Lucky pregnant warm wife sweet and beautiful

Chapter 277 Do Another Paternity Test

Chen Jingbo was startled, and seemed to have thought for a long time before shaking his head: "No, it's not someone else. It's because of this that I thought Haohao wasn't my own son."

Song Yan was even more confused: "Since it wasn't you that night, why did the appraisal result be like that? How can you say that Haohao is your own son now?"

"On the second day of that night, I was drunk, and I had sex with Song Yan that night. I think Haohao probably belonged to that night, and the appraisal result won't lie." Chen Jingbo replied.

Song Yan was startled, then laughed.

Chen Jingbo stared at her blankly: "What are you... laughing at?"

"The next day, what can you do when you're drunk?" Song Yan said with a smile.

That's right, on the second night after that night, Chen Jingbo was indeed drunk. At that time, he threw her on the bed and asked for something, but then he passed away without any substantial relationship.That night, they slept in the same bed, Chen Jingbo got up the next day and asked her what happened last night, she said there was nothing between them.

She was telling the truth, and he believed it at the time, but because of a test result, Chen Jingbo had such an idea.Probably, he still had some fragments in his mind about that night, such as the scene where he pressed her down and kissed, so he thought that what happened to them was because she was not ashamed to say it the next day.

Hearing what she said, Chen Jingbo was also in a daze, and it took a long time to recall: "You mean, nothing really happened between me and Song Yan that night?"

Song Yan shook his head and laughed at himself: "This is really fun. Hao Zifei thought that you went to have sex with Song Yan secretly that night, but it turned out that it was someone else. But you thought that you had sex with Song Yan the next day. relationship. But in fact, you never had any relationship with Song Yan before you got married!"

It's not reliable to listen to Hao Zifei alone, and it's not reliable to listen to Chen Jingbo alone, but with her memory and the integration of the three people's information, she finally figured out the ins and outs of that night.

That night, Hao Zifei plotted against her, tried to force her unconscious and sent her to the hotel, and then asked the man she had made an appointment to have sex with her in the hotel. Who knew, the man found the wrong room and mistakenly thought that there was no The person left, but during the period, another man entered her room and had sex with her.

When the results of the paternity test came out, Hao Zifei thought that Chen Jingbo did it secretly without telling her, but Chen Jingbo mistakenly thought that something happened to her when he was drunk the next day to have that son.But as the child's mother, she was sure that she and Chen Jingbo would have nothing to do the next day!Speaking of the final result, she still didn't know who the father of the child was!

But the contradiction lies in the paternity test!The fact is that Chen Jingbo cannot be Haohao's father, but the paternity test says yes, how is this possible!It seems that there is a problem with the paternity test!

Taking a deep breath, she said to Chen Jingbo: "Chen Jingbo, according to the facts, Haohao cannot be your biological son. I suspect that there is something wrong with the paternity test. You need to do another paternity test with Haohao!"

"How could something go wrong! That won't go wrong!" Chen Jingbo seemed a bit unacceptable to such a result.

Song Yan sneered: "Then how do you think Haohao got out?"

He moved his lips and said nothing, Song Yan pointed out coldly: "Hao Hao can only be the child of the man who was in the hotel that night, but you were not the one who had sex with Song Yan that night, and you know it in your heart!"

Chen Jingbo seemed like a deflated ball, and it withered all of a sudden, and his whole body withered.He lay on the bed without moving for a long time, not even his eyeballs moved.

Song Yan waited quietly for a while, then asked, "Are you planning to die like this?"

He suddenly became excited: "No! Do the paternity test, do it again!" After finishing speaking, he became lifeless again.

Song Yan leaned down and stared at him: "In that case, give me your inspection product."

"My toothbrush is in the brushing cup over there, you can take it." Chen Jingbo said weakly.

Song Yan walked over to wrap his toothbrush carefully in a bag, and looked back at him: "When you die, I will take Haohao to visit your grave at least once, no matter whether he is your child or not, after all you are still Been his father for more than a year."

After saying this, she quickly walked over to open the door and called Hao Hao who was sitting quietly outside.

But the atmosphere was still a bit wrong. After learning that Haohao might not be his own son, Chen Jingbo was obviously not enthusiastic anymore, and lay quietly on the bed as if he was dead.Song Yan didn't bother to talk to him, and left with Haohao.

On the way back, Haohao looked a little depressed, Song Yan put his arms around him and asked softly, "What's the matter, Haohao, you don't seem very happy?"

"Mom, what did you tell him? I feel that his attitude towards me has changed a lot. After all, I still haven't got my grandfather's things." Hao Hao said with a small frown.

"It doesn't matter if you can't get back your grandpa's things. It doesn't matter. Even if you can't get back, it won't affect grandpa's status in our hearts." Song Yan comforted him softly.

Haohao snorted: "But it doesn't matter, anyway, I don't care if he treats me well or not."

Song Yan was a little sad in his heart, although Hao Hao said so, but he still longed for his father's love in his heart.

This child is smart and sensitive, and Su Xing's bottomless love for Nian Nian has probably stimulated him.Now he thought that his biological father didn't really recognize him even though he was dying of illness, which must have hurt his little heart.

But for the time being, she can't tell him the truth of the matter, she can't let him know who her father is and now she doesn't know!
It's better to have a badass father than a bastard!
Fortunately, Su Xing can always make Haohao happy: "I have a friend who makes car models, Haohao, are you interested in going to play with that friend with Dad?"

Haohao immediately clapped his hands excitedly: "I'm going, I'm going!"

"Well, let's take mom home first, how about just the two of us playing at night?" Su Xing suggested.

Song Yan immediately said: "You don't have to see me off, pull over and let me down, I'll take a taxi back by myself, you just take Haohao to play!"

Su Xing slowly parked the car on the side of the road, Song Yan got out of the car, watched the car disappear from sight, and then took a taxi to go home.

After returning, she hurriedly found Haohao's toothbrush, packed it in a bag, and went straight to the Sacred Heart Hospital.

Knowing her reason for coming, Sun Fushang was very surprised: "Why do you have to do it again? There will be no mistakes in the paternity test."

"But I have evidence to prove that Chen Jingbo cannot be Haohao's biological father. In order to unravel this mystery, another paternity test must be done!" Song Yan said firmly.

Sun Fushang shrugged his shoulders and took the inspection material: "Okay, let's do it again, so I can feel more at ease."

A week later, Song Yan received a call from Sun Fushang: "The result of the paternity test is out, it's simply unbelievable!"

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