This young master Sun has always been cold, making people afraid to approach him casually, not to mention other women, even the women of the Su family have never seen him get intimate with anyone!

"Why are you standing there, go and open the door for me." Su Xing frowned and shouted at the security guard.

Only then did the security come back to his senses, trotted all the way over to open the back seat door for Su Xing, Su Xing put Song Yan on the back seat and fastened his seat belt, and then got into the cab by himself, the black Bentley quickly sped away .

The security guard stared blankly at the rear of the car that was leaving Juechen, until he could no longer see it, then turned to look at the eastern sky. The sun might not be setting from the east today, right?

Young master Sun of the Su family, hugged a woman!

The car stopped at the entrance of Sacred Heart Hospital, and Sun Fushang was already waiting there.

"Go and see her." Su Xing got out of the car and muttered to the back seat.

Sun Fushang opened the door of the back seat of the car in a daze, and exclaimed, "Luhan! Oh, it's so hot!" Then he picked up Song Yan in his arms, and hurried all the way to the emergency room of the internal medicine department.

Su Xing woke up and turned around, her eyes were pure white, and the smell of hospital-specific disinfectant floated into her nose, making her quickly understand where she was.

Struggling to sit up, her big hands immediately pressed her shoulders, and a familiar voice rang in her ears: "Don't get up, you are a little weak now, you will feel dizzy when you get up."

She tilted her head slightly, and seeing Sun Fushang's warm smile, her heart immediately warmed up.

"I... this is?" She remembered that she was really sleepy at that time, so she fell asleep leaning on the armrest of the sofa.

"You have a fever of more than 39 degrees, and your lungs are a little infected. It was Su Xing who sent you to the hospital." When Sun Fushang was talking, his face was a little pained, "Although work is important, you can't be desperate, right? ?”

She raised her hand to stroke her forehead, and smiled weakly: "I think I just have a cold, and I will be fine after taking some medicine."

"Most people think this way, which makes the disease worse." Sun Fushang said as he brought over a bowl with the aroma of rice porridge floating in it, "Come on, let me feed you some dinner. "

Song Yan's boss was embarrassed: "Well, I'll drink it myself."

"Don't move, baby, just drink slowly." Sun Fushang didn't allow her to refuse, helped her up, put a pillow behind her waist, and then brought the spoon to her mouth.

Song Yan had no choice but to thank him with a slight smile and opened his mouth.

Just as he took the first mouthful of porridge, there was a coughing sound from the door. Song Yan and Sun Fushang turned their heads together and saw Su Xing standing at the door with arms folded.

"So weak that you can't even eat by yourself?" There was a vague mockery in his eyes.

Song Yan immediately reached out to grab the spoon in Sun Fushang's hand, but Sun Fushang stepped aside and said to her, "Leave him alone, I'll be happy to feed you, no matter what he says!"

He pushed her back and continued to feed her porridge, Su Xing did not leave, just quietly leaning against the door and watching.

The most embarrassing thing was Song Yan, that bowl of porridge was a bit tasteless.After finishing the drink with great difficulty, she looked at Su Xing: "Is President Su looking for me for something?"

"I would like to ask you a few questions about the questionnaire—"

"I said Su Xing, you are too exploitative. She has a lung infection, and you still have to talk to her about work!" Sun Fushang interrupted him with a loud voice before he finished speaking.

"Li Li said, you have the summary data of the questionnaire." Su Xing ignored Sun Fushang and looked straight at Song Yan.

Song Yan nodded: "It's in my bag." She said looking for the bag, but she couldn't find it. After thinking about it, she said, "I probably lost it in your office, Mr. Su."

Su walked in and sat on the stool opposite the hospital bed, looking at her: "If you remember, I hope to listen to you now. I want to grasp all the details involved and control the progress."

He paused, and then added: "I think you understand that Mu Nai's order is hard to come by, and it is also extremely important to Xinchuang. I must make sure nothing goes wrong."

Song Yan nodded, she really understood very well.

Mu Nai is a large international company. If he launches a new project, many powerful companies will definitely want to cooperate with him. Although Xinchuang is backed by Su, it is a new company and lacks experience. Su Xing must be able to get it It took a lot of work to make this list.Moreover, if this order can be completed with quality and quantity, it will be a very valuable experience for Xinchuang, which will be of great benefit to his future development.

That's why Su Xing paid so much attention to and followed up.

"After you report to me, I will give you a few days off tomorrow." Su Xing said again.

"No, I can participate in the design." Song Yan said immediately.

"Isn't it a lung infection?"

"The preliminary design will start tomorrow. You don't need to go to the company for the design, right? Although you may be in the hospital, your heart can also be at work." Song Yan smiled at him.

She followed this matter from beginning to end, and there was no reason to lose the chain during the preliminary design. If she did not participate in the preliminary design, she would not be able to follow up and participate in the subsequent matters.

Su Xing looked at her quietly for a while, then nodded: "Okay, I can let you enjoy special treatment, as long as your report is done well."

Song Yan turned to look at Sun Fushang: "Doctor Sun, I'm fine here, you go to rest?"

Sun Fushang smiled helplessly: "I think you two are both workaholics." After finishing speaking, he cleaned up the dishes on the table and left the ward, and closed the door for them.

After only the two of them were left in the room, Song Yan started her own report. She explained it in great detail, including the results of everyone's joint analysis and her personal judgment.

She spoke carefully, and Su Xing listened carefully, interrupting her to ask a few questions from time to time, and she could answer them fluently.

This kind of work went on for about an hour and a half. At the end, Song Yan felt dry mouth and hot all over. The nurse came in to take her temperature and said to Su Xing angrily: "The family members can't talk too much with the patient. , Let the patient have a good rest! Look, the fever is on again now!"

Only then did Su Xing stand up and say to Song Yan, "You have a good rest."

"President Su said that he will let me participate in the preliminary design!" Song Yan said hastily.

He looked at her with a gentle expression he had never had before: "Don't worry, I'll ask my assistant to send you the minutes of the meeting tomorrow. You should spend a few days in the hospital thinking about the first draft."

When he said that, Song Yan was finally relieved, and smiled at him as an answer.

Su Xing left the ward and saw Sun Fushang chatting with several nurses when he passed the nurse's station.

Seeing him coming out, Sun Fushang immediately went up to meet him: "You two have been reporting for work for a long time!"

"You've been waiting?" Su Xing walked straight to the elevator.

"I just came here not long ago, because I know that your time will not be short." Sun Fushang stepped up a few steps to follow him to the elevator, and his eyes fell on his face, "Looking at your expression, you are quite satisfied with her working ability ?”

"I still appreciate her attitude towards work." Su Xing replied.

Sun Fushang raised his eyebrows unexpectedly: "Tsk tsk, Mr. Su praised me, but it's really not easy! I remember you didn't like her before!"

The elevator door opened with a "ding", and Su walked in: "Appreciation and affection are two different things."

Sun Fushang didn't follow up, but just said "cut": "You just have to be stubborn!"

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