Opening the unit door, Su Xing originally planned to give Haohao to Song Yan, but seeing her drenched, he hugged Haohao and went straight upstairs.

When Shao Yujia saw Su Xing coming in with Haohao in his arms, he opened his mouth wide in surprise and remained silent for a long time.

Song Yan glared at her: "Mom, hurry up and give Haohao a hug."

Only then did Shao Yujia come back to his senses, and quickly took Hao Hao from Su Xing's arms, while keeping his eyes on Su Xing.

"Boss Su, thank you." Although she had choked on him before, she still had to thank him for his help.

He snorted, turned and left.

"Your umbrella!" Song Yan hurried to catch up and handed him the umbrella.

He took the umbrella and walked away quickly.

Looking at his back, Song Yan curled his lips and turned back to the room, only to see Shao Yujia's gossipy expression: "Luhan, I think you are very lucky, the men you know are more handsome than the other, tsk tsk, this one is even more handsome than Dr. Sun You must be handsome, and have a bit of a royal temperament, um... this is not bad."

Song Yan laughed: "Mom, what are you talking about, put Haohao on the bed!"

Shao Yujia went to let Haohao go, and Song Yan hurried to take a bath, but at night, he still sneezed, probably because the wind was too cold and he got a cold.

Afraid of infecting Haohao, she let Shao Yujia sleep with Haohao, woke up the next morning, hurriedly ate breakfast and rushed to the company.

Throughout the morning, everyone was analyzing the results of the questionnaire. Probably because they had been sitting in the room talking too much, Song Yan felt his head was groggy, and he felt a headache when he shook his head.

At noon, she didn't even have the appetite to eat. Tian Mimi came to see her and asked worriedly: "What's wrong with you, your face is blushing, and you feel out of spirits."

"It's just a little cold, it's fine." She felt a little cold as she spoke, and wrapped her air-conditioning shirt tightly.

Seeing her like this, Tian Mimi reached out her hand to probe her head, and then she was speechless: "Oh, I think you have a fever, should you go to the hospital?"

"It's okay, I'll just go buy some medicine."

"Otherwise, why don't you ask for leave this afternoon?" Tian Mimi suggested.

"No, there's so much work today. If I leave, the rest of you must have more work. I'm fine. I can persevere." Song Yan waved his hand quickly and said.

Moreover, she cannot be absent from the statistics and discussion of the questionnaire results. This is a key step in the design, and it depends on whether she can grasp the core needs and design ideas.

Tian Mimi thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll buy some cold medicine for you when I go shopping for food."

After taking cold medicine and drinking some hot porridge, Song Yan felt much better. He continued to fight with his colleagues in the afternoon. After analyzing the results of the questionnaire, they had a lively discussion. At the end, Li Li said: "Qin Luhan, You can see that you have recorded a lot, otherwise, you can summarize the results of today’s discussion, work overtime tonight, hard work, okay? This time the design task is heavy, we have to hurry, and try to be able to produce one tomorrow After the preliminary ideas, everyone can start to conceive the design.”

"Lu Han feeling—" Tian Mimi wanted to help Song Yan refuse, but was interrupted by Song Yan, "Okay, no problem."

Tian Mimi stared at her with wide eyes, and she smiled at her to reassure her.

After get off work, Song Yan stayed to work overtime, Tian Mimi was a little embarrassed: "I originally wanted to be with you, but today is my aunt's birthday, so I—"

"It's okay, I'll finish the information soon, you can go." Song Yan replied with a smile.

"If you don't feel well, just go home, don't hold on." Tian Mimi asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

After Tian Mimi left, Song Yan began to concentrate on sorting out the analysis data of today's questionnaire. She was very focused, and it only took about an hour to sort it out.After saving the file, he turned off the computer and was about to leave when the phone rang suddenly, and it was Li Li calling.

"Luhan, are you still in the company?" Li Li asked, as if he was relieved to learn that Song Yan hadn't left yet, "Well, I have to trouble you for something, Mr. Su wants to read our questionnaire, you can reply Shall I drop by when I get home?"

"Do you want all of them?" Song Yan asked in surprise, there were several bags of questionnaires.

"Yeah, I don't know what Boss Su wants to do with that, but it seems that he is very concerned about the design situation. He probably wants to see how the quality of our questionnaire is." Li Li's voice became a little heavy, probably Feel the pressure.

"Okay, then I'll send it over." Song Yan replied.

"Take a taxi, I will reimburse the fare!" Li Li replied immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Song Yan dragged the bags of questionnaires to the company standing by the side of the road, took a taxi, and went straight to Su's Building.

On the way, she felt a little short of breath and felt weak. She thought that her fever might be coming back, so she decided to go to the hospital after sending the questionnaire.

When she arrived at Su's Building, she asked the security guard at the door to help her carry her bag, and went up to the [-]th floor where Su Xing's office was located.

The other staff members were off work, the door of the office was open, and Su Xing was alone inside. When Song Yan walked to the door, he saw that he was buried in the documents, and there was still a thick "mountain" of documents piled up in front of him.

This person is hard enough, she thought to herself, knocking lightly on the door.

Su Xing raised his head in response, and when he saw it was her, he was slightly taken aback.

"I'm here to deliver the questionnaire." Song Yan immediately explained.

"Okay, wait a minute." Su Xing replied in a businesslike manner, and continued to look down at the documents.

Song Yan brought those bags in and saw that he ignored him, so he sat on the sofa against the wall and waited quietly, looking at his office by the way.

His office is very simple, just a place to work, completely different from Su Xiaochang's enjoyment-oriented decoration, it can be seen from this that he is a very pragmatic person.

After turning his head around and looking at it for a few times, Song Yan felt his brain ache and couldn't hold on any longer, so he leaned sideways on the handle of the sofa and closed his eyes...

Su Xing closed the document and looked up at the opposite side. The woman fell asleep lying on the armrest of the sofa!He's so courageous, he can still fall asleep facing the big boss!

After coughing twice, he called out in a deep voice, "Qin Luhan."

She didn't respond.

He frowned and raised his voice: "Qin Luhan!"

Still no response.

He got a little angry, stood up and walked towards her: "Are you here to sleep!"

She still didn't respond.

Walking up to her, he stretched out his hand and pushed her: "Get up!"

Her body was soft, and she fell down on the sofa with such a push.

Su Xing was stunned for a while, staring at her strangely flushed cheeks for a while, then suddenly realized something, bent down and reached out to stroke her forehead.

piping hot!

He frowned, stood still for a while, and dialed the phone: "Are you off work, don't go, I'll send someone there."

After hanging up the phone, he stared at her condescendingly for a while, then bent down and hugged her horizontally.

The security guard at the gate downstairs watched Mr. Su come out with the woman in his arms, his mouth wide enough to hold an ostrich egg.

He has worked in the Su's building for many years, there are many presidents here, most of them he has seen them come downstairs intimately with women, except this Young Master Sun of the Su family.

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