Qin Ailin was originally frail, but now she is studying at the Academy of Art and learning dance, her figure is getting slimmer.

Song Yan narrowed his eyes slightly. In the memory of the original owner, Qin Luhan, he had a fairly good impression of this younger sister. There has been no conflict between the two of them.

"Sister..." Qin Ailin stopped in front of her, murmuring.

"What's the matter, let's talk." Song Yan asked distantly.

No matter what happens to this girl, she doesn't want anything to do with the Qin family.

"Sister, I apologize to you on behalf of my mother. She is a little anxious about her brother's affairs, so she speaks so unscrupulously. Don't worry about it." Qin Ailin said and bowed.

Song Yan backed down and smiled: "She has always spoken unscrupulously to me, and there is no reason why she should be so angry. You don't have to apologize for her, she must not have that idea."

There was embarrassment on Qin Ailin's face.

"Apart from this, do you have anything else to do?" Song Yan asked her.

Qin Ailin bit her lip and said: "Sister, I agree with your approach, let my brother be punished by law, he has been too reckless these years, and it will be destroyed sooner or later if it goes on like this."

Song Yan raised his eyebrows and looked at her, feeling that at least there was someone in the Qin family who understood.

"But I can't say these words in front of my mother, or they will think that I am not filial. So let me tell you, sister, I support you, just let it go, I will take a good look at it later Damn it, don't let her mess around." Qin Ailin continued.

Song Yan nodded: "You are sensible, well, let's cooperate and deal with this matter properly."

Qin Ailin nodded with joy on her face, Song Yan smiled at her, turned and left.

On the way home, she received a call: "Miss Qin, I'm from Su Construction. We've applied for it. We can give you a few more days to deliver the materials. We will advance other processes."

Song Yan was surprised: "Why is there a grace all of a sudden?"

The man smiled "hehe": "This is an order from our President Su himself. Don't Miss Qin have a good relationship with President Su?"

After hanging up the phone, Song Yan's face was gloomy.

After returning home for dinner, she called Su Xing: "Are you home?"

"what's up?"

"If you go home, I'll go find you. I want to talk to you about Qinshang Building Materials Company." Song Yan cut to the chase.

"Come down." He replied very directly.

Song Yan went downstairs and saw that Su Xing seemed to have just returned, and his tie had not been untied yet.

"I heard that you agreed with Qin Shang to delay delivery of building materials for a few days?" She asked directly.

"Is it not good? I heard that Qin Shang's capital chain has some problems." Su Xing tore off his tie and threw it on the sofa.

"No, I came to you to talk about this matter, and you don't need to be extra 'graceful' to give grace, the time is whatever time is agreed upon."

Su Xing was slightly surprised: "If you fail to deliver the building materials to Su's Construction within the agreed time, you will have to pay liquidated damages, which is a large amount."

"I know, that's why I came here to ask you not to be lenient. Only with heavy pressure from you can Qin Yanjun make up his mind to make a choice between his son and his own company." Song Yan replied in a deep voice.

Su Xing looked at her quietly: "It seems that you don't want your brother to get away from this incident?"

"If it's your brother, do you want him to get away?" Song Yan asked without answering.

For a prodigal son like Qin Jinnian, it is impossible to rely on family education. Only severe punishment by the law can teach him how to behave.

Su Xing smiled lightly: "It seems that you and I have the same trouble, that is, the incompetent younger brother."

"It's fine if they're just incompetent, not only ineffective but also a moth in society, then they need to be strictly disciplined! Paying the price for their own behavior is the first lesson they need to learn." Song Yan said in a deep voice.

Su Xing nodded: "I understand what you mean, okay, I will help you."

The next day, Song Yan did receive a call from Qin Yanjun: "Luhan, don't you have a good relationship with Mr. Su? I beg you, Dad, please go and ask Mr. Su for mercy?"

"What are you asking for? Are you telling others that we won't provide you with materials, and your materials will be paid to us on time?" Song Yan replied coldly.

"How could Dad ask you to intercede like this? It's just a few days of grace."

"Is it useful to have a few days of grace? You can make up for the missing materials within a few days. What do you get to make up for it? Qin Yanjun, don't forget that although I have a good relationship with Su Xing, he is a businessman , People don’t do business at a loss! Forgive me for being powerless, if you insist on saving your son, then you can sell the company, and you will have money.”

Qin Yanjun stopped talking and hung up the phone after a while.

Taking Su Xing's car to work the next day, Su Xing suddenly asked her: "If I find a way to buy Qin Shang, what do you think?"

Song Yan looked at him with raised eyebrows, and he said leisurely: "Our Su family has never stopped expanding in all walks of life. Qin Shang can be regarded as a relatively high-quality downstream material company for construction. If it is acquired, our Su family construction will at least You don’t have to worry about building materials, and you can also provide materials to other companies. For me, this is a profitable business.”

"Qin Yanjun agrees?" Song Yan asked.

"If he wants to save his son, he will probably agree. It's not that he sells all the shares, but only sells a part. He only becomes Qin Shang's minority shareholder. He can still have dividend income and can support your family. Waiting for Qin Shang to flourish in the hands of my Su family, the shares in their hands will also rise accordingly, and life will not be a problem."

"I don't care about their lives, I just think about how to get back what my mother deserves." Song Yan said coldly.

Su Xing thought for a while and said, "I asked him to transfer part of the equity to your mother."

"Will he agree?"

"He has to agree even if he doesn't agree, otherwise his company will go bankrupt, and it's easy for us Su to kill them."

Song Yan turned to look at Su Xing, feeling that he was extremely handsome when he was talking.

"Then I got the equity just like that. Didn't I take advantage of it?" Song Yan said with a smile.

"Who told you to be my girlfriend? I'll let you take advantage of it." Su Xing said leisurely.

Song Yan's face darkened, and his voice was muffled: "It's not like you don't know what my girlfriend is like, so there's no need to bring it up. I've benefited from you, and I'll remember to repay you."

She paused and said, "It's just that I'm somewhat unwilling to let Qin Jinnian escape legal sanctions."

"He can't escape. Not every victim can be settled with money, such as this family." Su Xing said unhurriedly.

"You—" Song Yan's eyes widened.

Su Xing smiled but did not answer.

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