Song Yan suddenly understood why he married him before.

Which woman would not love such a successful and handsome man?As long as he shows a little tenderness to a woman, that woman will fall in love with him immediately!

Her face suddenly turned red, she lowered her head and said in a low voice, "I don't remember the past, so I don't mean that to you..."

She's still sensible enough to tell the difference between superficial temptation and real love.

"It doesn't matter if you forget me, as long as you are by my side, I can make you fall in love with me again!" Su Xing replied domineeringly.

Song Yan was silent, thinking that this man is really a fart, but he has the capital of a fart!

The topic came to an end for now, Su Xing brought food to Song Yan again: "Continue to eat, I don't think you ate much before."

Song Yan picked up the bowl, but he was not in the mood to continue eating. That kind of psychology was half at a loss and half excited.

What is exciting is that she has found the past, but what is at a loss is that such a past is also unfamiliar to her. If she wants to accept such a past, she has to start a new life again.

Without knowing what to eat, she finished the food in the bowl, stood up stupidly and said, "Well, I should go back."

"Okay, I should send you back, and explain your affairs to Yao Jiashi by the way." Su Xing replied, then stood up and put on his suit jacket.

Song Yan waved his hands in a panic: "No need, this is a bit too sudden, I'd better go back and tell them first—"

"Not suddenly, they should have known from the moment they saved you that you will leave them sooner or later, so why not make it clear at once!" Su Xing interrupted her and looked down at her.

There seemed to be a sparkling lake light in his eyes, a little seductive, his voice suddenly lowered and became a little hoarse: "After confirming that you are my wife, I don't want you to leave me for a moment!"

Song Yan's heart skipped a beat, his heart beating like a drum.In order to hide her throbbing, she hurriedly turned around and walked out first.

Su Xing drove Song Yan to the hospital, Yao Jiashi was still living in the hospital, the most important thing for him was to see him.

When Yao Jiashi saw Su Xing walking in with Song Yan, he was very surprised: "President Su, you..."

"There is something I want to tell you," Su Xing said slowly with a smile, and suddenly put his arms around Song Yan's waist, "Song Yan is my wife, and I'm here to pick her up."

Yao Jiashi stared at Su Xing and Song Yan with wide eyes, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses, his face darkened, and he asked Su Xing: "Mr. Su, why do you say she is your wife?"

Su Xing seemed to have expected that she would ask such a question, and put the marriage certificate and paternity test in front of him.Yao Jiashi opened it, and his face changed obviously.

He looked up at Song Yan and asked, "Your name is not Song Yan, but Qin Luhan?"

Song Yan murmured: "I... I don't know what my name is..."

"If you still don't believe me, you can go to the police to check Qin Luhan's identity information, and I can give you specific details." Su Xing replied leisurely.

Yao Jiashi stopped talking. He didn't find Song Yan before. At that time, he wondered if Song Yan had misremembered his name. Now it seems...

"So, Mr. Yao, I am very grateful for your care and love for my wife for so many days. I will thank you very much for this matter in the future." Su Xing said.

"I don't need any thanks." Yao Jiashi's voice was a little stiff.

"Then, I'll take Lu Han back tonight." Su Xing said.

Yao Jiashi didn't answer, Su Xing held Song Yan's waist and turned to leave, Song Yan pushed his hand away: "You go out first, I'll have a word with Mr Yao."

Su Xing looked at her without saying a word.Song Yan also looked at him.After a while, he sighed softly and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you outside." Then he went out.

After Su Xing went out, Song Yan walked up to Yao Jiashi and said apologetically, "Mr. Yao, I... I didn't know it would be like this... I'm really sorry—"

"You have nothing to be sorry for. You should be happy to find your family." Yao Jiashi replied, but his eyes seemed a bit reluctant.

"I wanted to be by your side—"

"You didn't agree to my pursuit, did you?" Yao Jiashi laughed at himself, "Perhaps you have a secret feeling that you probably have a husband, so you asked to investigate your past before considering my pursuit. "

Song Yan stopped talking. Under such circumstances, she really didn't know what to say.

Yao Jiashi sighed: "Oh, let's go, it's just that Miaomiao is probably going to be sad. She told me before that she was very happy and happy when she found her mother..." He still choked up a little while talking.

Song Yan's eye circles turned red, and she was very reluctant to Miaomiao, but... After a while, she controlled her emotions and said softly: "When I get settled, I will come to see Miaomiao of."

"I think you can go back to pack your things later tonight when she falls asleep. I'm afraid she will hold you back when she knows you're leaving, and cry like crazy. You leave quietly, and then ask Zhao Di to tell her You went on a business trip, and you went on a long business trip. I will be able to go back in two days, so I can accompany her well." Yao Jiashi said.

Song Yan nodded, took two steps back and bowed deeply to him: "Mr. Yao, thank you for saving me, taking me in, and making me feel at home, thank you!"

Yao Jiashi turned his head to one side, and said in a muffled voice, "Let's go, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Song Yan replied, turned around and left the ward quickly.

After walking out of the ward, she couldn't help but shed tears. Su Xing didn't go far outside. When he saw her crying, he immediately came up to hold her face, bowed his head and kissed her.

His lips were warm and moist, and there was a cool feeling when he stroked her cheek.

Song Yan looked up at him in a daze. Although he said he was her husband, she still felt a little unnatural to be so close to a man.

"I don't allow you to cry for other men." Su Xing said domineeringly in her ear, "You are also not allowed to think about other men in your heart. In short, you can only have me as a man in your heart, and no one else can exist. !"

Song Yan looked at his deep pool-like eyes, feeling a little lost. These eyes were like black holes, as if they could suck everything into them, making her unable to look away.

In a trance, a familiar feeling came to my heart, as if I was attracted by these eyes before, it seems that I really fell in love with him before?
When thinking about this, his lips had already dropped, and he kissed her lips heavily.

Song Yan came back to her senses in shock, and pushed him away hard. She blushed and said in a low voice, "This is a hospital, don't mess around..."

A soft laugh came from his throat, and the magnetism was sweet: "So, if I'm not in the hospital, I can mess around?"

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