"Excuse me ma'am, the bridge in the city center is blocked and we can't get across."

Lin Shengsheng was also in a hurry, for them, human life was very important.

"What about the emergency passage? Why not take the emergency passage?"

"Emergency access is also blocked."

The doctor answered helplessly, reflecting the bridge question truthfully.

After listening to the doctor's words, Lin Shengsheng nearly passed out, her legs were trembling.

She hung up the phone, glanced at Leng Gongchen on her shoulder, and walked towards the car step by step, she wanted to drive away by herself.

It was the first time I felt so resentful, why didn't I live next to the hospital?

Lin Shengsheng was stumbled and knelt on the ground, supporting Leng Gongchen with all her strength to prevent him from falling to the ground.

Lin Shengsheng gasped in pain, blinked her eyes vigorously, and squeezed out the tears so as not to blur her vision.

"Leng Gongchen, if you die, I will never forgive you."

She has already worked so hard, I just hope he can see that she will not die for the sake of her hard work.

Lin Shengsheng doesn't believe that there is any soul in the world, and when a person dies, there is only a cloud of ashes left.

"If you die, I will be someone else's wife and bear children for others."

"In the future, all the meals I cook for you will be eaten by others."

"In the future, I will call someone else's husband, and I will never remember you again."

Lin Shengsheng said harsh words on purpose, hoping to irritate him.

"Shengsheng, I won't die."

Leng Gongchen's voice was even softer than the one coming from his throat, but this mosquito-like voice was simply heavenly to Lin Shengsheng!
"Gong Chen? Are you finally awake?"

Lin Shengsheng seemed to see the lights in winter.


Leng Gongchen's voice was so low that it was almost silent, only his weak snort breathed in Lin Shengsheng's ear.

"Just wake up, I'll take you to the hospital."

Lin Shengsheng was so moved that he almost cried again.

With Lin Shengsheng's insistence, the two finally got into the car.

She took a small path. Although the bridge was congested, other places were still open.

It only took about [-] minutes to reach the hospital, which was completely different from her usual cautious driving.

Lin Shengsheng was as reckless as a professional racing driver, running through several red lights in a row.

"I beg you, you must save him, you must save him."

Lin Shengsheng looked at the closed emergency room, where the lights were on.

She finally couldn't bear the exhaustion and slid on the ground, unwilling to move any more, panting slightly, as if all the strength in her body had been drained.

Lin Shengsheng was full of hope. He was so strong and good, so nothing would happen.

God had finally allowed me to meet him, and he would definitely not be willing to take him back.

Lin Shengsheng comforted herself over and over again, trying to suppress her fear, she couldn't think of some unlucky words.

"Ma'am, can I help you treat the wound?"

A nurse couldn't bear to look at Lin Shengsheng who looked like a lunatic.

Because of carrying Leng Gongchen on her back, Lin Shengsheng's arms and legs were covered with scratches.

Some places had already started to bleed, but Lin Shengsheng was worried that Leng Gongchen hadn't noticed.

Lin Shengsheng shook her head, her current injury is nothing serious.

"When the patient came in just now, he told us that he must help you treat the wound."

The nurse spoke softly.

Lin Shengsheng looked at her in disbelief.

In fact, the nurse couldn't believe it. The patient was already in a semi-comatose state, and she forced herself to finish the sentence before falling into a coma.

"Just now, the patient told me thousands of times that you must treat the wound first before he can rest assured."

The nurse said it again.

Only then did Lin Shengsheng endure the pain in his limbs and stood up: "Okay."


Without mental support, the physical pain became very clear, and Lin Shengsheng felt that his body was no longer his own.

"Miss, you are so persevering. If an ordinary person suffers such a serious injury, he will definitely not be able to move."

The nurse lamented Lin Shengsheng's strength.

Lin Shengsheng didn't say much, she didn't know why she was so strong, she couldn't stand a hole as big as a needle's eye.

"Miss, you should go to the orthopedic department to have a look after you have dealt with the trauma. I see that your feet and shoulders are swollen out of shape. It will be bad if the root cause of the disease occurs again."

The nurse didn't dislike Lin Shengsheng's current mess, and helped her go to the surgery department and the orthopedics department respectively.

Lin Shengsheng was supported by the nurse to run back and forth between the two floors, and finally she was wrapped up like a little mummy.

The nurse lent her a crutch. Lin Shengsheng sprained her ankle, and she probably won't recover for a month.

Lin Shengsheng hurriedly bandaged the wound in the hospital and returned to the emergency ward, pursing her lips and staring at the light on the ward.

Holding the mobile phone, she moved a little bit on the two numbers. She didn't know whether she should make these two calls.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law are getting old, and she is afraid that they will not be able to bear it, but it is not good to hide it from them, because it is their son.

When Leng Gongchen went in, he told her not to call others, he was afraid that they would be worried.

Lin Shengsheng was a little worried, he was already so ill, how could he be worthy of the elder if he didn't beat him?
If it's really not a last resort, she has to make this call. Although she doesn't want to, it's fate.

No matter how angry Leng Gongchen was, or how angry her in-laws were, she had to endure it.

These are not big things to her now, as long as Leng Gongchen is fine, she won't be afraid even if the sky falls!
When I arrived at the hospital, it was still past ten o'clock in the evening, and now it is already past four o'clock in the morning. If I live in a rural area, there must be the sound of cocks crowing at this time.

In the morning, there are more vehicles coming and going. There are many roads around the hospital, and a few vehicles pass by from time to time.

Lin Shengsheng stared blankly at the nurses coming in and out, and at first she even asked a few questions.

But knowing that she couldn't get the answer she wanted, she simply waited in silence.

Every time the nurse came out, she would subconsciously stand up, but when she saw that the light was still on, she had no choice but to sit down.

I don't know how long it took for a minute and a second, and the light finally went out.

Lin Shengsheng stood up from the chair all of a sudden, without using a cane, and hopped to the door of the operating room.

The moment the doctor opened the door, Lin Shengsheng rushed over:
"Doctor, how is the patient? Is he better?"

She didn't dare to say some unlucky words in front of the operating room, but just asked if he was better.

Lin Shengsheng's eyes were full of eagerness, completely lacking in the usual elegance and delicacy.

When it comes to matters related to Leng Gongchen, she can't maintain her usual dignity, she would rather look like a crazy woman.

As long as Leng Gongchen is fine, she can do whatever she wants.

Leng Gongchen, you must be fine, you will be healthy, right?

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