"Hearing this movement, I seem to be in a hurry." Leng Gongchen frowned, walked over quickly, and opened the door.

"Did you see Yuanyuan?" Li Qingzhen rushed in.

"Isn't Yuanyuan resting in her room?" Lin Shengsheng was puzzled by her question.

"Did you see it?" Li Qingzhen held Leng Gongchen's hand tightly.

"I just came up from downstairs, I didn't see it, what happened to my sister?" Leng Gongchen was even more confused.

"Help me find it quickly. Your sister is missing. She was scolded by me and ran away from home, right?"

Li Qingzhen was so anxious that she was about to cry: "I wouldn't scold her if I knew about it."

"When did you find out?" Leng Gongchen hurriedly picked up his coat.

"Just now all the guests at home dispersed, I thought she didn't eat anything at night, so I planned to wake her up for a supper.

However, when I opened the door, there was no one there. "Li Qingzhen almost burst into tears:
"What should I do? It's all my fault. I shouldn't scold her. It must be because my attitude is too firm, so she left in despair. "

"Don't talk about it now, maybe my sister just went somewhere to relax, let's go to her room and take a look."

Leng Gongchen said that he was about to go out.

"Wait! I'll go too." Of course Lin Shengsheng was not at ease.

The three went to Leng Yuanyuan's room together.

Everything in the room remains the same, nothing seems to have changed, and people don't seem to have left.

But Lin Shengsheng found a problem: "Where is the big suitcase that was put here?"

Leng Gongchen and Li Qingzhen took a look: "This kid really ran away from home, right? He took all the suitcases with him."

"Call, hurry up and check!" Lin Shengsheng said hastily.

Leng Gongchen took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off..."

"It's turned off." Li Qingzhen's face turned pale: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault, I shouldn't have forced her like that..."

She cried in despair.

"Mom is fine. My sister may just be bored and go out to relax. Don't worry too much." Lin Shengsheng supported her and quickly comforted her.

"I shouldn't have forced her like that..." Li Qingzhen regretted endlessly.

Leng Gongchen also quickly said: "Mom, don't worry too much, I'll let Wang Kang take a look now, as long as he is still in the country, I can investigate.

Even if I'm not in China, I can know where she went, and nothing will happen.

My younger sister is an adult, and it's not that she hasn't been out before. Mom, don't worry too much. "

"What you said makes sense." Li Qingzhen breathed a sigh of relief: "Hurry up and get someone to investigate, hurry up!"

"I'll make a call now." Leng Gongchen took out his mobile phone and said to Lin Shengsheng: "You help me take care of my mother."

Lin Shengsheng nodded: "Go and do your work."

Leng Gongchen then walked out.

"Mom, let me help you go back to your room!" Lin Shengsheng helped Li Qingzhen go downstairs.

Li Qingzhen wiped her tears while walking, when suddenly her foot slipped and she nearly fell to the ground.

Lin Shengsheng hurriedly supported her with all his strength, but he sat down on the stairs.

She slid down several steps in a row, and suddenly froze in pain.

"My God! Shengsheng! Are you okay!" Li Qingzhen turned pale with shock: "Gong Chen, come quickly, it's terrible! Hurry up! Shengsheng is bleeding!"

Leng Gongchen, who was on the phone, panicked when he heard the movement, and threw the phone in his hand in fright.

He ran towards the stairs, and when he ran, he saw Lin Shengsheng sitting on the stairs, with blood oozing from the ground.

"Hurry up, hurry up and send Shengsheng to the hospital!"

Li Qingzhen couldn't care about looking for her daughter now, her face turned pale with fright.

Leng Gongchen couldn't care about anything else, rushed over to report Lin Shengsheng, ran downstairs and got into the car.

"You hold on, I'm going to the hospital now!"

He put Lin Shengsheng on the back seat of the car, took off his coat and covered her, and Li Qingzhen also got into the car.

He sat in the driver's seat, started the car suddenly, and the car rushed towards the hospital like an arrow off the string.

The hospital was already ready, and Li Qingzhen had already called on the way to get in touch with the hospital.

So after the car stopped, the medical staff brought a stretcher, and Lin Shengsheng was carried into the emergency room lying on the stretcher.

Leng Gongchen and Li Qingzhen were waiting at the door.

Leng Xuri and Lin Haishan are also on their way after hearing the news.

"Son, it's all my fault, it's all my fault!" Li Qingzhen regretted endlessly:

"You said that Yuanyuan is already an adult, what could happen, why am I so flustered? I'm sorry for causing Shengsheng to become like this!"

"Mom, don't be sad, there shouldn't be anything wrong, Sheng Sheng Ji has his own destiny.

Besides, the child is almost full term, and it should be no problem if he was born a few days earlier. "

Leng Gongchen was actually worried, but he couldn't bear to see his mother like this, so he said a few words of comfort.

Li Qingzhen wiped her tears there, feeling really sad.

No matter how much she cared about her daughter, she couldn't ignore her daughter-in-law's feelings.

What's more, Shengsheng's stomach is still so big, she really shouldn't do it well as a mother-in-law!

All I can do now is pray that she and her baby are safe.

Leng Xuri and Lin Haishan also arrived soon, waiting at the door of the operating room.

After more than two hours, the doctor came out and took off his mask with a smile on his face.

Leng Gongchen seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and hurried up to greet him: "Doctor, how is the patient?"

"Mr. Leng, congratulations on the birth of your son and daughter!" The doctor said with a smile.

"What?" Leng Gongchen still didn't realize it.

"Silly son, the doctor said Shengsheng is fine, and gave birth to a daughter for you!" Li Qingzhen was the first to react.

When Leng Gongchen heard it, he couldn't believe it:

"Doctor, is what you said true? Did you really give birth to a daughter? Is Shengsheng all right?"

"President Leng, please don't worry, Madam, mother and daughter are safe, but the child was born a few days prematurely.

It has been placed in the incubator now, you can go and have a look at it later. "

The doctor smiled and nodded.

"I have a daughter, I have a daughter!" Leng Gongchen was very happy, and asked after a while: "What about Shengsheng?"

"Madame is asleep because she is too tired," the doctor said, looking behind her.

The nurse came out with the cart, and Lin Shengsheng really fell into a drowsy sleep.

Leng Gongchen's family rushed forward and followed them to the ward.

Seeing Lin Shengsheng's peaceful sleeping appearance, everyone couldn't bear to disturb her, and left the ward one after another.

Leng Gongchen walked out of the ward, muttering to himself: "I have a daughter, I finally have a daughter!"

Li Qingzhen suddenly thought of her daughter, and asked, "Where is Yuanyuan?"

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