The Return of the Adorable Baby: Daddy Gao Leng Please Accept

Chapter 934 I'm afraid I'll never see him again

The doctor has seen this kind of situation a lot, so he was calm, waved his hand and said:
"It's quite common for patients to have this kind of situation. Ms. Lin doesn't need to worry too much."

"Thank you very much, doctor!" Lin Shengsheng breathed a sigh of relief, let go of the doctor with both hands, and bowed deeply.

The doctor was surprised by Lin Shengsheng's behavior. It seemed that he hadn't seen such a sincere person for a long time, so he couldn't help but smile in relief.

"Maybe you will be a little shocked by my behavior just now, or you may find it hard to understand.

Maybe he is just one of your patients to you, but he means something different to me.

He is an indispensable person in my life, and we have gone through many difficulties to get to where we are today.

It's hard for me to imagine, and I dare not imagine a day without him.Anyway, thank you very much! "

Lin Shengsheng said sincerely.

"It's my duty to treat illnesses and save lives. Miss Lin doesn't need to be so polite." The doctor's attitude towards her has changed a lot compared to before.

The doctor didn't know Leng Gongchen's identity yet, and his attitude toward saving someone just now was based on the benevolence of a doctor.

If he knew that the person he rescued was the president of the Leng Group, who controls the lifeline of the national economy, he would be shocked. Perhaps he should be glad that his hands didn't shake when he rescued people just now.

"Can I go in and see him?" Lin Shengsheng eagerly asked the doctor's permission.

"The patient's anesthesia hasn't passed yet, and the operation is a bit major. He's in the observation period. You can visit him later and let him rest first."

The doctor said truthfully.

"Doctor, something is going on here!" The little nurse shouted at the doctor.

The doctor hurried over.

After being tense for a long time, I can finally let go of my hanging heart.

"Why is Professor Li coming back at this time? Is there something important?" The doctors and nurses in the hospital were a little puzzled.

Uncle Li hurried back after receiving the call, looked at the crowd in front of him, and helplessly helped his forehead.

He thought to himself, I am not from an acrobatic troupe, so why did I attract so many people to visit?

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I have something urgent, please don't block the road."

He called out to the crowd: "Who admitted a heart patient a few hours ago? Male."

The doctor just raised his hand and said, "Professor Li, it's me."

He felt a little strange, the patient was out of danger, so could something be wrong?
"Take me there now." Professor Li said to him.

With some curiosity, a group of people followed Professor Li's pace and came to the door of Leng Gongchen's ward.

"Here we come, Uncle Li." Lin Shengsheng called out looking at the oncoming person.

"How is Gong Chen?" Professor Li looked at her.

Lin Shengsheng's complexion was a little dark, and she replied, "It's okay."

"Is the doctor in charge of Gong Chen here? Please tell me the specific situation of the patient!" Professor Li was a little anxious.

"The situation is fairly stable at the moment, and generally speaking, the physical condition is not optimistic.

After all, he had a sudden heart attack, and every moment was a variable.

Based on my experience, I am not sure that it can guarantee complete treatment. "

The doctor's voice became a little weaker when he spoke, but he still spoke clearly.

"Okay, I probably understand."

"Well, when his condition is generally stable, I'll make arrangements for the next hospital transfer." Lin Shengsheng felt a little more at ease.

Seeing Professor Li's serious face, everyone outside the ward was a little curious about the identity of the patient inside.

What kind of person is it that can alarm the pillars of their hospital?

Time passed quietly, and Leng Gongchen also quietly transferred to another hospital amidst the busyness of everyone.

No one knew exactly when he left, and the paparazzi guarding the hospital gate also returned empty-handed.

At the entrance of the ICU, a slender figure stood there, seemingly tireless.

She looked at the person lying on the hospital bed through the glass, holding back tears.

She is undoubtedly sad, but she can't show it, the person on the bed is still waiting for her to take care of, how can she fall down first?

"Thank you for your hard work, son, go and rest for a while." Professor Li looked at her and said with a sigh.

Lin Shengsheng looked at the pale Leng Gongchen on the hospital bed, and shook his head: "I'm fine, Uncle Li, don't worry."

The light in the ward was dim, shining on Leng Gongchen, making the atmosphere in the ward look a bit sad.

He seemed to be sleeping restlessly, his brows were tightly frowned, and there were tiny beads of sweat on his face, one could imagine how much pain the illness had caused him.

Although he couldn't empathize, Lin Shengsheng knew that he must be feeling bad now.

Thinking about it, she could no longer control her tears, and there was a slight sob outside the ward.

Seeing her like this, Dr. Li didn't know how to comfort her. He patted her on the shoulder and sighed helplessly.

"Uncle Li." Lin Shengsheng wiped the tears off his face:

"You've been tired all night, go back and rest first! I'm here to watch him, it's all right, I'm fine, I can hold on."

Dr. Li knew what she was thinking, so he said:

"You probably won't listen to what I say now, but you have to pay attention to your body.

Only by taking care of yourself can you have more energy to take care of him, right? "

"Okay, you go back, Uncle Li, I'll pay attention." Lin Shengsheng forced a smile that was uglier than crying.

"He may not wake up for a while, so don't worry too much.

If you are exhausted first and he wakes up and can't see you, he will be anxious and distressed. "Professor Li comforted.

"Thank you, Uncle Li." Lin Shengsheng lowered her head, tears streaming down her face again:
"Uncle Li, I'm so scared...I'm afraid that something will happen if I don't pay attention to him, and I'm afraid I'll never see him again."

As he spoke, he couldn't control himself anymore, and tears flowed down like a bank bursting.

She was afraid that if he left, she would never see him again.

"Girl, where do you want to go? This kid is dying, how can he leave without my permission?

Besides, his situation hasn't reached that level yet, don't worry. "Dr. Li reassured her:

"This kind of situation is relatively rare, and this fainting may take a while to wake up.

But as long as we find the root of the disease, we won't be in such a hurry to deal with it in the future, and everything will be fine. "

Lin Shengsheng returned a smile, expressing his reassurance, and then his eyes stayed on the hospital bed again...

The nurse changed shift, looked at Lin Shengsheng standing outside the ward, and exclaimed:
"Miss Lin, you didn't rest all night? Is your body able to handle it?"

Lin Shengsheng's face was pale and frightening, with bloodshot eyes all over his eyes.

After hearing what the nurse said, I forced myself to say to her: "I want to guard him, what should I do if he wakes up and can't see me?"

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