A few days later, Su Xing gave Song Yan a portfolio: "This is Qin Shang's [-]% equity, you ask your mother to sign it, and this equity will belong to your mother from now on."

Song Yanyu opened the file bag and looked at it, and couldn't help being surprised: "What, Qin Yanjun is really willing to give up so many shares?"

"Now your mother owns the same shares as him, [-]%. You and Qin Yanjun can sit on an equal footing in Qinshang. As for whether Qin Yanjun is willing or not, that's his problem. The transfer is indeed a problem." He signed it himself, and the signature is the law."

"That girl—"

"The girl's family repented, returned all the money, and insisted on suing Qin Jinnian. I think your father will probably be devastated these days." Su Xing replied.

Song Yan stared at him with wide eyes, looking at his calm expression, as if this incident had nothing to do with him, but in fact, he must have done a lot of actions inside.

First, he took advantage of Qin Yanjun's mentality of wanting to save his son to become a shareholder of Qin Shang and became a major shareholder of Qin Shang. Then he tried to find a way to do work for the girl's family, so that they persisted to the end, and Qin Jinnian was punished as he should.This is really killing two birds with one stone!
"Looks like I have to thank you," she said.

"As I said, you won't regret signing this contract with me."

Hearing his words, Song Yan's heart ached slightly, but she quickly took a breath and ignored the negative emotion.

"Don't worry, Mr. Su, I will satisfy you." She replied with a smile on purpose.

Song Yan was at work that day, and someone came to her: "Designer Qin, someone is looking for you in the communication room at the factory gate."

"Who is that?"

"It's a middle-aged woman."

The worker next to him immediately came over and said, "Oh, Designer Qin, you better not go out, don't be another person who wants to throw eggs at you!"

Song Yan replied with a smile: "There are so many egg throwers, I'll go and see."

She took off her overalls and walked towards the gate, when she saw a gaudy figure wandering outside the reception room from a distance.Her face was slightly gloomy, she walked over and raised her voice and said, "Why are you here?"

Mo Shaojing turned around and saw Song Yan with a flattering smile on his face: "Luhan, I'll come and see you."

"If you have anything to say, just tell me, I'm still at work." Song Yan replied coldly, she's fine, how could Mo Shaojing come to her.

Mo Shaojing looked a little embarrassed, coughed twice and said, "Since you get straight to the point, I won't go around in circles with you. I came here to ask for your help."

"What can I help you with?" Song Yan asked, but he had already guessed it in his heart.

"Isn't it your brother? He's not in a good condition now. If we don't work hard, he might be sentenced to three or five years in prison." Mo Shaojing said with red eyes.

"I'm not a victim, how can I help?" Song Yan said lightly.

Mo Shaojing's eyes immediately showed a look of pleading: "Luhan, don't you have a good relationship with Mr. Su? I heard that Mr. Su gave you and your mother some shares after he became a shareholder of Qin Shang, which shows that he treats you very well." Very caring."

Song Yan raised his eyebrows: "So?"

"I would like to ask you to ask Mr. Su for help. Mr. Su has great powers. Maybe he can persuade that girl's family to come to an understanding with your brother?"

Song Yan was funny: "All the girls have been ruined by Qin Jinnian, do you think they will forgive him?"

"We can be responsible. We let Nian'er marry that girl and give her a stable life." Mo Shaojing probably thought about it a long time ago, and replied immediately.

"It seems that the girl is still in high school, how can she get married at such a young age?"

"Then get engaged first, and get married immediately after she graduates!"

Song Yan smiled "hehe": "I don't think it's better not to get married."

Mo Shaojing looked at Song Yan inexplicably, and Song Yan continued: "For a person like Qin Jinnian, whoever marries him will be unlucky. It's better not to marry. You don't even think about harming other girls."

"Luhan! How can you say that about your brother, he is your brother!" Mo Shaojing was a little angry, and her voice became louder.

"Brother?" Song Yan let out a "puchi", "Mo Shaojing, why don't you tell me, when did he consider me a sister?"

In the past, Qin Jinnian wanted to let others insult her. This kind of scum would be light in jail, and he doesn't deserve to live in this world!

Mo Shaojing's face became depressed, and her voice was soft: "Luhan, I know that you have resentment in your heart because of the past, we have now realized our mistake, and we will make up for you in the future, but after all, you and the young Er is a brother and sister connected by blood, you have no reason to refuse to save him, right?"

Song Yan said coldly: "I only want to give him a way out because he is still my younger brother. He should suffer a little in prison so that he can know what is right and what is wrong. So, If you want me to find Su Xing, I won't go."

She looked at Mo Shaojing, not without ridicule: "You are the biggest responsibility for Qin Jinnian becoming what he is now, and you are the one who used him to be like this. It's normal to say that, with your three views, how good can you educate him?" It's no surprise that your child is here."

"I can't help you here. You should go back. If you want to ask others for help, it's better to go early." After saying this, she turned around and left.

"Qin Luhan! You are so unfeeling, you really want to die!" Mo Shaojing shouted loudly behind her.

Song Yan walked quickly into the factory area. She heard the voice of the security guard blocking Mo Shaojing behind her, but she ignored it.

When he got off work, Song Yan deliberately glanced at the factory gate, and found that Mo Shaojing had already left. Thinking that she probably knew that he would not help, so he left, so he didn't care.

The next day, Song Yan was at work when he suddenly received a call from Lin Xuehui: "Luhan, hurry up to the People's Hospital, your mother is hospitalized!"

Song Yan's heart skipped a beat, and his voice changed: "What's wrong with my mother?" Before she went out in the morning, Shao Yujia was fine!

"I took Haohao out to play, and when I came back, I saw the door was open, and found that your mother was lying on the ground and passed out. I don't know what happened!" Lin Xuehui was talking on the phone, Song Yan could still vaguely hear Haohao's crying, which showed that Lin Xuehui must be in a hurry now.

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Song Yan hung up the phone and hurried to the hospital.

Half an hour later, she arrived at the emergency observation ward. Lin Xuehui hugged Haohao and greeted her with a sad face: "After your mother was sent to the hospital, she was very mentally unstable. She kept calling your name and cried hard. She was on sedatives and just fell asleep."

"How could this be? Hasn't Mom's condition improved a lot recently?" Song Yan was surprised.

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