She didn't know what she said on the phone, she answered with a smile, and then hung up.

After hanging up the phone, she went to Song Yan's bed and sat down, looking at her with a gesture of asking for credit: "Mom, I already told Dad that he will send the doctor to the island, don't worry , the doctor is here, you should be able to eat soon."

In the end it was a problem with her comprehension ability, she still couldn't understand Zhao Di's explanation before.

Song Yan didn't want to explain to her either, so he just smiled and replied, "Thank you, Meow."

Miaomiao suddenly hugged her with a smile on her face: "You are my mother, of course I want to protect you, how can you thank me?"

She is actually quite tall, nearly 1.7 meters tall. Although she is very thin, Song Yan still feels a little strange when such a big person is arched into Song Yan's arms, and she can't help but regret that such a beautiful woman The girl's IQ is only that of a five or six-year-old child, which is really not beautiful.

But seeing Miaomiao's cute appearance, she couldn't help feeling a strong maternal instinct in her heart. She reached out and stroked her head, and said softly, "You are the best, Miaomiao."

Miaomiao raised her head abruptly, looking at her with bright eyes: "Mom, you like Miaomiao, don't you?"

Song Yan replied with a smile: "I like you."

"Mom, that's great. Mom finally wants me again!" Miao Miao cheered and hugged Song Yan.

Song Yan also laughed, although she doesn't remember anything now, but for some reason, being with this girl makes her inexplicably happy and forgets all her troubles.Ignoring her big body, she felt as if she really was her baby.

After laughing with Miaomiao for a while, Zhao Di brought up the boiled millet porridge. The millet porridge was very watery. You can drink thinner ones, but the dry ones can only be eaten after the stomach and intestines get used to it."

Song Yan nodded: "I understand, thank you."

After drinking a bowl of millet porridge, Song Yan's stomach was also full, which shows that her stomach is really pitifully small now.After she was full, she became a little drowsy. Zhao Di saw it, grabbed Miao Miao and said, "Miao Miao, Mama Zhao will take you to play hide-and-seek in the yard, let Mama rest for a while?"

Miaomiao was reasonable, and said to Song Yan: "Mom, sleep well, I'll go play and I won't disturb you."

After they left, Song Yan lay down and quickly fell asleep.

She had a strange dream. In the dream, a little boy rushed into the pond. She shouted "Hao Hao" and jumped into the water, but the pond seemed to be very deep, and the muddy water soon filled her mouth and nose, making her asphyxia.She couldn't save the child, but she was about to drown. At this moment, someone fished her out of the water with a "crash".

She looked up at that man, with a handsome face and deep eyebrows, as if he was a male god sent from heaven!
Her heart throbbed, and she was about to ask the male god's name shyly, when she suddenly felt someone shaking her body, and suddenly woke up from her sleep.

Opening her eyes, she saw a strange man leaning over to look at her: "Miss, are you awake?"

She looked at him blankly, and he laughed: "I am Kang Ye, the personal doctor of the Yao family. I am here to examine you. Now I need your cooperation."

Only then did Song Yan come back to his senses, and struggled to sit up to cooperate with him to do a series of examinations. After the physical examination, Kang Ye nodded: "Your physical condition is still good, but I heard from the nanny here, Zhao Di, that you It seems that I have forgotten my own name?"

Song Yan nodded: "I can't remember at all, and I don't know what happened."

"Your family, you can't remember what happened in the past?" Kang Ye asked.

Song Yan nodded: "My mind is blank."

"But common sense in life, do you know all kinds of knowledge?"

"All I know is that I can't remember my own memories." Song Yan was so depressed, feeling like he had become a person without a past.

Kang Ye stopped talking, and after a while said with a solemn face: "I think you probably have retrograde amnesia, and the reason is the functional degeneration of your brain caused by hypoxia caused by drowning shock."

"Can it be recovered?" Song Yan asked quickly.

"It's hard to say, some people can restore all their memories, some people can restore some of their memories, some people may never remember what they have forgotten, it feels like more stimulation is needed, but you don't know any information about yourself How can there be familiar things to stimulate the brain?" Kang Ye said.

Song Yan lowered his head and stopped talking.

Kang Ye said some precautions and left. Song Yan sat quietly in thought, and Miao Miao came over and asked her, "Mom, what's wrong with you, why are you upset?"

Song Yan smiled at her: "I'm not unhappy, but I don't remember the past, and I feel a little sad."

"Don't you remember Dad?"

Song Yan shook her head. It's not that she doesn't remember her father, but she doesn't know her father at all, but she doesn't bother to talk about it with Miaomiao.

"Fortunately, you still remember me, mother who is not afraid, I will help you, if you don't remember, just get to know me again, and I will tell you about the past." Miaomiao was optimistic, and ran out bouncing room to go.

After a while, she dragged a man in and said to Song Yan: "Mom, I brought Dad here. From today onwards, you should get to know him again!"

Song Yan looked up at the man. According to Miaomiao's age, he should be in his 40s, but he looked like he was in his thirties. He was tall and well-maintained. He was well-proportioned and slender. Not as fat and greasy as men in their 40s.

The man smiled at her, his blue eyes were as attractive as meow.Song Yan also smiled at him, and the two of them tacitly understood Miaomiao's "Mom and Dad".

Miaomiao said excitedly: "Dad, hurry up and introduce yourself to Mom! Mom doesn't remember you anymore, you two know each other again now, and then we are a family."

The man coughed twice and said to Miaomiao: "Miaomiao, you go out to play first, Dad and Mom have something to say."

Miaomiao was not happy at first, but she didn't know what to think of and laughed again: "I know, I know, father and mother must kiss, okay, okay, I'm not here to make trouble, I'm going out!" He winked and ran out.

The man watched helplessly as his daughter's back disappeared through the door, and turned to Song Yan with a wry smile: "You must know about Miao Miao's situation, she is a little naive, don't you mind what she said?"

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