"Take him." Lin Xuehui replied with a sigh.

Song Yan looked at her with wide eyes in surprise, Lin Xuehui smiled and said: "I say this not because I am reluctant to part with your father's things, but because of Haohao's consideration. Haohao is a precocious child, and he even I remember three years ago, and I probably also remember that Chen Jingbo is his father. Since he is his biological father, you can't deprive him of the right to visit him. After all, blood is connected, and seeing him before he dies is also considered a death. up.

"Even if you don't want to take Haohao, you should ask him for his opinion. Haohao is different from ordinary children. He knows too much and is too assertive. If you make decisions for him privately, you will be afraid. He didn't say anything on the surface, but he still has a complaint against you in his heart."

After listening to Lin Xuehui's words, Song Yan fell silent.I have to say that Lin Xuehui's words are all right. She has taken care of Haohao for so long, and she already knows his character well, so he should really let him decide.

She thought for a while, called Haohao into the room, and told him about Chen Jingbo wanting him to see her. With a calm face, Haohao replied, "I would like to go to the hospital to see him."

His answer was expected by Song Yan, but Song Yan was still surprised by his calm attitude.

"Haohao, you... still remember—"

"Yes, Mom, I still remember my biological father, Chen Jingbo. I remember his appearance, the expression on his face when he scolded me, and I also remember that he almost threw me on the ground that night. I don't like him at all. But I have to accept the fact that I am his son, so if I go to see him, it can be regarded as a break with him!"

End... This word, how can it be said that a five-year-old child would say it?

Song Yan stared blankly at Haohao's young and mature face, and felt a little pain in her heart. This child is precocious. It turned out that what happened to him when he was a child left such a deep impression on his heart. She felt very guilty in her heart, because Haohao Hao Hao was abused by Chen Jingbo because she deliberately directed it. At the beginning, she wanted to sue Chen Jingbo for the abuse so that she could bring Hao Hao to her side. Unexpectedly, it still left a mark on the child's young heart.

She hugged Haohao into her arms, and apologized with red eyes: "Haohao, it's my mother's fault, my mother's fault, it's my mother's fault!"

Haohao gently pushed her away, stared at her seriously, and after looking at her for a long time, he stretched out his hand to caress her face and said softly: "You are not my biological mother, but you are better than my biological mother. What do you have?" Wrong, I know, no matter what you do, it is for my own good, and it will not hurt me!"

Song Yan burst into tears instantly: "Haohao, I am your real mother, and I will be in this life!"

Haohao laughed, bowed his head and kissed her on the cheek: "Mom, I will be your son all my life."

The mother and son hugged each other, and Lin Xuehui, who was watching beside her, couldn't help wiping away her tears.

The matter was settled in this way, Song Yan first called Su Xing: "Something happened temporarily here, I probably can't go to the old house at night, can I reschedule?"

"What happened?" Su Xing asked.

Song Yan sighed and told him about the prison guard calling him. Su Xing was silent for a long time and said, "Don't go by yourself, wait for me to drive with you."

"Over there at the old house—"

"The meal can be done another day, grandpa won't care." Su Xing said, and Song Yan was relieved.

She dressed up Haohao a little and waited for Su Xing at home. After a while, Su Xing's car arrived and drove them to the hospital that Officer Zhang told her about.

Officer Zhang was right, Chen Jingbo was indeed dying.

When Song Yan led Haohao into his ward, he was shocked to see the man on the bed.

I haven't seen him for more than three years. If he didn't know who he is, walking on the street, Song Yan probably wouldn't recognize him as Chen Jingbo.

The formerly handsome features were long gone, replaced by a haggard, lifeless face.

"He has advanced liver cancer. The doctor said that it has only been a few days. Now he often falls into a coma. When he is awake, the only request we make is to call you and bring his son to see him." Officer Zhang said next to him. .

Song Yan nodded, Officer Zhang went out, and she led Haohao to Chen Jingbo's bedside.

Chen Jingbo closed his eyes, not knowing whether he was sleeping or in a daze, Song Yan called him softly: "Chen Jingbo."

When there was no movement, she raised her voice and called again: "Chen Jingbo!"

Chen Jingbo's eyelids trembled, and he finally opened his eyes slowly. His sight was out of focus for a few seconds, and then he finally got a little angry.

"Qin Luhan!" he said, his voice hoarse.

From his face to his voice to his temperament, he was completely different from before.

"That's right, it was me. I brought Haohao here." Song Yan said in a deep voice, seeing the scumbag like this, she felt a little happy in her heart.It’s really heavenly reincarnation, who will the heavens spare, there will be retribution in the end for doing bad things!
Hearing the name "Haohao", Chen Jingbo rolled his eyes and set his eyes on Haohao next to him.

Haohao pursed his lips, and his pretty face sank: "Don't think too much, I'm here just to get back grandpa's things." He stretched out his little hand as he spoke, "The things, don't you mean to give them to me? Is it?"

Regarding Hao Hao's performance, Chen Jingbo didn't know if he had no strength to get angry, but his expression was indifferent. "Just call me... Dad, and I will... give you something." He said weakly.

"Chen Jingbo, you said it yourself, Haohao is not your child, why do you let him call you father now? Is it because you are afraid that no one will die for you?" Song Yan couldn't help mocking.

Chen Jingbo coughed a few times before he said: "Hao Zifei came to see me three years ago and said that you have done a paternity test for me and Haohao, and he is my own son."

Song Yan hesitated to speak, turned to Haohao and said, "Haohao, go out and play by yourself for a while, I have something to say to him."

Haohao was also well-behaved, and went out without asking any questions.

While waiting for the door to close, Song Yan couldn't help asking, "Chen Jingbo! Is Haohao your son? Do you still need a paternity test to judge?"

This is simply too funny, before that night, she was an innocent girl, after that night, Chen Jingbo never touched her until he got married, so Haohao was there that night.

Before Hao Zifei suspected that Chen Jingbo went to have sex with her quietly that night, Song Yan also thought so for a while, after all, the result of paternity test can only be explained in this way, but now Chen Jingbo said such a thing, which is too unbelievable.

"Chen Jingbo! The night Hao Zifei plotted against Song Yan more than five years ago, were you the one who had sex with Song Yan?" She couldn't help but raise her voice and asked.

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