Unexpectedly, during the two hours that their family stayed in the hospital, Leng Yuanyuan and Chen Junkai took a plane and flew abroad...

They were also lucky, if Lin Shengsheng hadn't produced at that time, with Leng Gongchen's ability, they wouldn't be able to get on the plane at all.

The time has passed, and a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period of time, the wind and the sea were calm, and Lin Qianqian and Fang Lingyue seemed to have died down, making no further movements.

Leng Gongchen has been investigating them recently, but to his surprise, these two people seem to have evaporated from the world.

He thought confinement was when his wife was the weakest and Leng's family was the busiest, but they "showed mercy" and didn't come to make trouble?

He had been wondering in his heart that they seemed to be making some big moves...

Lin Shengsheng had just finished confinement, and hadn't gone shopping for a long time, so she made an appointment with a friend to go shopping in the mall.

The agreed place was Courtyard by Marriott, not far from home. Lin Shengsheng thought about it and planned to walk there directly, which happened to be good for recovery.

Passing by the last traffic light, Wanyi Plaza was close in front of her eyes. She raised her foot and was about to walk over, when she saw a few people surrounding her not far away.

She frowned and found a gap to look over.

I saw an old lady lying on the ground, looking extremely painful, frowning tightly and moaning.

There were a few people around who stopped to watch, and a few people left after just a glance, but no one came to help the old lady.

Lin Shengsheng frowned and walked over, when someone beside her suddenly stopped her:
"Miss, don't go there easily. There are a lot of people who touch porcelain now. How about I help you and record a video?"

Lin Shengsheng struggled for a moment, and finally shook her head. She had heard of this kind of blackmailing before.

But those are accidental events, so don't think too badly about people in this society.

And she believes in her character, she should not meet such a bad person.

She walked over directly and squatted beside the old lady, she asked with concern:
"How are you? Need help?"

The old lady's pale face was covered with beads of sweat: "Help me...my stomach hurts...it hurts so much!"

Lin Shengsheng couldn't help being worried: "Try if you can stand up, I'll take you to the hospital right now!"

As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone and planned to call a car directly.

After all, the old lady's complexion looks too ugly, if this continues, I'm afraid it will delay her illness.

When she was looking at her mobile phone, a shrewdness flashed across the old lady's face, and she quickly reached out to stop her:

"No...no need...I'll be fine after a while..."

Everyone in Lin Shengsheng was full of worry. How could he not go to the hospital if he was so sick!

At this time, she noticed that the old lady's clothes had been patched a few times.

She looked at her sympathetically, no wonder the old man insisted not to go to the hospital, probably because he couldn't afford the medical bills.

"Don't worry about the medical expenses, I'll just pay for it for you!"

"No...no need!" The old lady refused straight away.

Lin Shengsheng sighed, thought for a while and said:
"Actually, it's okay for me to pay you some medical expenses. This amount of money is nothing to me. You have to trust me."

The old lady couldn't help the corners of her eyes twitching, and then her whole face twisted, as if she was in extreme pain:

"This is an old problem of mine... There is no need to go to the hospital, there is a pharmacy not far ahead... Please just help me there..."

The old lady said, squeezing her hand vigorously.

Lin Shengsheng's painful hand was about to cramp. The old lady seemed to be in great pain, why not pinch her so hard?

But this old man is stubborn enough, even after this, he still insists on not going to the hospital or accepting her help.

She is also helpless, so do as she says.

She supported the old lady and walked forward.

I thought it would take a little effort, but I didn't expect that the old lady insisted on supporting her body, as if she didn't want to trouble her.

Lin Shengsheng sighed in her heart, she is such a poor old lady, she was born like this due to illness, and she is still so strong.

"Old man, you can just rely on me. You don't need to support your body. This pharmacy is not far away. It's no problem for me to help you."

She frowned as she spoke. She had visited this place a few times before, but she really didn't notice that there was a pharmacy nearby.

The old lady noticed that she seemed to be thinking about something, a trace of vigilance flashed across her face, and then a few tears flowed from her cloudy eyes:

"You are such a good girl... Actually, I also have a daughter... If she is still alive, she should be about the same age as you..."

The old lady said, tears streaming down her cheeks.

All of Lin Shengsheng's doubts were instantly dispelled, and she looked at the old lady more sympathetically.

It's really unfortunate that everyone has his own misfortune. She thought that this old lady was not filial to her children and abandoned her on the street.

I didn't expect her to be so miserable. It's the hardest thing in the world for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person.

Lin Shengsheng is also a mother herself, she couldn't imagine that if Mengmeng...

She immediately pouted a few times in her heart, how could such a thing happen!
According to the old lady's instructions, Lin Shengsheng helped her into a small alley. After turning a few turns, the alley was full of twists and turns.

The old lady kept talking about what happened when her daughter was alive, and she didn't pay attention to the road conditions all the way.

Until she raised her head and found that the road ahead had come to an end.

And the old lady next to her didn't seem to be in pain any more, instead she was in good spirits.

Lin Shengsheng stopped subconsciously, feeling a sense of foreboding.

She looked around and found that apart from the old houses, there was no pharmacy as the old lady mentioned.

"Old man, are you confused by the pain and went to the wrong place?"

She scolded herself in her heart, why should she meddle in her own business?Why be kind?Why don't you listen to passers-by!
She already had a bad premonition, maybe this old lady was sent by someone to target her?

As it turns out, it really is.

The old lady threw her off, and her movements were nimble and quick. Before Lin Shengsheng had time to react, the old lady turned a corner and disappeared completely.

Lin Shengsheng's heart skipped a beat twice, how could this happen?
The old lady was lying on the side of the road in pain just now, but now she runs faster than her!
No longer thinking about it, she looked around carefully. If the old lady deliberately tricked her here, the purpose would definitely not be so simple.

She tried hard to remember the way she came here, trying to find a way to go back.

After finding an alley, she walked in that direction, reaching into her bag to take out her mobile phone.

She suddenly paused and her face turned pale... When did the phone disappear!

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