As if after a long and endless night, Song Yan finally ushered in the light when she was already very tired, and she gradually regained consciousness.

When I opened my eyes, I heard joyful cheers in my ears: "Oh, Mom, you're awake!"

Then the face of a young girl appeared in her sight. This young girl looked only 20 years old, very sweet and cute, with blue eyes.

Song Yan was a little dazed, and stared blankly at the girl in front of her. The girl smiled and said to her, "Mom, you've finally woken up. You've been asleep for half a month!"

Half a month!Song Yan's heart skipped a beat, and he barely sat up with support.

What caught my eye was a strange room, decorated in a girly style, with plush toys and cartoon patterns everywhere.

"Where am I?" she asked.

The girl said in a crisp voice, "It's in my room!"

Song Yan looked at the girl: "Who are you?"

"I'm Meow Meow!"

Song Yan was taken aback, Meow... Who is Meow?She doesn't seem to know her...

At this time, a person dressed as a nanny came into the room, and the girl immediately jumped over to the person and said, "Mother Zhao, mother is awake!"

"Mother Zhao" said to the girl first: "Miss, you can't just call her mother, she is not your mother, you should call her sister."

The girl pouted: "Why isn't she my mother? Didn't Dad tell me that Mom went to the bottom of the sea to see the mermaid? I brought her back from the sea, so of course she is Mom!"

"Mother Zhao" was a little helpless, and changed the subject: "Miss, Mother Chen made something delicious. It's your favorite cake. Don't you want to eat it?"

The girl was really attracted, she clapped her hands and said, "I like it, I'll eat it!" Then she jumped and ran out.

"Mother Zhao" then turned her head to look at Song Yan, and smiled: "Miss, don't mind, my lady was injured a little bit when she was born, so here is a bit—" she said and pointed to her head, " Although he is now 19 years old, his IQ is only five or six years old."

Song Yan shook her head and smiled: "I think she is quite cute." Then she asked again: "But, can you tell me where I am?"

"You are on my master's island!" "Mother Zhao" replied, "I am the nanny of this lady, my name is Zhao Di, just now the lady of this family is Yao Yiyi, her nickname is Miaomiao."

"Oh, sister Zhao, then why am I on your master's island?" Song Yan asked, rubbing the back of his head.

"It's like this. Miss found you half a month ago when she was playing at the beach. At that time, you were in a coma. We asked a doctor to see you. The doctor said that your brain was damaged by drowning and passed out. Vegetative. Originally, my master wanted to send you to a public welfare organization in Haicheng, but if the lady insisted on saying that you were her mother and refused to let you leave, we had no choice but to leave you on the island. I won't wake up, I didn't expect you to really wake up." Zhao Di replied.

After Song Yan listened to it, he stayed for a long time before asking, "I...why am I in the sea?"

"We don't know about this, don't you know too?" Zhao Di asked.

Song Yan tilted his head and thought for a while, but for some reason, he couldn't think of anything.

"What's your name, miss? Do you remember your family's phone number? We can call your family for you." Zhao Di asked again.

Song Yan thought about it for a while, then shook his head in frustration.

Zhao Di was shocked: "Why, you don't even know your own name?"

"I feel like my mind is blank, I don't remember anything..." Song Yan said dejectedly, not only her name, but everything about herself, she couldn't remember.

Zhao Di's complexion changed slightly, and she murmured: "How could this be..." After thinking for a while, she said, "Well, I will call the master later and ask him to invite a doctor to come to the island to see how you are doing .”

Song Yan also wanted to know what was wrong with him, and thanked her with a smile: "Thank you."

Zhao Di waved her hand: "You're welcome, you're welcome."

As soon as the voice fell, Miao Miao came into the room with a plate, and there was a piece of chocolate mousse cake on the plate.

She joyfully carried the cake to Song Yan's bedside: "Mom, this mousse cake is delicious. I like it the most. I'll bring it here for you to try."

Song Yan swallowed quietly, this kind of mousse cake is also her favorite, especially the chocolate one.

Just as she was about to reach out to pick it up, Zhao Di snatched the cake plate over and said, "No, no, meow, this young lady has been living on infusion of nutrient solution for half a month. Those who only eat this kind of food must start with rice soup and gradually transition, otherwise the stomach will not be able to bear it."

When Song Yan heard this was the truth, he quickly retracted his hand, and Miao Miao pursed her mouth, a little unhappy: "Mom doesn't like the cake that Miao Miao brought you?"

Song Yan didn't bother to correct her address, and hurriedly explained: "No, Miaomiao, it's because my health is not good, so I can't eat for the time being, wait until I get better, what can Miaomiao give me? Eat them all, okay?"

Miaomiao really has the temper of a child, and she is happy after being coaxed: "Okay, then I will bring a lot of delicious food to my mother."

Zhao Di who was next to her was a little embarrassed when she heard her calling "Mom" one after another: "Miss, you can't call her mom anymore, isn't she—"

Song Yan smiled and turned to interrupt Zhao Di: "Forget it, Sister Zhao, you can call me Miao Miao whatever you want, as long as she is happy."

I don't know why seeing Miao Miao's childish expression made her feel very soft, and she wanted to coax her and make her happy.

Zhao Di laughed: "Miss, you have a good temper." She remembered something and said to her, "I'll go down and ask my cook, Chen Xue, to make you some millet porridge, something to nourish your stomach." , and help you call the master."

Miaomiao clapped her hands: "Mother Zhao, let me call Dad, you can just let Mother Chen cook the porridge properly."

Zhao Di thought about it and said: "Alright, then you can call the master, remember to ask him to send a family doctor to the island to check up on this young lady."

Zhao Di went downstairs, Miao Miao also ran out of the room, Song Yan sat there in a daze, didn't she say she wanted to make a phone call, why did the girl forget about it, and ran out to play by herself?
Just about to get out of bed and go downstairs to have a look, when I heard the sound of "dong dong dong", Miao Miao ran in again, holding a mobile phone in his hand and talking in his mouth: "Really, I didn't lie to you, mom really She woke up! Hurry up and let the doctor come to the island to take a look at her body!"

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