Seeing Song Yan staring at him with wide eyes, Su Xing's smile widened slightly: "Let's eat first, and I'll tell you about the blood draw after eating."

Song Yan thought to himself, where am I in the mood to eat?But looking at those meals in a blink of an eye, I couldn't take my eyes off again, and the hungry bug in my stomach was about to move again.

She finally bowed her head to the hungry worm, thinking in her heart: Forget it, just eat it, didn’t he say it’s for two people, he had planned to keep her here to eat, it would be a waste if she didn’t eat it, Waste is shameful.

Thinking of this, she simply didn't think about anything, picked up her chopsticks and picked up her favorite dish, oops, it's been a long time since I had such a delicious meal.

Although Yao’s food is delicious, everyone in his family doesn’t like spicy food, so it’s not easy for her to let Chen Xue cook for herself. Most of the food on the table today is spicy, which is really suitable She tastes it.

She put her head down and took a big mouthful of rice into her mouth. As soon as she put the food in her mouth, there was another chopsticks of food in the bowl. She looked up in astonishment and saw Su Xing looking at him tenderly.

Her mouthful of food almost choked in her throat, oh my god, such a handsome guy watched her eat, can she still eat this meal!
Seeing that she seemed to be having difficulty swallowing, Su Xing smiled and handed her a bowl of soup: "Drink the soup, don't worry, eat slowly, you can eat as much as you like here!"

Song Yan couldn't refuse, so he took a sip from the soup bowl, and then swallowed the food in his mouth with difficulty.

She teased him with a dry smile and said, "Well, Mr. Su, don't look at me, you eat too."

"I think you haven't eaten such appetizing food for a long time. Not many people in Shacheng like spicy food." Su Xing didn't answer, but said with a smile.

Song Yan was surprised: "Boss Su, do you know that I like spicy food?"

He didn't answer directly, but said: "Even if a person forgets all the past, some inner things will not change. For example, you like spicy food and have a strong taste."

Song Yan immediately sat up straight: "President Su, so you really know me?"

"Qin Luhan." He replied, "Your name is Qin Luhan."

Song Yan didn't speak, just stared at him.

"The result of the paternity test is out, you and my daughter Su Nianzhi are mother-daughter relationship." Su Xing said as if conjuring and took out a piece of paper and put it in front of Song Yan.

Song Yan lowered his head, just in time to see the appraisal result, the number 99.99%, so obvious!
She was a little dazed, and stayed for a while before she suddenly came back to look at Su Xing: "You said just now that your daughter and I—"

"Yes, you are my daughter's biological mother, in other words, you are my wife!" Su Xing said and took out a red book and put it in front of Song Yan.

Song Yan saw the three words on the red book: marriage certificate.

Suddenly, the dream she had once appeared in her mind. In the dream, she stood side by side with a man at the gate of a building. She held a red object in her hand. At that time, she tried her best to see clearly What is that red thing in the picture, now the picture suddenly becomes very clear in my mind!
That red thing is nothing but a marriage certificate!

Her hands trembled, and she slowly opened the marriage certificate, and a photo of two people with a red background was printed in her sight. The people in the photo were smiling, and it was she and Su Xing.

She looked at Su Xing, who was smiling, no different from the one in the photo.

"I... am I really your wife?" she asked.

Su Xing nodded: "Isn't the evidence enough? Not only are we husband and wife, but our children are already so old, it cannot be faked."

"But why did I fall into the water and lose my memory, and why didn't you come to me?" Song Yan asked with doubts in his heart.

Mentioning this, Su Xing's face turned cold: "You were on a small island at the time, and there was a typhoon. After the typhoon, we couldn't find you. Later, we found the body in the sea. The clothes on the body were the same as yours. I I thought you died in an accident."

"It just happened that I forgot about my past, so I delayed it like this?" Song Yan asked, and frowned when he thought of something, "But why do I remember that my name is Song Yan?"

"Song Yan is your friend, but she passed away a few years ago, but maybe she had a great influence on you in those years, so you will always remember her. After this amnesia, I thought that my name was Song Yan by chance. Yes." Su Xing thought for a while to answer, and he also felt a little strange about this matter.

Song Yan didn't speak, but what Su Xing said made some sense. The most important thing was that Yao Jiashi had investigated Song Yan before, and there was no one like her in the ID photo, which also showed that her name might not really be Song Yan.

"Come home with me." Su Xing's eyes became very affectionate, and he said softly.

Song Yan came back to look at him, feeling a little confused.

To be honest, she didn't dislike Su Xing, but as his wife, she didn't have that kind of love between husband and wife in her heart.It was a bit... unacceptable for her to let herself go back with him so suddenly.

Seeing her body shrink back, Su Xing's eyes jumped: "Why, you don't want to go back with me?"

Song's speech was incoherent: "I... I don't know, I just think it's a bit too sudden... If I leave so suddenly, the Yao family will probably think it's too sudden—"

"I will thank the Yao family, you don't have to worry about these things." Su Xing interrupted her.

"But... but... if I leave like this, Miaomiao will be sad." This is what she really regrets in her heart. After getting along for such a long time, she and Miaomiao have already developed feelings for each other!

"But have you ever thought about it, the children in the family are looking forward to their mother going back, and they will be sad if you don't go back." Su Xing said in a deep voice.

Song Yan fell silent.

Su Xing went on to say: "The girl from the Yao family is indeed very pitiful, but have you ever thought about it? You have no real relationship with her. In the future, her life and her will still be decided by his father. Do you think The only way to stay with her for a long time is to marry his father."

He said and pointed to the marriage certificate and paternity test: "Do you want to disregard the law and remarry? Or—"

Having said that, he paused, leaned closer to her, and looked straight into her eyes with eyes like deep pools, "You want to divorce me and marry him again? Am I so unattractive? The old man?"

Song Yan quickly waved his hands: "No, no, I didn't mean that—"

"That is to say, you don't like him, do you think I'm not bad?" Su Xing laughed, the lines of his stern face softened a lot, and his eyes shone like stars, which made people's hearts jump wildly .

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