Dafeng cursing indignantly in the house.

"I don't believe this little bastard, no one can cure her!?"

Little bastard, Ben, Shen Yiwen: "???"

After careful observation, it seems that Wang Dafeng is the only one in the room, and looking at Wang Dafeng's performance, it seems that Dong Cuie is not hidden?
Then, there is only one left, Zhang Dashan.

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