Lin Qianqian simply brought up the school affairs to suppress what Lin Haishan said.

Lin Haishan laughed instead:
"But he is still young now, and there are still two years before he goes to school. If you buy such good clothes for him in such a hurry, you won't be able to wear them by then.

Besides, the purpose of going to school is to learn knowledge, so why compare these things?This is unhealthy tendencies, you know? "

"Don't worry about it, it's always like this in school." Lin Qianqian got a little impatient:
"And Dad, have you ever thought about how much it costs to raise a child from childhood to adulthood?

Now we have to bring someone out to accompany him and take him with him. Even if one person goes to work, it will not be enough for the family to spend.

Thousands of dollars a month is hard to say, and we can’t even pay the utility bills at home. How do you ask us to support this child! "

"Then according to what you mean, this child is a dead end by your side, can't you support him?" Lin Haishan also became angry:
"Look at many couples out there, if they have one child or two, which one didn't grow up, and which one didn't raise well?
Just the two of you, the house is well bought, and you can't afford to raise a child. If you can't afford it, you can put it with me, and I will take care of it! "

"Dad, don't be angry. Qianqian said that because she was anxious. She didn't do it on purpose. You know her temper. She just said it without intention."

Seeing that Lin Haishan was angry, Zhang Wenwu quickly comforted him.

"Do you hear what she said without any intention? This is where you are sad, and it is really heartbreaking.

I've said it all, if you really can't afford it, just leave the child with me. I'll find a nanny, and I will take care of the child, so you can rest assured. "

Lin Haishan shook his head.

This is also his own daughter. If it was someone else's child, he would have kicked her far away.

This is too unreasonable, how can there be such a reason!
"I don't need my father to raise my own children. I just want to get what I deserve?" Lin Qianqian frowned.

When did this old man become so grumpy, and he was so happy to pay for a villa.

She doesn't want the whole company, but only half of the shares. Is it so difficult?
"What do you want? What do you deserve?" Lin Haishan looked up at her.

It's really greedy, this face is too ugly!

"The company, as well as the legacy left by my grandfather, is half of my share, right? There are no boys in our family, just me and my elder sister.

Shouldn't the two girls be split equally? "Lin Qianqian felt that her request was not too much.

"That company was left by your grandfather. You must be clear about this. Your grandfather left a will, and the company and property are in your sister's name.

Didn't you see that when I came out to live in a villa I bought myself?But it's not that your sister doesn't let me live, I just don't want to go back and feel sad.

And let me tell you, those things are all in your sister's name, it's useless for you to tell me about them, I can't make the decision. "

Lin Haishan really didn't know how to persuade the second daughter:
"I think you should keep your feet on the ground. It's best to find a job and take care of your children. You don't need to think about other things."

"It's my grandfather's company. If you want to keep it, you should leave it to your father. How can you leave it to your granddaughter?" Lin Qianqian immediately retorted.

There are 1 unconvinced in her heart, how is this possible, no matter what happens today, she will convince her father to give her half of the company!
"Did you forget? When I had a car accident abroad, everyone thought I was dead.

Your grandfather only thinks that I am not alive, why is it so strange to leave things to the eldest granddaughter? "

Lin Haishan can explain this matter, and this is the truth, and there is no need for him to lie.

"Then do I deserve it? I just should be inferior to my sister in everything, and give her everything, and I don't even get a fart, right?"

Lin Qianqian stood up excitedly.

"I didn't say that, but this is your grandfather's decision, and I have no way to question it, the things are not in my hands now.

If I were to be the master, or the company is in my hands now, I need to distribute it to you two sisters, and I will definitely be level.

But the company is your grandfather's property, and your grandfather can give it to whoever he wants, which is clearly stipulated by the law. "

Lin Haishan really didn't know what to say about this second daughter.

It's just nonsense, what's the use of pestering him if the things are not in his hands?

"Even if the company doesn't belong to Dad now, you still have the shares in your hand, right?" Lin Qianqian thought for a while and grasped the key point!
"I still have a little more shares, what do you want to say?" Lin Haishan frowned.

He will never give out this share, although it is not much, he is keeping it for his retirement.

Unexpected things happen to people, and when they get old, they don't know what the situation will be like. It is safer to have a little money in hand.

Therefore, he will keep this share forever.

"Since my sister has taken the entire company, then give me the share in your hand.

Dad, didn't you say that you can't decide the situation of the company?Then you can always be the master of your own shares, right?
You just need to give me the shares, and then let me take the company's share every year, and then I can raise my children well! "

In order to be able to persuade Lin Haishan, Lin Qianqian even found such an excuse.

Lin Haishan was a little speechless, but he still spoke resolutely:
"Qianqian, you are my daughter, I hope you are well, and I also hope that you can raise your child well.

I told you when I bought you a villa, don't come to me for other things.

And the fact that the child came back to you was also caused by yourself, not your sister and brother-in-law at all.

Now that you have a villa and your child has been brought back, you come to ask me for living expenses and shares in the company.

Do you think I'm a cash machine?As long as you come to ask me for money?Who gave you such confidence? "

"Father, it's meaningless for you to say that. I gave everything to my sister. Are you reluctant to give me even a little share?"

Lin Qianqian still didn't give up.

"I will tell you clearly that I will never take out this share. This is my pension money. I will only take out this share unless I die!"

Lin Haishan said firmly.

Lin Qianqian also noticed his attitude, but she didn't give up:

"Father, as far as I know, you should still have a lot of money, even if you don't tell me how much.

I can also think that the amount should be very huge. You have so much money, do you still need to leave pension money? "

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