When Song Electronics was mentioned, Song Yan suddenly became sober: "What's wrong with Song Electronics?"

"I knew you were interested in this matter, so let's go and listen, they are discussing." Tian Mimi smiled and pulled her towards Li Li and the others.

The three men, Li Li, Guo Jingchen and Meng Guanyi, were having a lively discussion.

"Really, is Xinchuang really going to acquire Song Electronics?"

"Yeah, I didn't know it before. Accountant Chen from the finance department who has a good relationship with me told me that it had been done in secret for a while. Only the people in the finance department knew about it, and it wasn't made public." Li Li proudly said answer.

"Since she told you now, it means that the acquisition is almost completed?" Meng Guanyi asked.

"To be precise, it has been completed. Now Songshi Electronics is our new company." Li Li said proudly, "Our company is now a big company and is expected to become a new leading company in the electronic component industry." !"

Song Yan's heart skipped a beat. When she suggested that Su Xing buy Song Electronics, he coldly rejected it. Unexpectedly, he secretly bought it anyway.

As he said, the acquisition of Song Electronics requires accepting its huge debts. He must have been under a lot of pressure after the acquisition, but even so, he still acquired it. Is it out of strategic considerations or out of...

She thought about pinching herself quietly with her nails to warn herself: Song Yan, don't be a peacock, who is Su Xing, how could he make a loss-making business for you?Do you have that much charisma?
Yes, he must have considered the pros and cons of the acquisition and made the decision!It must be so.but--

If he acquires Song Electronics and wants to take absolute control of Song Electronics, he should contact Yu Yiming to discuss about Haohao's shares.

Thinking of this, she walked out of the office and called Yu Yiming: "Yiming, about the shares of Song Electronics held by Haohao—"

"Oh, I haven't told you about this. During the period when I was injured, my assistant helped me deal with it. Your Xinchuang is going to acquire Song Electronics. Contact my assistant about the acquisition Pass--"

"Su Xing wants to buy Haohao's shares?" Song Yan interrupted him and asked.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yiming replied: "No, I didn't mention the issue of purchasing equity. I only said that Haohao should agree to the acquisition. After the merger in the future, Haohao can own Xinchuang's equity in proportion."

"Huh?" Song Yan was extremely surprised.

This is unreasonable. It stands to reason that the shares in Haohao's hands are no longer valuable when Song Electronics has reached that point. At this time, the best way for them is to buy them back at a low price. This is the most normal way to do business. way.

But Su Xing did not do this, but continued to let Haohao hold the shares. After the acquisition is successful, the shares in Haohao's hands will inevitably increase in value. This is equivalent to Su Xing doing everything. Haohao But it has benefited!
Of course, Su Xing will naturally control Xinchuang's absolute dominant equity, but Haohao also has a lot of shares in Song Electronics, so he is bound to become a major shareholder.He... what good would it do him?Let a child who has nothing to do with him enjoy the fruits of his labor...

"My assistant saw that this matter was only good for Haohao, and I was sick, so he didn't report it to me, and agreed directly for Haohao. I only listened to her report to me in the past two days." Over the phone Yu Yiming explained.

Song Yan thought for a while and asked, "Lawyer Yu, why do you think Su Xing did this?"

"I also find it strange." He paused, and said with some uncertainty, "Maybe he knows Song Yan?"

A gleam of light flashed in Song Yan's heart, and he hurriedly asked, "Why do you say that?"

Su Xing never seemed to show that he knew her!Could it be something in the elevator?

Song Yan shook his head vigorously, it was wrong, it happened many years ago, and he had to think about it for a long time before he remembered, let alone him, he didn't seem to have looked at her at all back then.Besides, even if he knew that the girl was her, he wouldn't have done so much for her.

"I've been a little skeptical about one thing." Yu Yiming said softly.

"What's the matter?" Song Yan raised his ears.

"Before, I heard about Haohao's falling into the water from someone else. Later, I accidentally learned that that person heard about it from a friend who worked under Su Xing."

Song Yan's heart skipped a beat: "You mean, Su Xing sent someone to tell you about Haohao's drowning on purpose, so you went to the hospital to settle accounts with Chen Jingbo?"

"That's right. I was a little sad about Song Yan's funeral. I didn't go. If someone hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known about it." Yu Yiming's voice darkened.

"So, Su Xing has been helping Haohao?"

"I think so."


"This is what I don't quite understand." Yu Yiming replied.

After hanging up the phone, Song Yan's heart was turbulent. She didn't expect Su Xing to do so many things behind his back.Could it be that he really recognized the girl in the elevator as Song Yan, and that's why he helped her son?
If this is the reason, then Su Xing is really a person who values ​​love and righteousness. For her, those few hours of comfort in the elevator were just a little effort, but he remembered that after many years She can still reciprocate, she should really thank him.

Thinking of this, she has a little more love for Su Xing in her heart. If such a person who values ​​love and righteousness really falls in love with a woman, he will definitely treat this woman very well. got a response...

Before getting off work in the afternoon, she purposely put on her makeup, hoping to show her best side in front of him.

When she was about to get off work, she received a call from Su Xing: "I may be a little late. If you don't want to wait for me at the company, come and find me. Tonight's restaurant is near my company."

"Okay, I'll go find you." Song Yan replied without hesitation.

She took the subway to Su's Building, and when she reported her name to the doorman, the doorman's eyes changed, and he said respectfully: "Miss Qin, you can go up, President Su told you that you don't need to come here in the future." Call to check."

It seems that his "official announcement" was carried out very thoroughly, and his company did not let it go.

With a little sweetness in her heart, she took the elevator upstairs. When the elevator reached the fifth floor, the door opened and a person walked in.

Song Yan suddenly tensed up and shrank into the corner of the elevator.

Su Xiaochang glanced at her with a half-smile, and said to her in a business-like tone: "Miss Qin, are you here to find Su Xing?"

"Oh yes."

"If you're dating, you might have to wait for him for a while. We happen to have an impromptu meeting." Su Xiaochang said, staring at him intentionally, "But there's nothing interesting in Su Xing's office, you can only look at your phone."

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