After an unknown amount of time, the ringtone of the mobile phone interrupted her daydreaming. She took out her mobile phone and saw the number on it, her heart shivered slightly.

Turning around and entering the corridor, she answered the phone, her voice sank: "Fifth Master Su?"

"You know about Su Xing's going to the North City, right?" Su Xiaochang asked in a serious tone, contrary to his usual indecency.

"Why?" Song Yan asked without answering.

"He went to Beicheng to meet an important person. It is said that the conversation is almost over, and he will soon win the super business district project!" Su Xiaochang said with a gritted teeth.

Song Yan thought to himself, Su Xing is really good, and it will be done after going out for a week.

"However, I don't cover him if he is capable. If he can find big shots, I can find them too. What I need now is to know his cards. After all, this kind of project still needs to be tendered. If I can know his bidding price , then the chances of winning are sure." Su Xiaochang said in a deep voice over the phone.

The more Song Yan heard it, the more frightened she became. She almost knew what Su Xiaochang wanted her to do, but she really resisted it in her heart.

If she really helped Su Xiaochang, wouldn't that mean that Su Xing had completely failed in the fight for Su's power?If Su Xing knew about this, he probably would never forgive her.

She hadn't fallen in love with Su Xing before, and she didn't expect that the core power of the Su family would be involved, so she thought, even if Su Xing found out, she didn't care.

But now it was different, she had fallen in love with him, and what he thought of her was more important to her than ever.

Thinking that he might not forgive herself, she felt a little pain in her heart...

However, since he agreed to Su Xiaochang at the beginning, if he regrets it now, will Su Xiaochang just let it go?
In a few seconds, her thoughts flowed in a big circle, and Su Xiaochang's words brought her back to her senses: "Now, the time has come for your help!"

Her heart skipped a beat and she didn't answer.

I heard him go on to say: "I need you to find a way to help me get his bidding documents!"

"I'm afraid I can't get close to this kind of confidential stuff? After all, it's related to his control over the Su family." Song Yan said hastily, "Besides, I don't have much intersection with his work. , isn't it suspicious to suddenly approach something he works on?"

"You don't have to worry about this, I will help you. I will find an opportunity to notify you, and then you just need to follow what I said, and you will be able to see the bidding documents. You don't need to take them away, just take a photo for me Just look at it." Su Xiaochang seemed to have studied the feasibility of this matter before.

Song Yan didn't answer.

Su Xiaochang's voice changed suddenly, with a bit of threat: "Qin Luhan! Don't forget the deal with me. So far, I have done everything for you. If you go back on your word, think about the consequences! Your biological mother , Chen Jingbo's child, your Qin family's business, and even your own safety, can you ignore all of these!"

Song Yan's heart trembled, Su Xiaochang really wasn't easy to provoke, if he broke the contract, he might not let him off.

It doesn't matter if she is in danger, but she can't let her mother and Haohao be in danger.

"Besides, if Su Xing knows that you are my man from the beginning, even if you don't help me to harm him later, do you think he will still believe you? By then, I think you will probably be nothing!" Su Xiaochang snorted coldly and said, "You'd better weigh it carefully."

Song Yan gritted his teeth hard, and had to say, Su Xiaochang was right, even if he quit now, there would be no good ending.

"Don't worry, fifth master, how dare I break the contract. You helped me so much before, of course I will follow the agreement. But we can agree, after I help you this time, our previous transaction It's over." She said to Su Xiaochang.

"Of course, as long as you can help me get Su Xing's bidding price." Su Xiaochang spoke nicely.

"Okay, you can make arrangements, just let me know when the time comes." Song Yan said in a deep voice.

When I was about to get off work at noon the next day, a delivery guy suddenly appeared in the office with a big delivery box in his hand: "Which one is Qin Luhan?"

Song Yan stepped forward in surprise: "I didn't order takeaway."

"I don't know about this. The people from the restaurant asked me to deliver it." The takeaway boy gave the takeaway box to Qin Luhan, got her signature and left.

Tian Mimi came around and looked at the huge takeaway box: "What's inside?"

"I don't know either." Song Yan frowned.

Tian Mimi went up to look at the takeaway post, smacked her lips and said, "Oh, this restaurant's Sichuan cuisine is one of the best in Haicheng!"

She said and winked at Song Yan: "Luhan, according to this style, it must be Mr. Su. He knows you like spicy food, so he specially ordered Sichuan cuisine from this restaurant for you."

Song Yan's heart jumped, a little bit of joy, but he still had a serious expression on his face: "I don't know who it is yet, don't talk nonsense."

Tian Mimi opened the takeaway box and took out the dishes inside. There were eight dishes in total, and they were still hot. As soon as they were taken out, the aroma filled the entire office, attracting everyone.

"Look at the quantity, six dishes are enough for the entire design department..." Tian Mimi rubbed her hands and said.

Song Yan smiled: "Then let's eat together!"

Everyone cheered together.

Just as everyone sat down, Song Yan received a call from Su Xing: "Is the food still to your liking?"

Sure enough, he ordered it. Song Yan was elated, and his voice subconsciously softened: "How do you know that I like spicy food?"

"I knew what you ordered last time." He said, "Let's have a good meal with your colleagues and eat more."

It seems that he deliberately ordered more, just to invite her colleagues to have dinner together.

"Thank you." She replied softly with her eyebrows curved.

"Don't be polite to me." His voice was very gentle.

Song Yan asked him what he had for lunch again, and he answered very patiently. He felt that he was very patient with her today, and the previous coldness disappeared.Could it be because of what happened yesterday that he was moved by her true feelings?

"Wait for me when you get off work and have dinner together." Before hanging up the phone, he instructed.

Song Yan responded a little shyly.

She was in such a good mood throughout the afternoon, always thinking of Su Xing's gentle voice, never thought that this man would be so careful when he was careful, what a treasure man!

She remembered Sun Fushang's previous evaluation of Su Xing, saying that he is a book, it seems that this is true, and it takes a deep and careful taste to dig out all kinds of good things about him!

Li Li and Guo Jingchen came in from the outside, not knowing what they were talking about, Song Yan was too busy thinking about Su Xing, but didn't pay attention.

It was Tian Mimi who hugged her: "Hey, don't be an idiot, didn't I just order lunch for you, as for being sweet for so long? Let's go and listen to what the boss said, it seems to be talking to Song It has something to do with Shi Electronics!"

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