Lin Haishan nodded: "I have managed the company anyway, how could I not know the truth of it.

I know you are thinking about it for the future, I can understand this matter, but this child is here now, I am afraid that you are not safe! "

He is worried that Pingping seems to do everything now, he is exactly the same as his mother, it is really hopeless, how could it become like this?

He is already so old, he has no other extravagant hopes in his life, he only hopes that his two daughters can live in harmony.

Although he hated his little daughter very much, she was his own after all, so it was impossible to say that he didn't care about her.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have bought such a big villa for the couple to live in.

He definitely didn't want to see this matter turn out like this, but now there is no way to solve it.

"It's just a small child, just send a few nannies to watch over it, don't worry, Dad, we won't do anything to him.

I just want to keep things clean and tidy. Leng Gongchen comforted him with a smile.

"Don't you believe me? If you want to treat this child badly, you don't need to wait until now.

And I also know that you respect me, so you called me over to tell me these things. "Lin Haishan was a little moved:

"This is your family business. You don't need my consent to make such a decision, but you still call me here. You really treat me like a family."

"That's what it should be. After all, this child is your grandson, and Lin Shengsheng is also your daughter, so you must be informed.

Otherwise, it will be unclear in a few words what kind of misunderstanding arises at that time. "Leng Gongchen is very thoughtful in doing things.

"Yes, when do you plan to settle this matter? If you can't send it away, I can send the child there then.

Let me tell you the truth, I have already bought them a villa in the south of the city, far away from here.

I hope their family of three can live a good life there, I know that I may be too partial in doing so, maybe I should give you a share too.

I think you can earn money, so I let you suffer, and sometimes I feel sorry for you.

If you need to buy another villa, tell me when you have chosen one, how about I buy one for you too? "

Lin Haishan simply told all the things, so that he can bear less things in his heart, and he really can't resist now.

"Father, you don't have to say that, we have a place to live now, besides, my family has a lot of villas, why do I want you to buy them?

Besides, it's no secret that you bought them a house in the south of the city. I've heard about it a long time ago, but I just didn't care.

To put it bluntly, the two of them are homeless, pestering you and insisting that you buy them a house, I know something about it. "

Leng Gongchen saw that his father-in-law had told the truth, so he didn't hide what he knew.

"So you already knew?" Lin Haishan was even more moved. This son-in-law knew what he had done, but he hadn't exposed him yet.

Really a rare good son-in-law.

If that Zhang Wenwu was half as good as Leng Gongchen, his second daughter should be better too.

As the old saying goes, those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black, which is not bad at all.

What he didn't know was that now Zhang Wenwu had to listen to Lin Qianqian in everything, so how could he learn it well?

As long as Zhang Wenwu himself doesn't get corrupted, it will be the best result.

"I've heard of it before, but I never paid it much attention.

I don't want to take care of this matter either. If I wanted to, I would have spoken a long time ago. "Leng Gongchen said with a smile.

"I plan to settle this matter this weekend, the company has piled up a lot of work in the past few days, and I have been staying with Lin Shengsheng in the hospital.

I don't have much time to deal with it. It will probably be better by the weekend, when I will hold a press conference.

For the household registration, I will send someone to handle it. Dad, where do you think his household registration is better now? "

Leng Gongchen asked Lin Haishan this question.

Lin Haishan thought for a while and said, "Of course it's best to put it under his parents' name, I think about putting it under my name, but I'm afraid there will be any disputes in the future.

After all, I intend to give the company to you. If the account is with me at that time, he will let the children snatch the company.

If I'm not here by then, won't you have nothing to do? "

"It would be best if he could arrange the household registration under his parents' names in one step.

Of course, where is their current household registration? " Leng Gongchen asked.

"I don't know if Lin Qianqian's household registration has been moved. Zhang Wenwu's household registration should be usable. He is still in his hometown and has not been moved. He can hang up immediately."

Lin Haishan thought for a while:

"However, this matter is a bit troublesome. You must provide a certificate in person. If you go to the police station, how can you change your residence without those certificates?"

"Father, of course he will find a solution, so don't worry about it." Lin Shengsheng was very confident about this.

Lin Haishan slapped his forehead: "I forgot that what my son-in-law wants to do can't be done? Why do we need to worry so much!"

"No, it's just because Zhang Wenwu worked under me before, and I have all the information he has.

So this matter is not so laborious, I just copy a few copies and take it over. Leng Gongchen explained with a smile.

Lin Haishan finally understood and nodded:
"Okay, then do as you say, I have no opinion."

Seeing that Lin Haishan agreed, Lin Shengsheng and Leng Gongchen didn't have too many worries, and went directly to the next room to call their subordinates to prepare for the matter.

Pingping cried again at this time:
"Grandpa, can you not let mom and dad not want me, I didn't mean it at all, I just splashed the water out when I was playing in the bathtub.

And I took off my mother's cover. I was afraid that my mother would be bored. I really didn't want to kill my mother. Grandpa, can you believe me? "

Lin Haishan shook his head:
"What did grandpa tell you? Can children lie? If you do such a thing and lie like this, grandpa won't like you in the future."

His complexion is indeed a bit ugly. If he wants to talk about this matter, he really can't get rid of it.

If he hadn't secretly let this child meet Lin Qianqian often, Pingping wouldn't have become so bad.

After all, his heart is too soft, and that little daughter's heart is too hard!
Pingping just rubbed his eyes and cried.

"Tell grandpa well, what did your aunt tell you?" Lin Haishan asked while holding Pingping's hand.

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