"I don't have any other requirements. I think the Lin Group belongs to our family. When grandpa was alive, he was biased and looked towards my sister in everything.

He left the company and all his properties, as well as villas and other things, to his sister, and I didn't have any. "

Lin Qianqian said, looking at Lin Haishan with resentment.

In this matter, she really felt that she had been wronged a lot.

"Then have you ever thought about why your grandpa would do this? If you are a filial child, why would grandpa treat you like this?
I know very well what kind of person your grandfather is. He has never been confused. I have heard your sister say it.

How did you treat grandpa back then, you abused him and turned him into a dementia, and your sister snatched him away, yet you are still entangled and resentful.

Later, you snatched grandpa over again. I know all these things, but I didn't tell you, if it's just about the company's distribution.

It's true that grandpa is eccentric, but judging from all the things, if you were grandpa, how would you distribute it? "

Lin Haishan looked at Lin Qianqian and said unhurriedly.

Lin Qianqian looked at the coffee table in front of her and didn't speak.

It was the first time Zhang Wenwu had heard of such a thing, and he looked at Lin Qianqian in surprise. He really hadn't heard that Lin Qianqian had such a side.

How much hatred would it take to cause an old man to become dementia? What was this woman like back then?

Zhang Wenwu shook his head secretly.

"Don't be silent, if what you say makes sense, then I will agree with you." Lin Haishan continued:

"I wasn't at home for more than ten years. I didn't take care of your grandfather until he died. Your sister took care of him.

The two of you sisters are completely in sharp contrast. One is in the sky and the other is in the ground. If you were grandpa, who would you give things to?
Would you be willing to hand over a piece of land that you have worked so hard to bring to a granddaughter who doesn't show filial piety to him but abuses him instead? "

Lin Haishan actually wanted to talk about this matter before.

However, he felt that it was a bit unreasonable for him to ignore his two daughters after being outside for so many years.

If you mention this again, it seems a bit unreasonable.

So I suppressed the matter in my heart. I didn't expect Lin Qianqian to say this matter suddenly today. Of course, he wanted to speak out what was in his heart.

"That being said, no matter what, I have the right to inherit. Although I didn't treat him very well, I raised him for a while at that time.

Do you think I just threw him outside?Even if I treat him a little bit badly, at least I take care of his food and life, right? "

Speaking of these things, Lin Qianqian didn't feel how wrong she was.

Isn't he just a bad old man?Early is death, and late is also death. It is better to die early and be liberated sooner.

Isn't it like this?
To some extent, she also helped the bad old man, otherwise the bad old man would have to suffer a little bit before he could leave.

Lin Haishan didn't know what she was thinking. If he knew what she was thinking, he would have slapped him with two big mouths at this time.

"Is it filial piety to take care of him? Why don't you say that you abused him? You beat an old man so hard that he couldn't get out of bed, why didn't you mention it?
Also, don't say that you raised him, you forgot, where do you care about the source of income for him to eat and live?Isn't it the family business he worked hard for?
Isn't it the profits from the company he worked so hard to get you to support him?So what right do you have to say that? "

Lin Haishan was also very angry when he talked about this matter.

On the one hand, it was because he himself had not fulfilled his filial piety, and on the other hand, it was also because he was angry at Lin Qianqian for doing such an outrageous thing.

"Father, you are wrong to say that. Although the company belongs to Grandpa, it is also the result of my hard work. I have attracted so many customers.

It takes so much profit to get money, do you think that the company was opened there for nothing, and I can count the money without doing anything? "

When Lin Qianqian said this, she became a little excited.

"Are you embarrassed to say? I've already asked your sister, how much money the company has lost in the projects it took over from you, don't you have any idea?

You and your ex-boyfriend, the one who is still in jail, how many hook-ups you have done secretly, do you really have no idea in your heart? "

Lin Haishan has investigated all the situation after returning.

"That is already a thing of the past. Now I have learned it well, don't you see? I also live with Zhang Wenwu in a down-to-earth manner.

Now that the child has come back to me, our family of three is considered complete, so dad, can't you help us! "

Lin Qianqian frowned and looked at Lin Haishan.

She originally thought that the old man would easily agree to any of her requests.

She didn't expect that he would be so difficult to deal with, and he would come to teach her a lesson. She didn't come to ask someone to teach her a lesson.

"You live your life in a down-to-earth manner. Why are you telling me these things? Aren't the three of you very happy?

Before, you kept saying that your sister didn't give you the child, and how pitiful it was that you couldn't have a child.

Now that the child is here with you, and I bought you a villa, it shouldn't be a problem for the two of you to find a job to support yourself, right? "

Lin Haishan was full of anger.

This little girl is getting more and more outrageous, she is simply pushing her feet, she is extremely greedy, and her heart will never be satisfied.

"I also want to live in a down-to-earth way, but you don't even think about how I can live a down-to-earth life when this child comes back to me?

Even if we both go to work, can we afford to support him? " Lin Qianqian said plausibly.

"Why can't I afford it? How much can this child eat?" Lin Haishan couldn't understand the second daughter's thoughts.

"Do you think it's enough just to feed him? Look at the clothes he's wearing. Each one costs [-] to [-] yuan.

How can I have so much money to buy clothes for him?If you don't start a company or start a business, you can't raise this child at all! "

Lin Qianqian said immediately.

"Children don't necessarily have to wear such expensive clothes? I think it's the same for any clothes. Look at what clothes I'm wearing?
Don't you still buy them casually on the street?My whole body is only five or six hundred yuan. " Lin Haishan pointed to himself.

"Father, don't use that old thinking to judge today's children. Children will be compared in school, who wears better clothes, and who wears more expensive clothes.

If he can't compare with others, he will feel particularly inferior, do you understand? "

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